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Can't install Adobe AIR on Win 7 x64

Explorer ,
Oct 13, 2010 Oct 13, 2010

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Adobe Air has NEVER installed cleanly on my Win 7 x64 system.  It always says it has installed successfully but then the next screen is 10-12-2010 8-45-16 PM.png

I cleaned out the AIR Install.log file and did a clean install (after having done a registry clean-up -- which actually didn't find anything to clean up).  The install failed again.  This is what is in the Install.log file -- it contains the uninstall and the install.  All I see is an error # 3001.  Any insights would be appreciated.

Based on other posts, I had killed the Logitech server processes and turned off the Windows Firewall.  Doing that obviously did not help me.  I've also tried installing Air v2.0.2.12610, as someone else suggested, but that didn't work either.
Thanks . . . . Brian
[Win 7 Ultimate x64, Intel Core i7-920, 8GB RAM, multiple hard drives with primary SSD drive, 2 x nVidia 9800GT 512MB video cards, MSI X58 Platinum MB]

[2010-10-13:10:24:17] UI SWF load is complete

[2010-10-13:10:24:17] UI initialized

[2010-10-13:10:24:17] starting user confirmation

[2010-10-13:10:24:18] Version of this installer:

[2010-10-13:10:24:18] Installed version:

[2010-10-13:10:24:18] Installation type: patchSame

[2010-10-13:10:24:20] starting elevated install

[2010-10-13:10:24:20] UI SWF load is complete

[2010-10-13:10:24:20] starting uninstall

[2010-10-13:10:24:20] Scheduling an MSI uninstall operation for active product GUID {B194272D-1F92-46DF-99EB-8D5CE91CB4EC}

[2010-10-13:10:24:20] Beginning install

[2010-10-13:10:24:20] Uninstalling product w/ GUID {B194272D-1F92-46DF-99EB-8D5CE91CB4EC}

[2010-10-13:10:24:21] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller to e:\TEMP\fla409F.tmp\temp

[2010-10-13:10:24:21] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller

[2010-10-13:10:24:21] Execution complete; beginning commit phase

[2010-10-13:10:24:21] Deleting e:\TEMP\fla409F.tmp\temp

[2010-10-13:10:24:21] Commit complete

[2010-10-13:10:24:21] install complete

[2010-10-13:10:24:21] begin quitting

[2010-10-13:10:24:22] Elevated install completed

[2010-10-13:10:24:22] begin quitting

[2010-10-13:10:25:09] Performing runtime install

[2010-10-13:10:25:09] UI SWF load is complete

[2010-10-13:10:25:09] UI initialized

[2010-10-13:10:25:09] starting user confirmation

[2010-10-13:10:25:09] Version of this installer:

[2010-10-13:10:25:09] Installation type: new

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] starting elevated install

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] performing an elevated runtime install

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] UI SWF load is complete

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] starting install

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] Scheduling runtime installation operations

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] Scheduling an MSI install operation

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] Beginning runtime installation

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] Beginning install

[2010-10-13:10:25:12] Installing e:\temp\airf213.tmp\setup.msi

[2010-10-13:10:25:13] Copying E:\temp\airf213.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe

[2010-10-13:10:25:13] Copying E:\temp\airf213.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\digest.s to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s

[2010-10-13:10:25:13] Execution complete; beginning commit phase

[2010-10-13:10:25:13] Commit complete

[2010-10-13:10:25:13] install complete

[2010-10-13:10:25:13] begin quitting

[2010-10-13:10:25:13] Elevated install completed

[2010-10-13:10:25:17] Elevated install failed (3001)

[2010-10-13:10:25:17] runtime install entering error state: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]

[2010-10-13:10:25:18] begin quitting





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Contributor ,
Oct 13, 2010 Oct 13, 2010

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Sorry, I feel your pain. I'm still dealing with similar issues on AIR Win 7 x64 myself.

I love the part where it says:

Elevated install completed

Followed by:

Elevated install failed




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Explorer ,
Oct 13, 2010 Oct 13, 2010

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Yes, that is pretty funny (if one can still laugh about this ongoing issue).

As you said it completes and then it fails...

[2010-10-13:10:25:13] Elevated install completed

[2010-10-13:10:25:17] Elevated install failed (3001)

In case anyone from Adobe does look at this, I did want to say that I am the Administrator of my PC.  UAC is not installed.  I have even run the AdobeAIR installer as an Administrator just in case that might help.  It obviously did not.

I have not expressed how I feel about Adobe AIR in general in this thread.  I'm doing my best to hold myself back.




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Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2010 Oct 14, 2010

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I wanted to track this here:

Chris Campbel of Adobe asked:

In at least one of the logs generated from this thread, it appears that the .msi installer (which is launched silently from the AIR install) is failing.  Would anyone that is running into failures be willing to enable MSI logging and provide us both AIR and MSI installer logs?

Instructions for enabling and finding msi logs can be found here:  How to enable Windows Installer logging

On Windows 7, the AIR installer log can be found at: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Adobe\AIR\logs

Please feel free to email me at ccampbel@adobe.com



I set up MSI logging (on Win 7 x64) and the ran the Adobe AIR install.  I got the normal "administrator error".  I then sent both the Adobe AIR install log and the MSI log to Chris and he said that would look into it with the Adobe support team today.
I'll post any updates as I have them.

Regards . . . . Brian

(I have no idea what's going with the fonts when I edit messages in this forum!!!)




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 14, 2010 Oct 14, 2010

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A couple of the key people that know the internals of this part of the installer are out of the office till Monday, but I've engaged others in engineering and here's what I've found so far:

The log files provided suggest that the install completed.  There's a short window after the install completes where an essentially in-consequential cleanup occurs that something can still go wrong.  It appears that it might be this part of the process which is tripping up our error handling code.  It's possible that AIR is properly installed, we just got the bogus dialog at the end.

Would you mind checking the following?  Are the AIR files/directories in place?  Please see attached file for an example of my Win 7 x64 install of 2.0.4.  Can you install an .air app and will it run?  Is there an entry to uninstall AIR in the Program and Features control panel?

In our AIR installer log, there's a particular error message about a file permission error.  There's also mention of a temp directory on the E: drive.  Could there be something here that might be out of the ordinary?  Is this temp dir available?  Does anything change if this gets set back to the C: drive (in my case C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\Temp)?






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Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2010 Oct 14, 2010

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Thanks for that update.  As far as E:\TEMP is concerned, that is where my temp directory and it's a valid working drive.  I can try changing it back to C:\xxx to see if AIR prefers that.  I will go through and check the AIR directories and files as you requested.

I can tell you that after doing an AIR install (with the latest version OR the older version that came with PSE 9), it has some weird effects in PSE 9.  Some options like “Help>Elements Organizer Help” and “Help>Key Concepts” NEVER work both and they both ALWAYS activate an AIR install that stays at 0%.  “Help>Elements Inspiration Browser” normally works though (but it’s not working right now -- it's activating the AIR install too). 

So AIR is installed but it's not working right.  As I said, I will get you some more details.

Regards . . . . Brian




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Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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I'll answer some more of your questions.

1. AIR files/directories on my Win 7 x64 after install of AIR 2.0.4.    I see two differences

a. You have C:\Users\chris\AppData\Roaming\adobe\air\Updater\Background   

     I do not have Background directory but I have another with sub-directories







b. You have C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Player\Addins\airappinstaller  

    I do not have airappinstaller directory but I have another with sub-directories

               C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Player\Addins\AssetCache        

               C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Player\Addins\AssetCache\GLDGF232

               C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Player\Addins\AssetCache\GLDGF232\ 16 x .HUE files                                                                                        C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Player\Addins\AssetCache\GLDGF232\ 16 x .SWZ files

               C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Player\Addins\AssetCache\GLDGF232\cacheSize.txt

2.  I cannot run AIR applications right now.  As previously described, PSE 9 uses AIR in a number of places and some menu options worked and some didn't (although none are working right now).   I went and downloaded and installed Accuweather.com Stratus from the ADOBE AIR marketplace.  It went through the complete install and it said it was successful but then I got this this dialog


If I attempt to run Accuweather app, I get stuck on the dialog "Adobe AIR Installing..."  So I do not currently have any working AIR applications on my PC.  I'll try to see if I can get one working.

How extensively does AIR depend on Flash Player?  Adobe, unfortunately, has many Flash Player versions out there.  I have these five installed.  The first four are for Flash Player to operate properly on Win 7 x64 and the fifth one is for Flash Player to work in IE 9 Beta.  There were installed in the order shown.  Flash Player appears to work fine in IE 9 Beta, Google Chrome Dev, and Firefox 4.x

10-15-2010 1-55-31 PM.png

I have not moved my TEMP directory yet.

Regards . . . . Brian




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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Hi Brian,

Thanks for the updates.  At first, when you mentioned the Adobe Help application for Elements I was suspecting that application.  We actually have a tech doc that detail issues similar to what you've described: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/842/cpsid_84215.html

There's also an update for the help app at: http://www.adobe.com/support/chc/

However, the behavior you're finding with AccuWeather Stratus is definitely bogus.  I've verified that it installed and ran properly on my Win 7 x64 machine so I'm going to investigate further and get back to you.





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Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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I uninstalled Adobe Community Help instructions (including deleting the directories, etc.).  On re-install, it claimed to complete successfully but ended with this dialog


It's tough to say whether the installation of PSE 9 impacted my AIR installation or not.  It is possible.  I do want to say that I think that the AIR installation has ALWAYS completed with the "administration error" on Win 7 x64 but that it was still able to work.  In the past, I did successfully run TweetDeck (an AIR application) so AIR did work about 4 months ago...

Do you have any idea whether these special versions of Flash Player, that I mentioned I'm running, would have any impact on AIR?

I think that it might be worth uninstalling PSE 9 and seeing if I can get AIR working with AccuWeather or Adobe Community Help apps.

Regards . . . . Brian




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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Talked it over with another Installer expert and we don't think the versions of Flash player should be impacting AIR.  However, we are suspicious of the lack of the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Player\AddIns\airappinstaller" folder.  Let's try and couple of things.

First, I'm attaching a zip of my airappinstaller folder, could you expand this, then place this into your Flash Player\AddIns folder?  Once done, please reinstall one of the AIR apps and see if the error dialog continues to be displayed at the end.

If this doesn't work, please download the runtime again and then bring up an elevated cmd window (make sure to launch it with "Run as administrator").

Navigate to directory containing the runtime, then run "AdobeAIRInstaller.exe -uninstall".  This should cause the AIR runtime to uninstall.

Using Explorer, go to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flash Player\" folder and backup the AddIns folder.  Once backed up, delete the AddIns folder.

Return to the elevated cmd window and run the following command: "AdobeAIRInstaller.exe -silent"

We should see something like:

Installing version


Once that's complete, review the folder structure again and see if our AddIns\airappinstaller folder has been created propery.  If so, try reinstalling one of the AIR apps and see what happens.






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Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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Thanks for all your help!  I'll take this discussion "offline" and email you directly until we have useful info that we can post back in this forum.

. . . . Brian




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Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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To anyone having these AIR problems,

This is what I've found tonight.  Adobe AIR v1.5.3.9130 (which comes with the PSE 9 installation) works just fine on my Win 7 x64 PC.  There are two AIR apps that get installed as part of the PSE 9 and those are Inspiration Browser and Adobe Community Help.  Both of those AIR apps work just fine.

Unfortunately, the Adobe Community Help app is outdated and prompts one to update it.  If one allows it to update, it also updates AIR to the latest version v2.0.4. which then breaks Adobe Community Help.  Both AIR versions v2.0.4 and v2.0.2 break all my AIR apps --- and do that consistently.  It's easily repeatable. I've tried other AIR apps like AccuWeather.com too.

So my advice of those of you on Win 7 x64, is to stay on AIR v1.5.3.9130. Unfortunately, that appears to require that you don't allow your AIR apps to upgrade.  I don't know if that v1.5.xxxx is downloadable somewhere but if someone needs it, send me a PM and I'll email it to you.

I hope Adobe can resolve this problem soon.  I am still exchanging emails with the helpful Chris Campel of Adobe as I don't staying on old versions of software

Regards . . . . Brian




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Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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After reading this forum thread today I tried reproducing your senario. Using a new Win 7 x64 OS image (VMware) I installed PSE9.  After the PSE9 installation it requested to update both Community Help and AIR runtime (to 2.0.4) and I just followed the updater request and updated both of them successfully. After updater done Community Help worked fine. Then I could install other AIR applications successfully. So I belive not all the users on Windows 7 experiencing the issue you are seeing.

Something might have hapened when updating AIR application. e.g. AIR runtime update somehow started while AIR applciation is still updating and messed up the envrionment.

I recommend to uninstall AIR runtime and clean up all temporary (cached) files and re-install latest AIR runtime. If you can find out how to solve your issue and note steps here, it will be a great help for other people experiencing same issue. At the same time, we (Adobe) could learn what the source cause is and resolve in our installer architechture. I appreciate your post and help in this thread. Thank you for your support.

Best Reagards,

Hitomi (working with Chris)
AIR team




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Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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Thanks for trying to help here.  I have sent Chris some emails today which he has not had a chance to respond to yet.

I have appealed for help from Adobe in the PSE 9 forum too (my post is here http://forums.adobe.com/thread/739141?tstart=0 )   I'll repost most of that here if it's useful.


PSE 9.0 comes with

     Adobe AIR,

     Adobe Community Help (an AIR app), and

     Adobe Photoshop.com Inspiration Browser 3.07 (an AIR app)

That  Adobe AIR is an old version of AIR.  Since then there have been production releases 2.0.2, 2.0.3, and the latest 2.0.4.  If you upgrade to ANY of those Adobe AIR 2.x versions on your Win 7 x64 system, ALL your Adobe AIR apps will stop working.

Adobe Community Help is an out-of-date version and it continually nags you to update to the newer version.  If you do that, the install will first upgrade Adobe AIR to 2.0.4 and then upgrade Help.  Help will no longer work and all Adobe AIR apps will not work.

I have installed and uninstalled PSE 9 about 25 times, I have installed and uninstalled different versions of AIR over 50 times, etc. etc. to come to these conclusions.  I have tested Adobe AIR 2.0.2, 2.0.3 and 2.0.4 and NONE of them work on Win 7 x64.


Please note that, as I said above, I have done many installs and uninstalls and tried all kinds of configurations including uninstalling all AIR apps (including Acrobat.com), doing registry clean-ups, uninstalling the 32-bit and 64-bit Flash Players, etc. 

It's good to hear that you were able to upgrade to Adobe AIR 2.x on Win 7 x64 and your AIR apps still worked.  Actually, I find that pretty amazing (and I'm not being sarcastic) based on the installations and different configurations that I've tried.

Question 1:

You recommended that I uninstall AIR runtime and clean up all temporary (cached) files and re-install AIR.  I have obviously done the uninstall and re-install many many times.  Can you explain what "temporary (cached) files" I should look to delete?

Question 2:

Do you see Adobe AIR error dialogs after installing Adobe AIR or after installing AIR apps?  I have ALWAYS seen error dialogs after installing AIR (usually the "adminstrator" one) and after installing AIR apps (usually the "misconfigured" one).  I get these dialogs even for versions of AIR that work for me (such as AIR 1.5.x) and AIR apps that work for (such as Adobe Community Help 3.2.x).

Thanks . . . . Brian




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Explorer ,
Oct 19, 2010 Oct 19, 2010

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Wow, I finally have Adobe AIR 2.0.4 working on my Win 7 x64 PC 

I have spent considerable effort on this and I really appreciate the assistance that I got from Chris Campbell of Adobe too.  Chris, let me know if you'd like me to write a letter to your manager!

It's really tough to say exactly what enabled this wonderful (for me ) event to occur.  If anyone is having the same sort of issues and you really, really want to just get it resolved, try the following:

1. Uninstall AIR. When you do that, note what AIR apps it tells you are installed.

2. Uninstall all AIR apps as identified in step 1.

3. Delete all AIR directories and files.  That includes under the following directories:

     C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\...


4. Run RegEdit and delete AIR entries.  I deleted four.

I was then able to install AIR 2.0.4 successfully.  It completed without the "administrator error"! 

I then re-installed all the AIR apps that I'm using and they even successfully upgraded.

So I'm done with this issue!

. . . . Brian




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Explorer ,
Oct 19, 2010 Oct 19, 2010

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I tried to edit my previous post to say "Yes, my question has been answered" but it didn't stick.  Maybe this new post will do that....




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 20, 2010 Oct 20, 2010

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This was great news to hear yesterday.  Brian worked very hard with us to try and narrow down the problem that he was encountering.  Thanks for detailing the steps you took on this thread. 

I'm going to work with the installer team to make sure we beef up our uninstall process to help minimize these issues!






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Explorer ,
Oct 15, 2010 Oct 15, 2010

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I tried to edit my previous post to add the info as to where you could download Adobe AIR 1.5.x but the forum software did not allow me to edit it.

Anyway, if anyone wants to download Adobe AIR, which is the latest production version that appears to work properly on Win 7 x64, you can download it from here http://www.filehippo.com/download_adobe_air/7027/

. . . . Brian




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New Here ,
Oct 22, 2010 Oct 22, 2010

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I'm using a tool called Market Samurai, and it uses Adobe Air.  They recently did an update.  Adobe Air kicked off and must have installed for several minutes.  Then, Samurai started installation.  I had time to get a cup of coffee before all was completed.  Other software updates I've done in the past take seconds.  Is this the way it's going to be with Adobe Air? 

Josh Frankel





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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 22, 2010 Oct 22, 2010

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Hi Josh,

Once I've downloaded the AIR installer, my installs typically take less than a minute to complete.  The installer runs about 12mb, so maybe the connection was slow during install?  If you'd like, you can upload your AIR install log and I can try and pinpoint which part took up all that time.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 06, 2010 Nov 06, 2010

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Have we finally found a simple solution and

if so what is it?




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 08, 2010 Nov 08, 2010

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Hi David,

With installers, there unfortunately isn't a "one size fits all" solution.  We'll need to start with a description of what's occurring on your computer and the AIR installer log.  You can find basic instructions at the top of the Installation Issues forum.






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Community Beginner ,
Nov 09, 2010 Nov 09, 2010

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I am struggling to find the installer log and to get this programme to attempt to re-install all I get is the same as others the window saying I dont have administrator rights.




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 12, 2010 Nov 12, 2010

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Hi David,

On Windows 7, the installer log should be located in:


You'll need to make sure hidden files and folders are shown.  You can get instructions for that here.




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Community Beginner ,
Nov 15, 2010 Nov 15, 2010

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I have now got version on my computer but still get the message at the end that I need administrator status

My log is as follows

[2010-06-12:16:01:48] Performing runtime update
[2010-06-12:16:01:48] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-06-12:16:01:48] UI initialized
[2010-06-12:16:01:48] starting user confirmation
[2010-06-12:16:01:48] Version of this installer:
[2010-06-12:16:01:48] Installed version:
[2010-06-12:16:01:48] Installation type: patchNewer
[2010-06-12:16:01:56] starting elevated install
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] performing an elevated runtime install
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] starting install
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] subinstaller: starting install
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] Scheduling runtime installation operations
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] subinstaller: Scheduling runtime installation operations
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] Active AIR product GUID is {A2BCA9F1-566C-4805-97D1-7FDC93386723}
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] subinstaller: Active AIR product GUID is {A2BCA9F1-566C-4805-97D1-7FDC93386723}
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] subinstaller: Scheduling an MSI install operation
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] Beginning runtime installation
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] subinstaller: Beginning runtime installation
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] Beginning install
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] Installing c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\air55c.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-06-12:16:01:59] subinstaller: Installing c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\air55c.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla6B40.tmp\temp
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla6B40.tmp\temp
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\air55c.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\air55c.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla6B7F.tmp\temp
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla6B7F.tmp\temp
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\air55c.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\digest.s to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\air55c.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\digest.s to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Execution complete; beginning commit phase
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla6B40.tmp\temp
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla6B7F.tmp\temp
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla6B7F.tmp\temp
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: Commit complete
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] install complete
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] begin quitting
[2010-06-12:16:02:11] subinstaller: begin quitting
[2010-06-12:16:02:12] Elevated install completed
[2010-06-12:16:08:31] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-06-12:16:08:33] UI initialized
[2010-06-12:16:09:07] begin quitting
[2010-06-20:08:13:21] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-06-20:08:13:22] UI initialized
[2010-06-20:08:13:22] Begin background update check
[2010-06-20:08:13:22] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-06-20:08:13:25] Background update not available
[2010-06-20:08:13:25] begin quitting
[2010-06-28:07:31:37] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-06-28:07:31:37] UI initialized
[2010-06-28:07:31:37] Begin background update check
[2010-06-28:07:31:37] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-06-28:07:31:38] Background update not available
[2010-06-28:07:31:38] begin quitting
[2010-07-05:12:36:48] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-05:12:36:48] UI initialized
[2010-07-05:12:36:48] Begin background update check
[2010-07-05:12:36:48] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-05:12:36:48] Background update not available
[2010-07-05:12:36:48] begin quitting
[2010-07-12:14:28:37] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-12:14:28:37] UI initialized
[2010-07-12:14:28:37] Begin background update check
[2010-07-12:14:28:37] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-12:14:28:48] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-07-12:14:28:48] begin quitting
[2010-07-12:20:00:25] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-12:20:00:25] UI initialized
[2010-07-12:20:00:25] Begin background update check
[2010-07-12:20:00:25] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-12:20:00:25] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-07-12:20:00:25] begin quitting
[2010-07-13:06:21:10] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-13:06:21:10] UI initialized
[2010-07-13:06:21:10] Begin background update check
[2010-07-13:06:21:10] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-13:06:21:10] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-07-13:06:21:10] begin quitting
[2010-07-13:12:34:57] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-13:12:34:58] UI initialized
[2010-07-13:12:34:58] Begin background update check
[2010-07-13:12:34:58] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-13:12:35:02] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-07-13:12:35:02] begin quitting
[2010-07-13:16:51:44] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-13:16:51:44] UI initialized
[2010-07-13:16:51:44] Begin background update check
[2010-07-13:16:51:44] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-13:16:51:44] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-07-13:16:51:44] begin quitting
[2010-07-13:18:50:29] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-13:18:50:29] UI initialized
[2010-07-13:18:50:29] Begin background update check
[2010-07-13:18:50:29] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-13:18:50:30] Background update not available
[2010-07-13:18:50:30] begin quitting
[2010-07-14:22:10:25] Starting app install of http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/dm/revisions/bbc_iplayer_desktop_v2020507.air
[2010-07-14:22:10:25] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-14:22:10:26] UI initialized
[2010-07-14:22:10:26] beginning UI styling
[2010-07-14:22:10:26] UI styling complete
[2010-07-14:22:10:26] Downloading file to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1D15.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:10:26] Received HTTP Response Status event
[2010-07-14:22:10:26] Response URL is http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/dm/revisions/bbc_iplayer_desktop_v2020507.air
[2010-07-14:22:10:33] Waiting for user confirmation
[2010-07-14:22:10:40] User confirmed action: install
[2010-07-14:22:10:40] beginning UI styling
[2010-07-14:22:10:40] UI styling complete
[2010-07-14:22:10:40] Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla56BC.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:10:42] unpackaging/validation is complete
[2010-07-14:22:10:42] application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-07-14:22:10:42] app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-07-14:22:10:42] pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-07-14:22:10:42] Application located at C:\Program Files (x86)
[2010-07-14:22:10:42] Application is running; trying to acquire lock
[2010-07-14:22:10:42] Waiting for user confirmation
[2010-07-14:22:10:55] User canceled
[2010-07-14:22:10:55] starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-07-14:22:10:55] application installer exiting
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] Starting app install of http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/dm/revisions/bbc_iplayer_desktop_v2020507.air
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] UI initialized
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] beginning UI styling
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] UI styling complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] Downloading file to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla8826.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] Received HTTP Response Status event
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] Response URL is http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/dm/revisions/bbc_iplayer_desktop_v2020507.air
[2010-07-14:22:13:04] Waiting for user confirmation
[2010-07-14:22:13:06] User confirmed action: install
[2010-07-14:22:13:06] beginning UI styling
[2010-07-14:22:13:06] UI styling complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:06] Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla910D.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:07] unpackaging/validation is complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:07] application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-07-14:22:13:07] app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-07-14:22:13:07] pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-07-14:22:13:07] Application located at C:\Program Files (x86)
[2010-07-14:22:13:07] Application is running; trying to acquire lock
[2010-07-14:22:13:07] Waiting for user confirmation
[2010-07-14:22:13:26] Application is no longer running; lock is now held
[2010-07-14:22:13:29] User confirmed action: install
[2010-07-14:22:13:29] creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaEA54.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:30] native installer creation complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:30] Starting install
[2010-07-14:22:13:30] using conversion output in C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaEA54.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:30] Beginning install
[2010-07-14:22:13:30] Installing C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaEA54.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-07-14:22:13:31] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
[2010-07-14:22:13:31] Rolling back install of C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaEA54.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-07-14:22:13:31] Rollback due to error complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:31] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
[2010-07-14:22:13:31] stateInstallingWithElevation: enter install
[2010-07-14:22:13:31] stateInstallingWithElevation: c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files" -update -silent -logToStdout "C:\Program Files (x86)\BBC iPlayer Desktop\BBC iPlayer Desktop.exe" file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/fla8826.tmp 2.0.20507
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] Starting update of C:\Program Files (x86)\BBC iPlayer Desktop\BBC iPlayer Desktop.exe
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: Starting update of C:\Program Files (x86)\BBC iPlayer Desktop\BBC iPlayer Desktop.exe
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] Updating from file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/fla8826.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: Updating from file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/fla8826.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] Updating to version 2.0.20507
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: Updating to version 2.0.20507
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: UI initialized
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFC3D.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFC3D.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] unpackaging/validation is complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] Application located at C:\Program Files (x86)
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: Application located at C:\Program Files (x86)
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFD66.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFD66.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] native installer creation complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: native installer creation complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] Starting install
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: Starting install
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] using conversion output in C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFD66.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: using conversion output in C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFD66.tmp
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: Beginning install
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] Installing C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFD66.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-07-14:22:13:34] subinstaller: Installing C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFD66.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] Execution complete; beginning commit phase
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] Commit complete
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] subinstaller: starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] application installer exiting
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] subinstaller: application installer exiting
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] received unknown message type from subinstaller: done
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] Re-launching application from C:\Program Files (x86)\BBC iPlayer Desktop\BBC iPlayer Desktop.exe
[2010-07-14:22:13:38] Sending browser invocation
[2010-07-14:22:13:39] starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-07-14:22:13:39] application installer exiting
[2010-07-21:07:22:21] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-21:07:22:22] UI initialized
[2010-07-21:07:22:22] Begin background update check
[2010-07-21:07:22:22] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-21:07:22:22] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-07-21:07:22:22] begin quitting
[2010-07-21:09:31:23] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-21:09:31:24] UI initialized
[2010-07-21:09:31:24] Begin background update check
[2010-07-21:09:31:24] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-21:09:31:24] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-07-21:09:31:24] begin quitting
[2010-07-21:17:17:05] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-21:17:17:06] UI initialized
[2010-07-21:17:17:06] Begin background update check
[2010-07-21:17:17:06] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-21:17:17:06] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-07-21:17:17:06] begin quitting
[2010-07-22:06:14:04] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-22:06:14:04] UI initialized
[2010-07-22:06:14:04] Begin background update check
[2010-07-22:06:14:04] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-22:06:14:17] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-07-22:06:14:17] begin quitting
[2010-07-22:08:30:58] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-22:08:30:58] UI initialized
[2010-07-22:08:30:58] Begin background update check
[2010-07-22:08:30:58] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-22:08:31:06] Background update not available
[2010-07-22:08:31:06] begin quitting
[2010-07-29:08:35:27] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-29:08:35:28] UI initialized
[2010-07-29:08:35:28] Begin background update check
[2010-07-29:08:35:28] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-29:08:35:33] Background update not available
[2010-07-29:08:35:33] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-07-29:08:35:33] begin quitting
[2010-07-30:08:36:03] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-30:08:36:03] UI initialized
[2010-07-30:08:36:03] Begin background update check
[2010-07-30:08:36:03] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-30:08:36:13] Background update not available
[2010-07-30:08:36:13] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-07-30:08:36:13] begin quitting
[2010-07-31:07:58:11] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-07-31:07:58:12] UI initialized
[2010-07-31:07:58:13] Begin background update check
[2010-07-31:07:58:13] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-07-31:07:58:14] Background update not available
[2010-07-31:07:58:14] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-07-31:07:58:14] begin quitting
[2010-08-01:08:34:45] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-01:08:34:45] UI initialized
[2010-08-01:08:34:45] Begin background update check
[2010-08-01:08:34:45] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-01:08:34:46] Background update not available
[2010-08-01:08:34:46] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-01:08:34:46] begin quitting
[2010-08-01:10:51:02] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-01:10:51:07] UI initialized
[2010-08-01:10:51:07] Begin background update check
[2010-08-01:10:51:07] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-01:10:51:08] Background update not available
[2010-08-01:10:51:08] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-01:10:51:08] begin quitting
[2010-08-02:12:32:17] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-02:12:32:18] UI initialized
[2010-08-02:12:32:18] Begin background update check
[2010-08-02:12:32:18] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-02:12:32:19] Background update not available
[2010-08-02:12:32:19] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-02:12:32:19] begin quitting
[2010-08-02:17:27:25] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-02:17:27:25] UI initialized
[2010-08-02:17:27:25] Begin background update check
[2010-08-02:17:27:25] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-02:17:27:26] Background update not available
[2010-08-02:17:27:26] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-02:17:27:26] begin quitting
[2010-08-03:09:53:00] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-03:09:53:00] UI initialized
[2010-08-03:09:53:00] Begin background update check
[2010-08-03:09:53:02] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-03:09:53:12] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-08-03:09:53:12] begin quitting
[2010-08-03:14:26:43] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-03:14:26:43] UI initialized
[2010-08-03:14:26:43] Begin background update check
[2010-08-03:14:26:43] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-03:14:26:44] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-03:14:26:44] begin quitting
[2010-08-04:05:35:30] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-04:05:35:30] UI initialized
[2010-08-04:05:35:31] Begin background update check
[2010-08-04:05:35:31] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-04:05:35:41] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-08-04:05:35:41] begin quitting
[2010-08-04:15:10:42] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-04:15:10:43] UI initialized
[2010-08-04:15:10:43] Begin background update check
[2010-08-04:15:10:43] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-04:15:10:44] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-04:15:10:44] begin quitting
[2010-08-05:06:07:33] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-05:06:07:33] UI initialized
[2010-08-05:06:07:33] Begin background update check
[2010-08-05:06:07:33] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-05:06:07:38] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-05:06:07:38] begin quitting
[2010-08-06:07:02:30] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-06:07:02:31] UI initialized
[2010-08-06:07:02:31] Begin background update check
[2010-08-06:07:02:31] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-06:07:02:31] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-06:07:02:31] begin quitting
[2010-08-06:10:39:13] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-06:10:39:13] UI initialized
[2010-08-06:10:39:13] Begin background update check
[2010-08-06:10:39:13] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-06:10:39:14] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-06:10:39:14] begin quitting
[2010-08-07:08:20:50] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-07:08:20:50] UI initialized
[2010-08-07:08:20:50] Begin background update check
[2010-08-07:08:20:50] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-07:08:21:12] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-07:08:21:12] begin quitting
[2010-08-07:10:49:41] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-07:10:49:41] UI initialized
[2010-08-07:10:49:41] Begin background update check
[2010-08-07:10:49:41] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-07:10:49:42] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-07:10:49:42] begin quitting
[2010-08-07:13:51:02] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-07:13:51:02] UI initialized
[2010-08-07:13:51:02] Begin background update check
[2010-08-07:13:51:02] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-07:13:51:44] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-07:13:51:44] begin quitting
[2010-08-08:06:04:16] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-08:06:04:16] UI initialized
[2010-08-08:06:04:16] Begin background update check
[2010-08-08:06:04:16] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-08:06:04:17] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-08:06:04:17] begin quitting
[2010-08-08:14:11:35] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-08:14:11:35] UI initialized
[2010-08-08:14:11:35] Begin background update check
[2010-08-08:14:11:35] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-08:14:11:36] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-08:14:11:36] begin quitting
[2010-08-09:05:58:16] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-09:05:58:16] UI initialized
[2010-08-09:05:58:16] Begin background update check
[2010-08-09:05:58:16] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-09:05:58:59] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-09:05:58:59] begin quitting
[2010-08-09:13:58:18] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-09:13:58:19] UI initialized
[2010-08-09:13:58:19] Begin background update check
[2010-08-09:13:58:19] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-09:13:58:20] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-09:13:58:20] begin quitting
[2010-08-10:05:56:55] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-10:05:56:55] UI initialized
[2010-08-10:05:56:55] Begin background update check
[2010-08-10:05:56:55] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-10:05:56:56] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-10:05:56:56] begin quitting
[2010-08-10:13:58:53] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-10:13:58:53] UI initialized
[2010-08-10:13:58:53] Begin background update check
[2010-08-10:13:58:53] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-10:13:58:54] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-10:13:58:54] begin quitting
[2010-08-11:05:15:14] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-11:05:15:15] UI initialized
[2010-08-11:05:15:15] Begin background update check
[2010-08-11:05:15:15] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-11:05:15:29] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-11:05:15:29] begin quitting
[2010-08-11:22:38:31] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-11:22:38:32] UI initialized
[2010-08-11:22:38:32] Begin background update check
[2010-08-11:22:38:32] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-11:22:38:32] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-11:22:38:32] begin quitting
[2010-08-12:06:22:23] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-12:06:22:23] UI initialized
[2010-08-12:06:22:23] Begin background update check
[2010-08-12:06:22:23] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-12:06:23:05] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-12:06:23:05] begin quitting
[2010-08-12:07:26:45] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-12:07:26:46] UI initialized
[2010-08-12:07:26:46] Begin background update check
[2010-08-12:07:26:46] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-12:07:26:57] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-12:07:26:57] begin quitting
[2010-08-13:03:22:33] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-13:03:22:35] UI initialized
[2010-08-13:03:22:35] Begin background update check
[2010-08-13:03:22:35] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-13:03:22:45] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-13:03:22:45] begin quitting
[2010-08-13:13:39:16] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-13:13:39:17] UI initialized
[2010-08-13:13:39:17] Begin background update check
[2010-08-13:13:39:17] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-13:13:39:17] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-13:13:39:17] begin quitting
[2010-08-13:18:26:17] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-13:18:26:17] UI initialized
[2010-08-13:18:26:17] Begin background update check
[2010-08-13:18:26:17] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-13:18:26:47] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-13:18:26:47] begin quitting
[2010-08-14:06:24:16] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-14:06:24:16] UI initialized
[2010-08-14:06:24:16] Begin background update check
[2010-08-14:06:24:16] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-14:06:24:41] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-14:06:24:41] begin quitting
[2010-08-14:14:24:52] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-14:14:24:53] UI initialized
[2010-08-14:14:24:53] Begin background update check
[2010-08-14:14:24:53] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-14:14:25:44] Background update successfully downloaded
[2010-08-14:14:25:44] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-14:14:25:44] begin quitting
[2010-08-15:05:48:57] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-15:05:49:02] UI initialized
[2010-08-15:05:49:02] Running C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background\updater -update "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe"
[2010-08-15:05:49:02] begin quitting
[2010-08-15:05:49:14] Performing runtime update
[2010-08-15:05:49:14] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-15:05:49:14] UI initialized
[2010-08-15:05:49:14] starting user confirmation
[2010-08-15:05:49:14] Version of this installer:
[2010-08-15:05:49:14] Installed version:
[2010-08-15:05:49:14] Installation type: patchNewer
[2010-08-15:08:20:26] starting elevated install
[2010-08-15:08:20:31] performing an elevated runtime install
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] starting install
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] subinstaller: starting install
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] Scheduling runtime installation operations
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] subinstaller: Scheduling runtime installation operations
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] Active AIR product GUID is {B194272D-1F92-46DF-99EB-8D5CE91CB4EC}
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] subinstaller: Active AIR product GUID is {B194272D-1F92-46DF-99EB-8D5CE91CB4EC}
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] Scheduling an MSI repair operation
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] subinstaller: Scheduling an MSI repair operation
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] Beginning runtime installation
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] subinstaller: Beginning runtime installation
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] Beginning install
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] Reinstalling c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airc734.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-08-15:08:20:32] subinstaller: Reinstalling c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airc734.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE15B.tmp\temp
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE15B.tmp\temp
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airc734.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airc734.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE19B.tmp\temp
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE19B.tmp\temp
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airc734.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\digest.s to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Execution complete; beginning commit phase
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Execution complete; beginning commit phase
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE15B.tmp\temp
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE19B.tmp\temp
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE19B.tmp\temp
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] Commit complete
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: Commit complete
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] install complete
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: install complete
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] begin quitting
[2010-08-15:08:20:35] subinstaller: begin quitting
[2010-08-15:08:20:36] Elevated install completed
[2010-08-15:08:20:58] Elevated install failed (3001)
[2010-08-15:08:20:58] runtime install entering error state: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-08-15:08:21:01] begin quitting
[2010-08-15:08:21:01] attempting launch of BBC iPlayer Desktop
[2010-08-15:08:21:32] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-15:08:21:32] UI initialized
[2010-08-15:08:21:32] Begin background update check
[2010-08-15:08:21:32] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-15:08:21:32] Background update not available
[2010-08-15:08:21:32] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-15:08:21:33] begin quitting
[2010-08-16:05:39:27] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-16:05:39:27] UI initialized
[2010-08-16:05:39:27] Begin background update check
[2010-08-16:05:39:27] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-16:05:39:50] Background update not available
[2010-08-16:05:39:50] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-16:05:39:50] begin quitting
[2010-08-17:05:37:32] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-17:05:37:32] UI initialized
[2010-08-17:05:37:32] Begin background update check
[2010-08-17:05:37:32] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-17:05:37:33] Background update not available
[2010-08-17:05:37:33] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-17:05:37:33] begin quitting
[2010-08-17:08:57:41] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-17:08:57:41] UI initialized
[2010-08-17:08:57:41] Begin background update check
[2010-08-17:08:57:41] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-17:08:57:45] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-08-17:08:57:45] begin quitting
[2010-08-18:06:07:24] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-18:06:07:24] UI initialized
[2010-08-18:06:07:24] Begin background update check
[2010-08-18:06:07:24] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-18:06:07:24] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-18:06:07:24] begin quitting
[2010-08-18:06:16:14] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-18:06:16:14] UI initialized
[2010-08-18:06:16:14] Begin background update check
[2010-08-18:06:16:14] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-18:06:16:18] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-18:06:16:18] begin quitting
[2010-08-18:12:15:22] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-18:12:15:23] UI initialized
[2010-08-18:12:15:23] Begin background update check
[2010-08-18:12:15:23] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-18:12:15:26] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-18:12:15:26] begin quitting
[2010-08-18:14:18:57] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-18:14:18:58] UI initialized
[2010-08-18:14:18:58] Begin background update check
[2010-08-18:14:18:58] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-18:14:19:01] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-18:14:19:01] begin quitting
[2010-08-19:06:37:02] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-19:06:37:02] UI initialized
[2010-08-19:06:37:02] Begin background update check
[2010-08-19:06:37:02] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-19:06:37:33] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-19:06:37:33] begin quitting
[2010-08-19:14:02:34] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-19:14:02:34] UI initialized
[2010-08-19:14:02:34] Begin background update check
[2010-08-19:14:02:34] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-19:14:02:35] Background update not available
[2010-08-19:14:02:35] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-19:14:02:35] begin quitting
[2010-08-20:04:00:20] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-20:04:00:20] UI initialized
[2010-08-20:04:00:20] Begin background update check
[2010-08-20:04:00:20] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-20:04:00:22] Background update not available
[2010-08-20:04:00:22] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-20:04:00:22] begin quitting
[2010-08-20:07:50:15] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-20:07:50:15] UI initialized
[2010-08-20:07:50:15] Begin background update check
[2010-08-20:07:50:15] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-20:07:50:15] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-20:07:50:15] begin quitting
[2010-08-20:13:04:10] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-20:13:04:11] UI initialized
[2010-08-20:13:04:11] Begin background update check
[2010-08-20:13:04:11] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-20:13:04:23] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-08-20:13:04:23] begin quitting
[2010-08-20:19:13:35] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-20:19:13:36] UI initialized
[2010-08-20:19:13:36] Begin background update check
[2010-08-20:19:13:36] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-20:19:13:45] Background update not available
[2010-08-20:19:13:45] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-20:19:13:45] begin quitting
[2010-08-21:05:39:46] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-21:05:39:46] UI initialized
[2010-08-21:05:39:46] Begin background update check
[2010-08-21:05:39:46] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-21:05:39:47] Background update not available
[2010-08-21:05:39:47] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-21:05:39:47] begin quitting
[2010-08-22:08:34:28] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-22:08:34:31] UI initialized
[2010-08-22:08:34:32] Begin background update check
[2010-08-22:08:34:32] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-22:08:34:51] Background update not available
[2010-08-22:08:34:51] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-22:08:34:51] begin quitting
[2010-08-23:14:52:20] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-23:14:52:20] UI initialized
[2010-08-23:14:52:20] Begin background update check
[2010-08-23:14:52:20] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-23:14:52:25] Background update not available
[2010-08-23:14:52:25] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-23:14:52:25] begin quitting
[2010-08-24:06:54:50] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-24:06:54:50] UI initialized
[2010-08-24:06:54:50] Begin background update check
[2010-08-24:06:54:51] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-24:06:54:53] Background update not available
[2010-08-24:06:54:53] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-24:06:54:53] begin quitting
[2010-08-25:06:23:14] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-25:06:23:15] UI initialized
[2010-08-25:06:23:15] Begin background update check
[2010-08-25:06:23:15] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-25:06:23:20] Background update not available
[2010-08-25:06:23:20] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-25:06:23:20] begin quitting
[2010-08-25:18:48:54] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-25:18:48:55] UI initialized
[2010-08-25:18:48:55] Begin background update check
[2010-08-25:18:48:55] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-25:18:48:56] Background update not available
[2010-08-25:18:48:56] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-25:18:48:56] begin quitting
[2010-08-26:07:17:47] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-26:07:17:48] UI initialized
[2010-08-26:07:17:48] Begin background update check
[2010-08-26:07:17:48] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-26:07:18:13] Background update not available
[2010-08-26:07:18:13] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-26:07:18:13] begin quitting
[2010-08-27:06:22:54] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-27:06:22:54] UI initialized
[2010-08-27:06:22:54] Begin background update check
[2010-08-27:06:22:54] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-27:06:22:55] Background update not available
[2010-08-27:06:22:55] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-27:06:22:55] begin quitting
[2010-08-28:07:27:29] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-28:07:27:30] UI initialized
[2010-08-28:07:27:30] Begin background update check
[2010-08-28:07:27:30] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-28:07:27:30] Background update not available
[2010-08-28:07:27:30] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-28:07:27:30] begin quitting
[2010-08-29:08:07:31] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-29:08:07:31] UI initialized
[2010-08-29:08:07:31] Begin background update check
[2010-08-29:08:07:31] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-29:08:07:32] Background update not available
[2010-08-29:08:07:32] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-29:08:07:32] begin quitting
[2010-08-29:09:16:13] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-29:09:16:13] UI initialized
[2010-08-29:09:16:14] Begin background update check
[2010-08-29:09:16:14] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-29:09:16:19] Background update not available
[2010-08-29:09:16:19] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-29:09:16:19] begin quitting
[2010-08-30:09:02:27] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-30:09:02:27] UI initialized
[2010-08-30:09:02:27] Begin background update check
