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Hey Devs and support,
we have recently faced a problem which seems to be a bug, let me explain what happens as simple as I can. below I explain one situation that the problem occurs but it does happen in different scenarios that we tested, but do the following and you'll see the problem for yourself...
if you are building an adobe air app which is in landscape mode and auto rotate is false which means that the air app should always stay in landscape mode. now, in the app, you have an air native extension which works with Camera and inside the iOS extension, you are setting the app delegate to always portrait with no auto rotation. ok?
the expected behavior (which works perfectly fine with lower air SDK versions and the problem is with iOS 64-bit and AIR 16 only) is that when you start your camera extension, the camera view should be in portrait mode. this is ok till here, but as soon as you close the extension to return to your flash app, you can see that the stage alignment is totally messed up! although you have set the flash app to stay landscape with no rotations, when you get back from the extension, it does force the flash side to portrait too!
it feels like the app delegate settings in the extension are somehow over ruling the settings of the air side. everything used to work fine for years but now that we are compiling against 64-bit, we are facing this problem which seems to be a problem either on iOS side, or maybe from Air SDK 16 side...
please do let me know if I was able to explain the problem understandable? if not, maybe I can create a sample project reflecting the problem and post the download link here so you guys can help better...?
chris.campbell Please advice,
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I also get I think similar orientation issue. My app operates in landscape mode. When I pack the app by using air16 the splash screen while app booting starts unexpectedly rotating to portrait and back to landscape. In air15 I have no that issue.
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We have fixed related issues. Could you please try latest AIR SDK and share your feedback?
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Hi Govinda,
which version has the fix? I tried 272 and the problem is still there?
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Using AIR 17 Beta (Feb 4, 2015)
I tried using stageAd.ane ( 64bit iOS Compatible ANE ).
When I tap the banner displayed correctly, it changes to horizontal screen.
The vertical screen( 1536, 2048 ) is changed to a horizontal screen( 2048, 1536 ).
( stageWidth = 2048, stageHeight = 1536, fullScreenWidth= 1536, fullScreenHeight = 2048 )
That means wrong state.
In iPad (iOS8), coordinate system is broken always.
In iPhone5 (iOS8), no problem.
In iPhone6 Plus (iOS8), no problem.
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Thanks for reporting the issue.
Could you please confirm few things:
- Are you able to see this issue on both iOS 8 and iOS 7 devices ?
- Which ANE you are using ?
Its will be good if you could share a sample code so that we could reproduce the problem at our end.
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Hi Jitender,
it seems to happen just in IOS8. IOS7 works.
I do not use any ANE.
These are the Settings for initialWindow:
<aspectRatio>landscape</aspectRatio> | |
<fullScreen>false</fullScreen> | |
<autoOrients>true</autoOrients> | |
<visible>true</visible> | |
<renderMode>direct</renderMode> | |
<depthAndStencil>true</depthAndStencil> | |
I also tried rendermode=gpu and fullscreen=true, autoOrients=false.
There is no Code to show - I just have an empty Main-Class extending Sprite...
Thanks you!
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I faced the problem when running the iOS extension on QR Code Scanner Native Extension for Adobe AIR but have not yet found the time to test with the latest beta SDK as you suggested. on Saturday, I will try to have a go with it and update you with results. Thanks a lot for the follow up.
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@emstris: Any news from your side?
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Hi oignon, it seems we've got the similar issue of yours, on the contrary, our game is in landscape mode. Could you please tell me whether you have got your issue solved or not please?
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I've got a similar problem with the Game Center ANE for iOS (64bit) by Adobe (also with the Admob ANE by Milkman).
My app is set to portrait-mode only. But if I'm holding my phone sideways (landscape) and call the native leaderboard overlay of Game Center, the overlay will be displayed in landscape-mode. After closing it my app is messed up and half the screen is flickering.
