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I have a few applications that use a single or multiple XML sockets, but after users are updating to they experience sporadic disconnects from the servers.
Is there any known issue that could be causing this? Or has the XMLSocket changed in some way?
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Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. I don't know of any changes to XMLSockets, but I'd like to help investigate. Do you have any sample code or application that we can test with to reproduce the problem? Have you found this occurs cross platform? And did this occur with the original AIR 2.0.2 release?
If you'd like to privately send code or an application, please feel free to email me at Please remove the attachment's file extension so it can get past our email filter.
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Is there any update if this truly was a bug in Air
I am running into the same issue with my application. With mine the error does not occur with Air
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I have not been able to reproduce the XMLSockets issue yet. I did confirm a completely separate UI related issue that Tom reported, but reproducing the socket issue has been problematic (due to a couple of external factors.) It's still high on my todo priority list and it would be very helpful to have additional applications to test against.
Would it be possible to get access to your application (or sample app) that reproduces the issue? Please feel free to email me at
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I wish I could send a sample application that reproduces the issue but I have not been able to reproduce it outside my application which I can not send. If I discover anything to help resolve this issue I will let you know.
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Here's the code I've been using to try and reproduce the disconnect. I'm running on Windows 7, the server is using ActivePython 2.6 and my AIR apps have been built with Flex 4.1 / AIR 2 and running on AIR 2.0.3 runtime. No luck so far...
# import socket and select module import socket, select # define checkData function that is the core of our Socket comunication def checkData(): #create an infinitive loop to check data from an AIR client to another one while True: # use select module to allow an application to wait for input from multiple sockets at a time inputready,outputready,exceptready =,[],[]) for s in inputready: if s == theSock: # add a client to the socket connection client, address = theSock.accept() input.append(client) else: try: # comunication between client and server: manage traffic data data = s.recv(1024) # in tempConn we put all client without server connection tempConn = input[1:len(input)] if data: for i in tempConn: # send to all client any messages i.send(str(i.getsockname()[0]) + ": " + data) else: client.close() input.remove(s) except socket.error, e: # Remove inputs.remove(s) #define socket connection: address, port and type of socket connection theAddress = ('localhost',1024) theSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) theSock.bind(theAddress) theSock.listen(5) input = [theSock] #after established XMLSocket connection, manage messages from client checkData()
and XMLSocketTest.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://" creationComplete="init()" showStatusBar="false"> <fx:Declarations> <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here --> </fx:Declarations> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import flash.utils.getTimer; private var srv:XMLSocket; private var ping:Timer = null; private var startTime:Number; private function init():void { startTime = getTimer(); srv = new XMLSocket(); srv.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, closeHandler); srv.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connectHandler); srv.addEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, dataHandler); srv.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler); srv.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler); srv.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler); srv.connect("localhost", 1024); } private function progressHandler(e:Event):void { chatOutput.text += "ProgressEvent.PROGRESS \n"; } private function securityErrorHandler(e:Event):void { chatOutput.text += "SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR \n"; exitChat(); } private function closeHandler(e:Event):void { chatOutput.text += "Event.CLOSE \n"; exitChat(); } private function exitChat():void { var endTime:Number = getTimer(); var totalSeconds:Number = (endTime - startTime) / 1000; chatOutput.text += "Total Time: " + totalSeconds + " seconds \n"; if (ping) ping.stop(); } private function connectHandler(e:Event):void { chatOutput.text += "Event.CONNECT \n"; // Start the ping timer ping = new Timer(5000); ping.addEventListener("timer", pingHandler); ping.start(); } public function pingHandler(event:TimerEvent):void { srv.send("pong"); } private function ioErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void { chatOutput.text += e.text + "\n"; exitChat(); } private function dataHandler(e:DataEvent):void { chatOutput.text += + "\n"; } private function sendMessage():void { srv.send(chatInput.text); chatInput.text = ""; } ]]> </fx:Script> <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:TextArea id="chatOutput" editable="false" width="100%" height="100%" valueCommit="chatOutput.verticalScrollPosition=chatOutput.maxVerticalScrollPosition" /> <mx:HBox width="100%"> <mx:TextInput id="chatInput" width="100%" enter="sendMessage()"/> <mx:Button label="Send" click="sendMessage()"/> </mx:HBox> </mx:VBox> </s:WindowedApplication>
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I've run my test for 48 hours so far and I haven't seen any disconnects. For those that have seen this occur, does it happen on all OS's? Am I missing something critical in my test code posted above?