[2010-08-30:09:02:27] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-30:09:02:35] Background update not available
[2010-08-30:09:02:35] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-30:09:02:35] begin quitting
[2010-08-31:07:40:15] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-08-31:07:40:16] UI initialized
[2010-08-31:07:40:16] Begin background update check
[2010-08-31:07:40:16] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-08-31:07:40:16] Background update not available
[2010-08-31:07:40:16] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-08-31:07:40:16] begin quitting
[2010-09-01:06:29:32] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-01:06:29:33] UI initialized
[2010-09-01:06:29:33] Begin background update check
[2010-09-01:06:29:33] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-01:06:29:34] Background update not available
[2010-09-01:06:29:34] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-01:06:29:34] begin quitting
[2010-09-02:05:59:05] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-02:05:59:06] UI initialized
[2010-09-02:05:59:06] Begin background update check
[2010-09-02:05:59:06] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-02:05:59:13] Background update not available
[2010-09-02:05:59:13] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-02:05:59:13] begin quitting
[2010-09-02:22:35:43] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-02:22:35:43] UI initialized
[2010-09-02:22:35:43] Begin background update check
[2010-09-02:22:35:43] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-02:22:35:44] Background update not available
[2010-09-02:22:35:44] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-02:22:35:44] begin quitting
[2010-09-03:07:09:14] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-03:07:09:14] UI initialized
[2010-09-03:07:09:14] Begin background update check
[2010-09-03:07:09:14] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-03:07:09:27] Background update not available
[2010-09-03:07:09:27] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-03:07:09:27] begin quitting
[2010-09-03:21:33:59] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-03:21:34:00] UI initialized
[2010-09-03:21:34:00] Begin background update check
[2010-09-03:21:34:00] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-03:21:34:01] Background update not available
[2010-09-03:21:34:01] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-03:21:34:01] begin quitting
[2010-09-05:07:52:24] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-05:07:52:25] UI initialized
[2010-09-05:07:52:25] Begin background update check
[2010-09-05:07:52:25] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-05:07:52:30] Background update not available
[2010-09-05:07:52:30] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-05:07:52:30] begin quitting
[2010-09-06:08:13:35] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-06:08:13:36] UI initialized
[2010-09-06:08:13:36] Begin background update check
[2010-09-06:08:13:36] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-06:08:13:38] Background update not available
[2010-09-06:08:13:38] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-06:08:13:38] begin quitting
[2010-09-07:06:20:50] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-07:06:20:50] UI initialized
[2010-09-07:06:20:50] Begin background update check
[2010-09-07:06:20:50] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-07:06:20:53] Background update not available
[2010-09-07:06:20:53] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-07:06:20:53] begin quitting
[2010-09-08:07:53:19] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-08:07:53:19] UI initialized
[2010-09-08:07:53:19] Begin background update check
[2010-09-08:07:53:19] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-08:07:53:20] Background update not available
[2010-09-08:07:53:20] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-08:07:53:20] begin quitting
[2010-09-09:06:06:28] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-09:06:06:28] UI initialized
[2010-09-09:06:06:28] Begin background update check
[2010-09-09:06:06:28] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-09:06:06:39] Background update not available
[2010-09-09:06:06:39] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-09:06:06:39] begin quitting
[2010-09-09:09:43:16] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-09:09:43:17] UI initialized
[2010-09-09:09:43:17] Begin background update check
[2010-09-09:09:43:17] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-09:09:43:25] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-09:09:43:25] begin quitting
[2010-09-09:14:08:51] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-09:14:09:08] UI initialized
[2010-09-09:14:09:08] Begin background update check
[2010-09-09:14:09:08] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-09:14:09:24] Background update not available
[2010-09-09:14:09:24] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-09:14:09:24] begin quitting
[2010-09-10:06:09:21] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-10:06:09:21] UI initialized
[2010-09-10:06:09:21] Begin background update check
[2010-09-10:06:09:21] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-10:06:09:22] Background update not available
[2010-09-10:06:09:22] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-10:06:09:22] begin quitting
[2010-09-10:13:38:20] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-10:13:38:21] UI initialized
[2010-09-10:13:38:21] Begin background update check
[2010-09-10:13:38:21] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-10:13:38:21] Background update not available
[2010-09-10:13:38:21] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-10:13:38:21] begin quitting
[2010-09-11:08:03:17] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-11:08:03:17] UI initialized
[2010-09-11:08:03:17] Begin background update check
[2010-09-11:08:03:20] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-11:08:03:21] Background update not available
[2010-09-11:08:03:21] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-11:08:03:21] begin quitting
[2010-09-12:08:09:22] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-12:08:09:22] UI initialized
[2010-09-12:08:09:22] Begin background update check
[2010-09-12:08:09:22] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-12:08:09:23] Background update not available
[2010-09-12:08:09:23] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-12:08:09:23] begin quitting
[2010-09-12:11:32:45] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-12:11:32:46] UI initialized
[2010-09-12:11:32:46] Begin background update check
[2010-09-12:11:32:46] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-12:11:32:57] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-12:11:32:57] begin quitting
[2010-09-12:15:21:45] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-12:15:21:46] UI initialized
[2010-09-12:15:21:46] Begin background update check
[2010-09-12:15:21:46] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-12:15:21:48] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-12:15:21:49] begin quitting
[2010-09-12:18:57:29] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-12:18:57:30] UI initialized
[2010-09-12:18:57:30] Begin background update check
[2010-09-12:18:57:30] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-12:18:58:11] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-12:18:58:11] begin quitting
[2010-09-13:08:39:50] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-13:08:39:50] UI initialized
[2010-09-13:08:39:50] Begin background update check
[2010-09-13:08:39:50] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-13:08:40:05] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-13:08:40:05] begin quitting
[2010-09-14:10:12:53] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-14:10:12:54] UI initialized
[2010-09-14:10:12:54] Begin background update check
[2010-09-14:10:12:55] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-14:10:12:57] Background update not available
[2010-09-14:10:12:57] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-14:10:12:57] begin quitting
[2010-09-14:14:47:39] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-14:14:47:40] UI initialized
[2010-09-14:14:47:40] Begin background update check
[2010-09-14:14:47:40] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-14:14:47:41] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-14:14:47:41] begin quitting
[2010-09-14:16:22:04] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-14:16:22:05] UI initialized
[2010-09-14:16:22:05] Begin background update check
[2010-09-14:16:22:05] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-14:16:22:09] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-14:16:22:09] begin quitting
[2010-09-15:07:39:21] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-15:07:39:21] UI initialized
[2010-09-15:07:39:21] Begin background update check
[2010-09-15:07:39:21] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-15:07:39:22] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-15:07:39:22] begin quitting
[2010-09-15:10:02:36] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-15:10:02:36] UI initialized
[2010-09-15:10:02:36] Begin background update check
[2010-09-15:10:02:36] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-15:10:02:36] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-15:10:02:36] begin quitting
[2010-09-15:13:18:41] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-15:13:18:41] UI initialized
[2010-09-15:13:18:41] Begin background update check
[2010-09-15:13:18:41] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-15:13:18:42] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-15:13:18:42] begin quitting
[2010-09-15:18:07:27] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-15:18:07:28] UI initialized
[2010-09-15:18:07:28] Begin background update check
[2010-09-15:18:07:28] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-15:18:07:40] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-15:18:07:40] begin quitting
[2010-09-15:20:17:02] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-15:20:17:03] UI initialized
[2010-09-15:20:17:03] Begin background update check
[2010-09-15:20:17:03] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-15:20:17:03] Background update not available
[2010-09-15:20:17:03] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-15:20:17:03] begin quitting
[2010-09-16:09:31:29] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-16:09:31:29] UI initialized
[2010-09-16:09:31:29] Begin background update check
[2010-09-16:09:31:29] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-16:09:31:50] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-16:09:31:50] begin quitting
[2010-09-17:07:53:03] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-17:07:53:04] UI initialized
[2010-09-17:07:53:04] Begin background update check
[2010-09-17:07:53:04] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-17:07:53:28] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-17:07:53:28] begin quitting
[2010-09-18:12:48:38] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-18:12:48:39] UI initialized
[2010-09-18:12:48:39] Begin background update check
[2010-09-18:12:48:39] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-18:12:49:07] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-18:12:49:07] begin quitting
[2010-09-18:12:49:58] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-09-18:12:49:58] Updating from file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/fla57A0.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:49:58] Updating to version 3.0.5
[2010-09-18:12:49:58] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-18:12:49:59] UI initialized
[2010-09-18:12:49:59] beginning UI styling
[2010-09-18:12:49:59] UI styling complete
[2010-09-18:12:49:59] Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla5C61.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:00] unpackaging/validation is complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:00] application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-09-18:12:50:00] app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-09-18:12:50:00] pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-09-18:12:50:00] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
[2010-09-18:12:50:00] Waiting for user confirmation
[2010-09-18:12:50:00] User confirmed action: install
[2010-09-18:12:50:00] creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla61B0.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:01] native installer creation complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:01] Starting install
[2010-09-18:12:50:01] using conversion output in C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla61B0.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:01] Beginning install
[2010-09-18:12:50:01] Installing C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla61B0.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-09-18:12:50:04] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
[2010-09-18:12:50:04] Rolling back install of C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla61B0.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-09-18:12:50:04] Rollback due to error complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:04] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
[2010-09-18:12:50:04] stateInstallingWithElevation: enter install
[2010-09-18:12:50:04] stateInstallingWithElevation: c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files" -update -silent -logToStdout "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe" file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/fla57A0.tmp 3.0.5
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] Updating from file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/fla57A0.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] subinstaller: Updating from file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/fla57A0.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] subinstaller: Updating to version 3.0.5
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] Updating to version 3.0.5
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] UI initialized
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla8361.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:09] subinstaller: Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla8361.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] unpackaging/validation is complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] subinstaller: app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] subinstaller: pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] subinstaller: Application located at c:\program files (x86)
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla8601.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] subinstaller: creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla8601.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] native installer creation complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] subinstaller: native installer creation complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] subinstaller: Starting install
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] Starting install
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] using conversion output in C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla8601.tmp
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] Beginning install
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] subinstaller: Beginning install
[2010-09-18:12:50:10] Installing C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla8601.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-09-18:12:50:13] subinstaller: Execution complete; beginning commit phase
[2010-09-18:12:50:13] subinstaller: Commit complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:13] subinstaller: starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-09-18:12:50:13] application installer exiting
[2010-09-18:12:50:13] subinstaller: application installer exiting
[2010-09-18:12:50:13] received unknown message type from subinstaller: done
[2010-09-18:12:50:13] Failed during elevated install: 3001
[2010-09-18:12:50:24] Re-launching application from c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-09-18:12:50:24] starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-09-18:12:50:24] application installer exiting
[2010-09-18:12:50:54] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-18:12:50:54] UI initialized
[2010-09-18:12:50:54] Begin background update check
[2010-09-18:12:50:54] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-18:12:50:55] Background update not available
[2010-09-18:12:50:55] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-18:12:50:55] begin quitting
[2010-09-18:17:40:38] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-18:17:40:38] UI initialized
[2010-09-18:17:40:38] Begin background update check
[2010-09-18:17:40:39] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-18:17:40:39] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-18:17:40:39] begin quitting
[2010-09-19:14:22:48] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-19:14:22:48] UI initialized
[2010-09-19:14:22:48] Begin background update check
[2010-09-19:14:22:48] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-19:14:22:49] Background update not available
[2010-09-19:14:22:49] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-19:14:22:49] begin quitting
[2010-09-19:16:14:23] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-19:16:14:23] UI initialized
[2010-09-19:16:14:23] Begin background update check
[2010-09-19:16:14:24] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-19:16:14:24] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-19:16:14:24] begin quitting
[2010-09-19:22:00:01] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-19:22:00:02] UI initialized
[2010-09-19:22:00:02] Begin background update check
[2010-09-19:22:00:02] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-19:22:00:44] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-19:22:00:44] begin quitting
[2010-09-20:08:01:57] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-20:08:01:57] UI initialized
[2010-09-20:08:01:57] Begin background update check
[2010-09-20:08:01:57] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-20:08:02:04] Background update not available
[2010-09-20:08:02:04] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-20:08:02:04] begin quitting
[2010-09-20:16:53:12] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-20:16:53:13] UI initialized
[2010-09-20:16:53:13] Begin background update check
[2010-09-20:16:53:13] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-20:16:53:22] Background update not available
[2010-09-20:16:53:22] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-20:16:53:22] begin quitting
[2010-09-21:10:50:17] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-21:10:50:18] UI initialized
[2010-09-21:10:50:18] Begin background update check
[2010-09-21:10:50:18] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-21:10:50:27] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-21:10:50:27] begin quitting
[2010-09-21:12:30:05] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-21:12:30:05] UI initialized
[2010-09-21:12:30:05] Begin background update check
[2010-09-21:12:30:05] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-21:12:30:08] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-21:12:30:08] begin quitting
[2010-09-21:16:18:11] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-21:16:18:11] UI initialized
[2010-09-21:16:18:11] Begin background update check
[2010-09-21:16:18:11] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-21:16:18:24] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-21:16:18:24] begin quitting
[2010-09-22:07:18:33] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-22:07:18:34] UI initialized
[2010-09-22:07:18:34] Begin background update check
[2010-09-22:07:18:34] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-22:07:18:43] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-22:07:18:43] begin quitting
[2010-09-22:11:57:08] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-22:11:57:08] UI initialized
[2010-09-22:11:57:08] Begin background update check
[2010-09-22:11:57:08] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-22:11:57:13] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-22:11:57:13] begin quitting
[2010-09-22:16:36:56] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-22:16:36:56] UI initialized
[2010-09-22:16:36:56] Begin background update check
[2010-09-22:16:36:56] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-22:16:36:57] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-22:16:36:57] begin quitting
[2010-09-22:16:43:31] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-22:16:43:32] UI initialized
[2010-09-22:16:43:32] Begin background update check
[2010-09-22:16:43:32] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-22:16:43:32] Background update not available
[2010-09-22:16:43:32] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-22:16:43:32] begin quitting
[2010-09-22:18:39:08] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-22:18:39:08] UI initialized
[2010-09-22:18:39:08] Begin background update check
[2010-09-22:18:39:08] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-22:18:39:10] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-22:18:39:10] begin quitting
[2010-09-22:20:37:06] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-22:20:37:06] UI initialized
[2010-09-22:20:37:06] Begin background update check
[2010-09-22:20:37:06] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-22:20:37:29] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-22:20:37:29] begin quitting
[2010-09-23:08:14:32] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-23:08:14:32] UI initialized
[2010-09-23:08:14:32] Begin background update check
[2010-09-23:08:14:32] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-23:08:14:33] Background update not available
[2010-09-23:08:14:33] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-23:08:14:33] begin quitting
[2010-09-23:15:20:52] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-23:15:20:52] UI initialized
[2010-09-23:15:20:52] Begin background update check
[2010-09-23:15:20:52] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-23:15:21:10] Background update not available
[2010-09-23:15:21:10] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-23:15:21:10] begin quitting
[2010-09-24:08:00:31] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-24:08:00:31] UI initialized
[2010-09-24:08:00:31] Begin background update check
[2010-09-24:08:00:31] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-24:08:00:33] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-24:08:00:33] begin quitting
[2010-09-24:15:01:55] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-24:15:01:55] UI initialized
[2010-09-24:15:01:55] Begin background update check
[2010-09-24:15:01:55] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-24:15:01:57] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-24:15:01:57] begin quitting
[2010-09-24:16:38:47] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-24:16:38:53] UI initialized
[2010-09-24:16:38:53] Begin background update check
[2010-09-24:16:38:53] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-24:16:40:35] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-24:16:40:35] begin quitting
[2010-09-25:09:26:53] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-25:09:26:54] UI initialized
[2010-09-25:09:26:54] Begin background update check
[2010-09-25:09:26:54] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-25:09:27:06] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-25:09:27:06] begin quitting
[2010-09-25:11:23:19] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-25:11:23:20] UI initialized
[2010-09-25:11:23:20] Begin background update check
[2010-09-25:11:23:20] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-25:11:23:21] Background update not available
[2010-09-25:11:23:21] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-09-25:11:23:21] begin quitting
[2010-09-25:15:21:27] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-25:15:21:27] UI initialized
[2010-09-25:15:21:27] Begin background update check
[2010-09-25:15:21:27] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-25:15:21:27] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-25:15:21:27] begin quitting
[2010-09-26:10:12:47] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-26:10:12:47] UI initialized
[2010-09-26:10:12:47] Begin background update check
[2010-09-26:10:12:47] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-26:10:12:48] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-26:10:12:48] begin quitting
[2010-09-26:21:18:09] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-26:21:18:10] UI initialized
[2010-09-26:21:18:10] Begin background update check
[2010-09-26:21:18:10] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-26:21:18:10] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-26:21:18:10] begin quitting
[2010-09-27:10:55:19] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-27:10:55:19] UI initialized
[2010-09-27:10:55:19] Begin background update check
[2010-09-27:10:55:19] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-27:10:55:19] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-27:10:55:19] begin quitting
[2010-09-27:18:05:09] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-27:18:05:09] UI initialized
[2010-09-27:18:05:09] Begin background update check
[2010-09-27:18:05:09] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-27:18:05:09] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-27:18:05:09] begin quitting
[2010-09-27:22:02:13] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-27:22:02:13] UI initialized
[2010-09-27:22:02:13] Begin background update check
[2010-09-27:22:02:13] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-27:22:02:13] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-27:22:02:13] begin quitting
[2010-09-28:10:44:34] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-28:10:44:34] UI initialized
[2010-09-28:10:44:34] Begin background update check
[2010-09-28:10:44:34] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-28:10:44:37] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-28:10:44:37] begin quitting
[2010-09-28:22:45:00] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-28:22:45:03] UI initialized
[2010-09-28:22:45:03] Begin background update check
[2010-09-28:22:45:03] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-28:22:45:04] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-28:22:45:04] begin quitting
[2010-09-29:10:44:27] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-29:10:44:27] UI initialized
[2010-09-29:10:44:27] Begin background update check
[2010-09-29:10:44:27] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-29:10:44:27] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-29:10:44:27] begin quitting
[2010-09-29:15:45:44] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-29:15:45:45] UI initialized
[2010-09-29:15:45:45] Begin background update check
[2010-09-29:15:45:45] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-29:15:45:45] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-29:15:45:45] begin quitting
[2010-09-29:20:25:53] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-29:20:25:55] UI initialized
[2010-09-29:20:25:55] Begin background update check
[2010-09-29:20:25:55] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-29:20:25:55] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-09-29:20:25:55] begin quitting
[2010-09-30:10:14:53] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-30:10:14:54] UI initialized
[2010-09-30:10:14:54] Begin background update check
[2010-09-30:10:14:54] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-30:10:14:55] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-30:10:14:55] begin quitting
[2010-09-30:22:05:15] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-09-30:22:05:15] UI initialized
[2010-09-30:22:05:15] Begin background update check
[2010-09-30:22:05:15] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-09-30:22:05:33] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-09-30:22:05:33] begin quitting
[2010-10-01:05:24:15] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-01:05:24:16] UI initialized
[2010-10-01:05:24:16] Begin background update check
[2010-10-01:05:24:16] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-01:05:24:17] Background update not available
[2010-10-01:05:24:17] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-01:05:24:17] begin quitting
[2010-10-01:11:18:03] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-01:11:18:04] UI initialized
[2010-10-01:11:18:04] Begin background update check
[2010-10-01:11:18:04] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-01:11:18:38] Background update not available
[2010-10-01:11:18:38] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-01:11:18:38] begin quitting
[2010-10-01:11:18:58] Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-10-01:11:18:58] Updating from file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/flaE4B3.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:18:58] Updating to version 3.0.7
[2010-10-01:11:18:58] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-01:11:18:58] UI initialized
[2010-10-01:11:18:58] beginning UI styling
[2010-10-01:11:18:59] UI styling complete
[2010-10-01:11:18:59] Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaE771.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:01] unpackaging/validation is complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:01] application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-10-01:11:19:01] app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-10-01:11:19:01] pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-10-01:11:19:01] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
[2010-10-01:11:19:01] Waiting for user confirmation
[2010-10-01:11:19:01] User confirmed action: install
[2010-10-01:11:19:01] creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF2C7.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:02] native installer creation complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:02] Starting install
[2010-10-01:11:19:02] using conversion output in C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF2C7.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:02] Beginning install
[2010-10-01:11:19:02] Installing C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF2C7.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-10-01:11:19:03] Error occurred; beginning rollback: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
[2010-10-01:11:19:03] Rolling back install of C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaF2C7.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-10-01:11:19:03] Rollback due to error complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:03] stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="1603" errorID=0]
[2010-10-01:11:19:03] stateInstallingWithElevation: enter install
[2010-10-01:11:19:03] stateInstallingWithElevation: c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer -runtime "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files" -update -silent -logToStdout "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe" file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/flaE4B3.tmp 3.0.7
[2010-10-01:11:19:08] subinstaller: Starting update of c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-10-01:11:19:08] subinstaller: Updating from file:///C:/Users/sony/AppData/Local/Temp/flaE4B3.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:08] subinstaller: Updating to version 3.0.7
[2010-10-01:11:19:08] Updating to version 3.0.7
[2010-10-01:11:19:08] subinstaller: UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:08] subinstaller: UI initialized
[2010-10-01:11:19:08] Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaD0A.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:08] subinstaller: Unpackaging to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\flaD0A.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] unpackaging/validation is complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] subinstaller: unpackaging/validation is complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] subinstaller: application is bound to this version of the runtime
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] subinstaller: app id BBCiPlayerDesktop
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] pub id 61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] Application located at c:\program files (x86)
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] subinstaller: Application located at c:\program files (x86)
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla162F.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:10] subinstaller: creating native installer in: C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla162F.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] native installer creation complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] subinstaller: native installer creation complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] Starting install
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] subinstaller: Starting install
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] using conversion output in C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla162F.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] subinstaller: using conversion output in C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla162F.tmp
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] Beginning install
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] Installing C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla162F.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-10-01:11:19:11] subinstaller: Installing C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla162F.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] subinstaller: Execution complete; beginning commit phase
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] Execution complete; beginning commit phase
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] subinstaller: Commit complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] subinstaller: starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] application installer exiting
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] subinstaller: application installer exiting
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] received unknown message type from subinstaller: done
[2010-10-01:11:19:18] Failed during elevated install: 3001
[2010-10-01:11:19:25] Re-launching application from c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-10-01:11:19:25] starting cleanup of temporary files
[2010-10-01:11:19:25] application installer exiting
[2010-10-01:11:19:56] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-01:11:19:56] UI initialized
[2010-10-01:11:19:56] Begin background update check
[2010-10-01:11:19:56] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-01:11:19:57] Background update not available
[2010-10-01:11:19:57] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-01:11:19:57] begin quitting
[2010-10-01:13:54:45] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-01:13:54:46] UI initialized
[2010-10-01:13:54:46] Begin background update check
[2010-10-01:13:54:46] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-01:13:55:16] Background update not available
[2010-10-01:13:55:16] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-01:13:55:16] begin quitting
[2010-10-02:03:57:52] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-02:03:57:52] UI initialized
[2010-10-02:03:57:53] Begin background update check
[2010-10-02:03:57:53] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-02:03:57:55] Background update not available
[2010-10-02:03:57:55] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-02:03:57:55] begin quitting
[2010-10-02:07:10:07] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-02:07:10:07] UI initialized
[2010-10-02:07:10:07] Begin background update check
[2010-10-02:07:10:07] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-02:07:10:08] Background update not available
[2010-10-02:07:10:08] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-02:07:10:08] begin quitting
[2010-10-02:10:50:09] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-02:10:50:10] UI initialized
[2010-10-02:10:50:10] Begin background update check
[2010-10-02:10:50:10] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-02:10:50:16] Background update not available
[2010-10-02:10:50:16] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-02:10:50:16] begin quitting
[2010-10-03:04:13:17] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-03:04:13:17] UI initialized
[2010-10-03:04:13:17] Begin background update check
[2010-10-03:04:13:18] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-03:04:13:19] Background update not available
[2010-10-03:04:13:19] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-03:04:13:19] begin quitting
[2010-10-03:13:03:15] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-03:13:03:16] UI initialized
[2010-10-03:13:03:16] Begin background update check
[2010-10-03:13:03:16] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-03:13:03:17] Background update not available
[2010-10-03:13:03:17] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-03:13:03:17] begin quitting
[2010-10-04:01:02:36] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-04:01:02:36] UI initialized
[2010-10-04:01:02:36] Begin background update check
[2010-10-04:01:02:36] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-04:01:02:37] Background update not available
[2010-10-04:01:02:37] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-04:01:02:37] begin quitting
[2010-10-04:09:33:38] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-04:09:33:48] UI initialized
[2010-10-04:09:33:49] Begin background update check
[2010-10-04:09:33:49] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-04:09:33:50] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-04:09:33:50] begin quitting
[2010-10-05:01:33:31] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-05:01:33:31] UI initialized
[2010-10-05:01:33:31] Begin background update check
[2010-10-05:01:33:32] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-05:01:33:33] Background update not available
[2010-10-05:01:33:33] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-05:01:33:33] begin quitting
[2010-10-05:06:45:48] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-05:06:45:50] UI initialized
[2010-10-05:06:45:50] Begin background update check
[2010-10-05:06:45:50] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-05:06:45:54] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-05:06:45:54] begin quitting
[2010-10-05:09:44:14] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-05:09:44:19] UI initialized
[2010-10-05:09:44:19] Begin background update check
[2010-10-05:09:44:19] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-05:09:44:21] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-05:09:44:21] begin quitting
[2010-10-06:01:36:59] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-06:01:37:00] UI initialized
[2010-10-06:01:37:00] Begin background update check
[2010-10-06:01:37:00] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-06:01:37:04] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-06:01:37:04] begin quitting
[2010-10-07:01:35:13] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-07:01:35:14] UI initialized
[2010-10-07:01:35:14] Begin background update check
[2010-10-07:01:35:14] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-07:01:39:33] Background update successfully downloaded
[2010-10-07:01:39:33] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-07:01:39:33] begin quitting
[2010-10-07:14:29:01] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-07:14:29:05] UI initialized
[2010-10-07:14:29:05] Running C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background\updater -update "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe"
[2010-10-07:14:29:05] begin quitting
[2010-10-07:14:29:11] Performing runtime update
[2010-10-07:14:29:11] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-07:14:29:11] UI initialized
[2010-10-07:14:29:11] starting user confirmation
[2010-10-07:14:29:12] Version of this installer:
[2010-10-07:14:29:12] Installed version:
[2010-10-07:14:29:12] Installation type: patchNewer
[2010-10-07:14:30:05] starting elevated install
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] performing an elevated runtime install
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] starting install
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] Scheduling runtime installation operations
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] Active AIR product GUID is {B194272D-1F92-46DF-99EB-8D5CE91CB4EC}
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] Scheduling an MSI repair operation
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] subinstaller: starting install
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] subinstaller: Scheduling runtime installation operations
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] subinstaller: Active AIR product GUID is {B194272D-1F92-46DF-99EB-8D5CE91CB4EC}
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] subinstaller: Scheduling an MSI repair operation
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] Beginning runtime installation
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] subinstaller: Beginning runtime installation
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] Beginning install
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] subinstaller: Reinstalling c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airadac.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-10-07:14:30:14] Reinstalling c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airadac.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1BBA.tmp\temp
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airadac.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airadac.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\airappinstaller.exe to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\airappinstaller.exe
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1C18.tmp\temp
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1C18.tmp\temp
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airadac.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\digest.s to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Copying C:\Users\sony\appdata\local\temp\airadac.tmp\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\digest.s to C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\www.macromedia.com\bin\airappinstaller\digest.s
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Execution complete; beginning commit phase
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1BBA.tmp\temp
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1BBA.tmp\temp
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1C18.tmp\temp
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Deleting C:\Users\sony\AppData\Local\Temp\fla1C18.tmp\temp
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Commit complete
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: Commit complete
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] install complete
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: install complete
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] subinstaller: begin quitting
[2010-10-07:14:30:39] Elevated install completed
[2010-10-07:14:30:43] Elevated install failed (3001)
[2010-10-07:14:30:43] runtime install entering error state: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-10-07:14:30:50] begin quitting
[2010-10-07:14:30:50] attempting launch of BBC iPlayer Desktop
[2010-10-07:14:31:21] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-07:14:31:21] UI initialized
[2010-10-07:14:31:21] Begin background update check
[2010-10-07:14:31:21] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-07:14:31:22] Background update not available
[2010-10-07:14:31:22] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-07:14:31:22] begin quitting
[2010-10-08:01:36:23] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-08:01:36:24] UI initialized
[2010-10-08:01:36:24] Begin background update check
[2010-10-08:01:36:24] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-08:01:36:25] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-08:01:36:25] begin quitting
[2010-10-08:09:47:13] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-08:09:47:13] UI initialized
[2010-10-08:09:47:13] Begin background update check
[2010-10-08:09:47:13] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-08:09:47:15] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-08:09:47:15] begin quitting
[2010-10-09:08:06:22] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-09:08:06:22] UI initialized
[2010-10-09:08:06:22] Begin background update check
[2010-10-09:08:06:22] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-09:08:06:23] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-09:08:06:23] begin quitting
[2010-10-10:00:35:07] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-10:00:35:07] UI initialized
[2010-10-10:00:35:07] Begin background update check
[2010-10-10:00:35:07] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-10:00:35:10] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-10:00:35:10] begin quitting
[2010-10-11:04:41:29] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-11:04:41:30] UI initialized
[2010-10-11:04:41:30] Begin background update check
[2010-10-11:04:41:30] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-11:04:41:31] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-11:04:41:31] begin quitting
[2010-10-11:09:59:25] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-11:09:59:25] UI initialized
[2010-10-11:09:59:25] Begin background update check
[2010-10-11:09:59:25] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-11:09:59:52] Background update not available
[2010-10-11:09:59:52] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-11:09:59:52] begin quitting
[2010-10-12:02:12:05] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-12:02:12:05] UI initialized
[2010-10-12:02:12:05] Begin background update check
[2010-10-12:02:12:05] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-12:02:12:07] Background update not available
[2010-10-12:02:12:07] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-12:02:12:07] begin quitting
[2010-10-12:09:58:41] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-12:09:58:41] UI initialized
[2010-10-12:09:58:41] Begin background update check
[2010-10-12:09:58:41] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-12:09:58:45] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-12:09:58:45] begin quitting
[2010-10-13:01:42:58] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-13:01:42:58] UI initialized
[2010-10-13:01:42:58] Begin background update check
[2010-10-13:01:42:58] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-13:01:42:59] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-13:01:42:59] begin quitting
[2010-10-13:03:23:44] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-13:03:23:45] UI initialized
[2010-10-13:03:23:45] Begin background update check
[2010-10-13:03:23:46] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-13:03:23:47] Background update not available
[2010-10-13:03:23:47] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-13:03:23:47] begin quitting
[2010-10-13:09:49:20] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-13:09:49:21] UI initialized
[2010-10-13:09:49:21] Begin background update check
[2010-10-13:09:49:21] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-13:09:49:24] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-13:09:49:24] begin quitting
[2010-10-13:15:05:16] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-13:15:05:16] UI initialized
[2010-10-13:15:05:16] Begin background update check
[2010-10-13:15:05:16] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-13:15:05:17] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-13:15:05:17] begin quitting
[2010-10-13:17:35:40] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-13:17:35:43] UI initialized
[2010-10-13:17:35:43] Begin background update check
[2010-10-13:17:35:43] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-13:17:35:45] Background update not available
[2010-10-13:17:35:45] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-13:17:35:45] begin quitting
[2010-10-14:08:33:54] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-14:08:33:55] UI initialized
[2010-10-14:08:33:55] Begin background update check
[2010-10-14:08:33:55] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-14:08:34:02] Background update not available
[2010-10-14:08:34:02] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-14:08:34:02] begin quitting
[2010-10-15:06:55:51] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-15:06:55:51] UI initialized
[2010-10-15:06:55:51] Begin background update check
[2010-10-15:06:55:51] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-15:06:55:52] Background update not available
[2010-10-15:06:55:52] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-15:06:55:52] begin quitting
[2010-10-15:18:25:00] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-15:18:25:00] UI initialized
[2010-10-15:18:25:00] Begin background update check
[2010-10-15:18:25:00] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-15:18:25:37] Background update not available
[2010-10-15:18:25:37] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-15:18:25:37] begin quitting
[2010-10-15:20:04:43] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-15:20:04:44] UI initialized
[2010-10-15:20:04:44] Begin background update check
[2010-10-15:20:04:44] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-15:20:04:47] Background update not available
[2010-10-15:20:04:47] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-15:20:04:47] begin quitting
[2010-10-16:06:22:38] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-16:06:22:38] UI initialized
[2010-10-16:06:22:38] Begin background update check
[2010-10-16:06:22:38] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-16:06:23:13] Background update not available
[2010-10-16:06:23:13] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-16:06:23:13] begin quitting
[2010-10-17:07:53:50] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-17:07:53:50] UI initialized
[2010-10-17:07:53:50] Begin background update check
[2010-10-17:07:53:50] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-17:07:54:32] Background update not available
[2010-10-17:07:54:32] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-17:07:54:32] begin quitting
[2010-10-18:05:50:23] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-18:05:50:23] UI initialized
[2010-10-18:05:50:23] Begin background update check
[2010-10-18:05:50:23] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-18:05:50:51] Background update not available
[2010-10-18:05:50:51] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-18:05:50:51] begin quitting
[2010-10-19:07:06:24] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-19:07:06:24] UI initialized
[2010-10-19:07:06:24] Begin background update check
[2010-10-19:07:06:24] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-19:07:07:30] Background update not available
[2010-10-19:07:07:30] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-19:07:07:30] begin quitting
[2010-10-20:05:02:17] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-20:05:02:17] UI initialized
[2010-10-20:05:02:17] Begin background update check
[2010-10-20:05:02:17] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-20:05:03:03] Background update not available
[2010-10-20:05:03:03] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-20:05:03:03] begin quitting
[2010-10-20:14:38:40] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-20:14:38:48] UI initialized
[2010-10-20:14:38:48] Begin background update check
[2010-10-20:14:38:48] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-20:14:39:04] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-20:14:39:04] begin quitting
[2010-10-20:18:55:46] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-20:18:55:46] UI initialized
[2010-10-20:18:55:46] Begin background update check
[2010-10-20:18:55:47] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-20:18:57:00] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-20:18:57:00] begin quitting
[2010-10-21:06:48:18] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-21:06:48:18] UI initialized
[2010-10-21:06:48:18] Begin background update check
[2010-10-21:06:48:18] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-21:06:49:30] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-21:06:49:30] begin quitting
[2010-10-21:07:03:30] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-21:07:03:30] UI initialized
[2010-10-21:07:03:30] Begin background update check
[2010-10-21:07:03:30] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-21:07:03:31] Background update not available
[2010-10-21:07:03:31] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-21:07:03:31] begin quitting
[2010-10-21:23:04:57] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-21:23:04:58] UI initialized
[2010-10-21:23:04:59] Begin background update check
[2010-10-21:23:04:59] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-21:23:05:00] Background update not available
[2010-10-21:23:05:00] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-21:23:05:00] begin quitting
[2010-10-21:23:13:38] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-21:23:13:38] UI initialized
[2010-10-21:23:13:38] Begin background update check
[2010-10-21:23:13:38] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-21:23:14:22] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-21:23:14:22] begin quitting
[2010-10-22:09:14:45] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-22:09:14:45] UI initialized
[2010-10-22:09:14:45] Begin background update check
[2010-10-22:09:14:45] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-22:09:15:34] Background update not available
[2010-10-22:09:15:34] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-22:09:15:34] begin quitting
[2010-10-23:07:07:38] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-23:07:07:39] UI initialized
[2010-10-23:07:07:39] Begin background update check
[2010-10-23:07:07:39] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-23:07:07:39] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-23:07:07:39] begin quitting
[2010-10-24:11:05:33] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-24:11:05:33] UI initialized
[2010-10-24:11:05:33] Begin background update check
[2010-10-24:11:05:33] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-24:11:06:39] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-24:11:06:39] begin quitting
[2010-10-25:10:13:52] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-25:10:13:53] UI initialized
[2010-10-25:10:13:53] Begin background update check
[2010-10-25:10:13:53] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-25:10:14:32] Background update not available
[2010-10-25:10:14:32] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-10-25:10:14:32] begin quitting
[2010-10-25:19:30:55] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-25:19:30:55] UI initialized
[2010-10-25:19:30:55] Begin background update check
[2010-10-25:19:30:55] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-25:19:31:44] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-25:19:31:44] begin quitting
[2010-10-26:07:41:03] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-26:07:41:03] UI initialized
[2010-10-26:07:41:03] Begin background update check
[2010-10-26:07:41:04] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-26:07:41:16] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-26:07:41:16] begin quitting
[2010-10-26:17:59:31] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-26:17:59:32] UI initialized
[2010-10-26:17:59:32] Begin background update check
[2010-10-26:17:59:34] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-26:17:59:36] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-26:17:59:36] begin quitting
[2010-10-27:07:52:02] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-27:07:52:03] UI initialized
[2010-10-27:07:52:03] Begin background update check
[2010-10-27:07:52:03] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-27:07:52:29] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-27:07:52:29] begin quitting
[2010-10-28:06:24:11] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-28:06:24:11] UI initialized
[2010-10-28:06:24:11] Begin background update check
[2010-10-28:06:24:11] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-28:06:24:38] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-28:06:24:38] begin quitting
[2010-10-28:13:03:14] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-28:13:03:14] UI initialized
[2010-10-28:13:03:14] Begin background update check
[2010-10-28:13:03:15] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-28:13:03:15] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-28:13:03:15] begin quitting
[2010-10-29:07:06:46] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-29:07:06:47] UI initialized
[2010-10-29:07:06:47] Begin background update check
[2010-10-29:07:06:47] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-29:07:07:01] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-29:07:07:01] begin quitting
[2010-10-29:12:16:19] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-29:12:16:19] UI initialized
[2010-10-29:12:16:19] Begin background update check
[2010-10-29:12:16:19] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-29:12:17:15] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-10-29:12:17:15] begin quitting
[2010-10-29:13:19:40] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-29:13:19:40] UI initialized
[2010-10-29:13:19:40] Begin background update check
[2010-10-29:13:19:41] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-29:13:20:10] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-29:13:20:10] begin quitting
[2010-10-29:17:00:41] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-29:17:00:41] UI initialized
[2010-10-29:17:00:41] Begin background update check
[2010-10-29:17:00:42] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-29:17:00:49] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-29:17:00:49] begin quitting
[2010-10-29:19:25:41] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-29:19:25:41] UI initialized
[2010-10-29:19:25:41] Begin background update check
[2010-10-29:19:25:41] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-29:19:25:59] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-29:19:25:59] begin quitting
[2010-10-30:08:18:57] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-30:08:19:04] UI initialized
[2010-10-30:08:19:04] Begin background update check
[2010-10-30:08:19:05] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-30:08:19:08] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-30:08:19:08] begin quitting
[2010-10-30:23:13:28] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-30:23:13:29] UI initialized
[2010-10-30:23:13:29] Begin background update check
[2010-10-30:23:13:29] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-30:23:13:52] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-30:23:13:52] begin quitting
[2010-10-31:08:45:43] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-10-31:08:45:44] UI initialized
[2010-10-31:08:45:44] Begin background update check
[2010-10-31:08:45:44] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-10-31:08:46:10] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-10-31:08:46:10] begin quitting
[2010-11-01:08:02:40] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-01:08:02:40] UI initialized
[2010-11-01:08:02:41] Begin background update check
[2010-11-01:08:02:41] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-01:08:03:24] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-01:08:03:24] begin quitting
[2010-11-01:09:56:05] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-01:09:56:12] UI initialized
[2010-11-01:09:56:12] Begin background update check
[2010-11-01:09:56:12] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-01:09:56:34] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-01:09:56:34] begin quitting
[2010-11-01:12:28:58] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-01:12:28:58] UI initialized
[2010-11-01:12:28:58] Begin background update check
[2010-11-01:12:28:58] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-01:12:29:35] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-11-01:12:29:35] begin quitting
[2010-11-01:14:33:51] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-01:14:33:51] UI initialized
[2010-11-01:14:33:51] Begin background update check
[2010-11-01:14:33:51] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-01:14:34:57] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-01:14:34:57] begin quitting
[2010-11-02:09:50:02] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-02:09:50:02] UI initialized
[2010-11-02:09:50:02] Begin background update check
[2010-11-02:09:50:02] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-02:09:50:22] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-11-02:09:50:22] begin quitting
[2010-11-02:14:22:49] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-02:14:22:50] UI initialized
[2010-11-02:14:22:50] Begin background update check
[2010-11-02:14:22:50] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-02:14:23:23] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-02:14:23:23] begin quitting
[2010-11-03:07:32:31] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-03:07:32:31] UI initialized
[2010-11-03:07:32:31] Begin background update check
[2010-11-03:07:32:31] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-03:07:33:46] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-11-03:07:33:46] begin quitting
[2010-11-03:11:43:16] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-03:11:43:17] UI initialized
[2010-11-03:11:43:18] Begin background update check
[2010-11-03:11:43:18] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-03:11:43:18] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-03:11:43:18] begin quitting
[2010-11-03:16:30:54] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-03:16:30:54] UI initialized
[2010-11-03:16:30:54] Begin background update check
[2010-11-03:16:30:54] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-03:16:31:28] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-03:16:31:28] begin quitting
[2010-11-04:08:03:03] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-04:08:03:04] UI initialized
[2010-11-04:08:03:04] Begin background update check
[2010-11-04:08:03:04] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-04:08:03:05] Background update check failed: Error #2032
[2010-11-04:08:03:05] begin quitting
[2010-11-04:12:36:50] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-04:12:36:51] UI initialized
[2010-11-04:12:36:51] Begin background update check
[2010-11-04:12:36:51] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-04:12:37:31] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-04:12:37:31] begin quitting
[2010-11-04:19:03:09] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-04:19:03:10] UI initialized
[2010-11-04:19:03:10] Begin background update check
[2010-11-04:19:03:10] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-04:19:03:14] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-04:19:03:14] begin quitting
[2010-11-05:06:00:55] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-05:06:00:55] UI initialized
[2010-11-05:06:00:55] Begin background update check
[2010-11-05:06:00:55] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-05:06:01:39] Background update check failed: not an AIR file
[2010-11-05:06:01:39] begin quitting
[2010-11-05:09:30:20] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-05:09:30:20] UI initialized
[2010-11-05:09:30:20] Begin background update check
[2010-11-05:09:30:20] Starting download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-05:09:30:40] Background update successfully downloaded
[2010-11-05:09:30:40] Background update check failed: Error #3001
[2010-11-05:09:30:40] begin quitting
[2010-11-05:15:50:28] UI SWF load is complete
[2010-11-05:15:50:30] UI initialized
[2010-11-05:15:50:30] Running C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background\updater -update "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe"
[2010-11-05:15:50:31] begin quitting
[2010-11-05:15:50:48] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-05:15:50:48] Commandline is: -update "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe"
[2010-11-05:15:50:48] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-05:15:50:48] Installed app (BBCiPlayerDesktop.61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1) located at c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-11-05:15:58:30] Relaunching with elevation
[2010-11-05:15:58:30] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\aira256.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
[2010-11-05:15:58:33] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-05:15:58:33] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_6696_0 -ei
[2010-11-05:15:58:33] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-05:15:58:33] Starting silent runtime update. Updating runtime from version to version
[2010-11-05:15:58:33] Installing msi at c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\aira256.tmp\setup.msi with guid {46C045BF-2B3F-4BC4-8E4C-00E0CF8BD9DB}
[2010-11-05:15:58:38] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-05:15:58:38] Elevated install completed
[2010-11-05:15:58:42] Elevated install failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-05:15:58:42] Exiting due to error: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-05:15:58:59] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-11-05:15:58:59] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
[2010-11-05:15:59:29] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-05:15:59:29] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-05:15:59:29] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-05:15:59:29] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-05:15:59:30] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-05:15:59:30] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-05:15:59:30] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-05:15:59:30] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-05:15:59:30] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-05:15:59:31] Runtime update not available
[2010-11-05:15:59:31] Unpackaging cancelled
[2010-11-05:15:59:31] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-05:15:59:31] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-06:07:00:29] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-06:07:00:30] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-06:07:00:30] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-06:07:00:30] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-06:07:00:31] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-06:07:00:31] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-06:07:00:31] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-06:07:00:31] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-06:07:00:31] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-06:07:00:45] Runtime background update check failed: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
[2010-11-06:07:00:45] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-06:15:26:11] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-06:15:26:12] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-06:15:26:12] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-06:15:26:12] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-06:15:26:13] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-06:15:26:13] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-06:15:26:13] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-06:15:26:13] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-06:15:26:13] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-06:15:26:33] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="not an AIR file" errorID=0]
[2010-11-06:15:26:33] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-07:07:37:57] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-07:07:37:57] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-07:07:37:57] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-07:07:37:57] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-07:07:37:58] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-07:07:37:58] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-07:07:37:58] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-07:07:37:58] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-07:07:37:58] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-07:07:38:30] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="not an AIR file" errorID=0]
[2010-11-07:07:38:30] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-08:08:51:48] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-08:08:52:08] Runtime update not available
[2010-11-08:08:52:08] Unpackaging cancelled
[2010-11-08:08:52:08] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-08:08:52:08] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-08:17:26:44] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-08:17:28:10] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="not an AIR file" errorID=0]
[2010-11-08:17:28:10] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-09:08:15:36] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-09:08:15:37] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-09:08:15:37] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-09:08:15:37] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-09:08:15:37] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-09:08:15:37] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-09:08:15:37] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-09:08:15:37] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-09:08:15:37] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-09:08:16:37] Runtime update not available
[2010-11-09:08:16:37] Unpackaging cancelled
[2010-11-09:08:16:37] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-09:08:16:37] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-09:09:45:42] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-09:09:45:42] Commandline is: -arp:uninstall
[2010-11-09:09:45:42] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-09:09:45:56] Runtime Installer end with exit code 6
[2010-11-09:17:35:15] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-09:17:35:17] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-09:17:35:17] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-09:17:35:17] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-09:17:35:18] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-09:17:35:18] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-09:17:35:18] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-09:17:35:18] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-09:17:35:18] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-09:17:36:04] Runtime background update check failed: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
[2010-11-09:17:36:04] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-10:07:38:21] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-10:07:38:22] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-10:07:38:22] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-10:07:38:22] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-10:07:38:23] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-10:07:38:23] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-10:07:38:23] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-10:07:38:23] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-10:07:38:23] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-10:07:38:42] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="not an AIR file" errorID=0]
[2010-11-10:07:38:42] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-10:11:58:18] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-10:11:58:20] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-10:11:58:20] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-10:11:58:20] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-10:11:58:20] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-10:11:58:20] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-10:11:58:20] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-10:11:58:20] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-10:11:58:20] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-10:11:58:46] Runtime background update check failed: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
[2010-11-10:11:58:46] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-10:16:36:24] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-10:16:36:25] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-10:16:36:25] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-10:16:36:25] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-10:16:36:25] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-10:16:36:25] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-10:16:36:25] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-10:16:36:25] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-10:16:36:25] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-10:16:36:30] Runtime background update check failed: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
[2010-11-10:16:36:30] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-10:17:04:48] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-10:17:04:51] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-10:17:04:51] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-10:17:04:51] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-10:17:04:52] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-10:17:04:52] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-10:17:04:52] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-10:17:04:52] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-10:17:04:52] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-10:17:05:24] Runtime background update check failed: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
[2010-11-10:17:05:24] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-11:19:53:26] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-11:19:53:26] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-11:19:53:26] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-11:19:53:26] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-11:19:53:36] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-11:19:53:36] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-11:19:53:36] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-11:19:53:36] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-11:19:53:36] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-11:19:53:36] Runtime background update check failed: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
[2010-11-11:19:53:36] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-12:06:24:33] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-12:06:24:34] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-12:06:24:34] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-12:06:24:34] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-12:06:24:36] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-12:06:24:36] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-12:06:24:36] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-12:06:24:36] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-12:06:24:36] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-12:06:25:05] Unpackaging complete
[2010-11-12:06:25:10] Download success
[2010-11-12:06:25:10] Runtime updated downloaded
[2010-11-12:06:25:10] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-12:06:25:10] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-12:15:14:07] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -applyupdates "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe"
[2010-11-12:15:14:09] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-12:15:14:09] Commandline is: -applyupdates "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe"
[2010-11-12:15:14:09] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-12:15:14:09] Installed app (BBCiPlayerDesktop.61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1) located at c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-11-12:15:14:10] Starting runtime background update installation
[2010-11-12:15:14:10] Launching subprocess with commandline C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background\updater -update "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe"
[2010-11-12:15:14:11] Runtime updater successfully launched
[2010-11-12:15:14:11] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-12:15:14:23] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-12:15:14:23] