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1) Set renderMode GPU or rendermode DIRECT, enable android:hardwareAccelerated="true" in the App-Descriptor (to see videos at all).
2) Use a simple HTML (body head div iframe) to play Youtube-Videos in StageWebView.
The OS-Video-Player then "inspects" the HTML-Code and replaces the Youtube-Flash-Player (almost all newer devices do so).
3) Sometimes (about 1 in 15) the video is upside down <- this is when the rest of the bug occurs.
4) Call any Function that changes the StageWebView-Location:
StageWebView.loadString(), StageWebView.loadURL(), StageWebView.historyBack() or call StageWebView.dispose().
5) Crash:
AIR-App crashes, Youtube-Audio keeps playing -until the device if powered off-
Android>Settings>Apps>"Force close" does not help, hell, even uninstalling doesnt shut up the audio.
Step (3) is tricky:
It does not happen every time, but it does happen often enougth (average about 1/15 times) to be reproducable in 1-2 minutes. You have to start the process several times to trigger it.
Because i could not reproduce the bug reliably, my first assumption was that it has something to do with the rest of my apps state/code. So, i made an isolated test project, just 2 buttons + stageWebview: same results.
Things that do NOT matter:
- HTML-embed-method does not matter. I tried: new (iFrame), old (embed), youtube-js-API (fill div) and several other variations.
- Youtube-player parameters , stuff like fs, rel, flip(not working anyway) etc...
- StageScale, Ratio, i tried StageScaleMode NO_SCALE, SHOW_ALL...
- StageWebView.viewport size / position.
- Video size / ratio in the embed code, i tried the ones youtube embed suggests and custom sizes.
- Orientation mode, auto, landscape, portrait.
Things that DO matter:
- RenderMode must be GPU/DIRECT, it never happens in renderMode CPU or auto.
- The Youtube-Flash-Player must be replaced be the Android-OS-Player, the youtube-player never shows videos upside down nor causes a crash.
When the Os-Player replaces the youtube player and shows the preloader/spinning wheel thing:
For the first fractions of a second, a small, empty "youtube-player-ui" is spinning instead of that wheel.
What an outlandish bug. I think thats why the bug onyl happens sometimes, depending on how long the video takes to load and how far the "mini-youtube-player" is rotated (i still cant believe this).
Nexus 7 (4.2.2) <- crashes most often
Samsung GT-N7100 (4.1.2)
HTC One (4.1.2)
xPeria Lt30p (4.1.2)
Any Ideas ?
Can someone from Adobe confirm this bug ?
CS6, Air SDK 3.5/6/7
Message was edited by: verdave, typo, details
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I tried with the mentioned steps but unfortunately the crash is not reproducable. Could you please share the source files and the packaging command at nimitja@adobedotcom, so that I can give it a try again and reproduce the issue.
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I can confirm this very annoying bug!
In my app (using Starling so I have to use rendermode DIRECT) I see the rotating youtubeplayer for a couple of seconds before video plays. Sometimes upside down. Sound is not turning off when closing/disposing and null-ing the SWV.
I isolated the problem just by using this small class getting instantiated directly in main-class.
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
public class StageWebViewBug
private var sw:StageWebView;
public function StageWebViewBug(stage:Stage)
sw = new StageWebView();
sw.stage = stage;
sw.viewPort = new Rectangle(0,0,600, 480);
Problem is occuring now every single time on Google Nexus 10. (rotated video). Previous sound isn't stopping before refreshing the page AND the youtube-video is actually playing again.
Air SDK 3.7
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Hi ANdreas,
I have the run the code provided by you but I am unable to understand your problem here as the above code is playing a youtube video only. Please tell me the steps to reproduce the two problems you mentioned:
1.)I see the rotating youtubeplayer for a couple of seconds before video plays. Sometimes upside down.
2.) Previous sound isn't stopping before refreshing the page AND the youtube-video is actually playing again.
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I'm having a similar problem, sometimes when I open a StageWebView with a video on Android, the video appears flipped and upside down, in my case is not crashing ...
Occurs only in Android. I'm using galaxy tab 10.1
Obs: to stop the sound just add the following lines on the disposal method
stagewebview.viewPort = null;
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Hello all,
I'm experiencing the same problem.
I’ve a html5 web page with a video tag on it, loaded inside a stagewebview. With GPU rendering enabled, sometimes video comes upside down…
Behavior appending in Samsung galaxy tab
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I figured I'd add this as well... StageWebView for Android can NOT display a PDF. You get a blank page with Zoom buttons at the bottom.