If I turn my phone upside down (portrait-mode, top home button) afterwards, everything is fine again. So it seems that the stageOrientation needs to be refreshed ...
iOS 8
iPhone 5
Adobe Air 16 (latest Version) and 17 beta
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Same here: After opening the game center leaderboard view in landscape and closing it again, the viewport gets screwed up. App is still in portrait, as it is designed to be, but the viewport is shifted down about half the screen (496 pixels, to be precise: behind the game center overlay, the stage gets rotated into landscape, so only the top 640 px (screen width) are visible; when going back from the landscape view, the stage is rotated again, but not repositioned correct, it seems). No flickering though, as reported by oignon lapin, but the touch coordinates are wrong as well (they don't match either the original nor the shifted viewport).
I get a resize event in starling when the game center overlay opens in landscape mode, but no resize event when returning to the app in portrait. I can force a resize into the correct portrait orientation by opening the overlay with the phone upside-down, as oignon lapin observed already.
I've set autoOrient= false and aspectRatio=portrait in the app descriptor. stage.scaleMode is set to NO_SCALE, and stage.align = TOP_LEFT.
Using Air 16 Build 292, Starling (latest from GitHub). iOS 8.1.3, iPhone 5S
Any ideas?
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Jan (and others),
Can you please try the Feb 25th beta? We had some additional fixes integrated into this beta. This is a tricky area with iOS8 but we believe we've resolved most of the issues.
2/25/2015 - Beta - AIR
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We are also having the same problem . We tried Feb 25th Feb build but it didn't fix the issue. This bug started coming since build (first 64 bit build).
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Thanks for reporting the problem. we are aware of this issue and working on it.
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@Chris: No, the build doesn't fix it for me.
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Me either. This anes files that should be universal devices 64 bit not working.
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Hi, just tried the latest release version (AIR It still displays the same behavior.
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I have a similar problem with an app that uses Starling.
After spending a lot of time to investigate, it's seems that the "landscape" orientation make a beug on my app when I return to it after calling the camera or "browser" (with a native extension or with AS3, this is the same problem).
I only reproduce this beug in landscape orientation, with ios8 and Air Sdk 17. No problem with portrait orientation or Air Sdk = 15 or with a different version of ios.
I had the same problem with my old version of Air Sdk 16, I'll try with the recent one.
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I faced the same problem using iAd iOS Extension (Adobe and Milkman Games ANEs).
When a user clicks on one of the banner ads, a fullscreen pop-up ad is shown, and after closing this screen, the size of my app (a Starling app) is reduced by one third, I get a blinking rectangle on the top of the screen and a white rectangle on the vacuum remaining third to right.
AIRSDK 16.x.x
iOS 8.1
Best regards,
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Same problem here using iAd iOS Extension (Milkman Games ANE).Following scenario: (1) User clicking on landscape mode banner iAD, (2) fullscreen iAD opens, (3) when iAD closed the size of my app is reduced + aligned to bottom right corner.
IOS 8.1
IOS 8.2
(Iphone 6+; Iphone 5s; Iphone 4s)
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I'd like to update you guys that the problem is still NOT fixed even on Air SDK 17-124 as a workaround, we are doing the following hack but that would be great if this can be fixed...
if the Air app is fixed on either landscape or portrait do this:
1) before opening the native extension window, save the current flash orientation. _defaultOrientation = stage.orientation;
2) after you close the extension and return to flash, make sure the orientation is equal to what you had saved initially. stage.setOrientation(_defaultOrientation);
if the Air app is on autoRotate = true:
1) before opening the extension, call stage.autoRotate = false and then _defaultOrientation = stage.orientation;
2) after you close the extension and return to flash call stage.setOrientation(_defaultOrientation); and then stage.autoRotate = true
Not a pretty solution, but it is at least solving the problem!
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I do not know where to put this rotation code you describe. I am also using the Milkman iOS ANE and I do not when to save and restore the rotation orientation setting. Can anyone tell us if this will be fixed by Adobe? The game is useless when the app cannot be displayed upon return from an adv in iAd.
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You should update your SDK.
This bug has been fixed (Non-compliant handling of orientation in iOS 8 root view controller. (Bug 3942292) ) in the latest AIR SDK (March 24, 2015).
I'm using the Milkman iAd ANE and I encountered the same orientation problem.
With the runtime version, it works perfectly.
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If I download the latest beta SDK will Flash Professional accept it? Do I just specify the new beta 17 in the Publish Setting window?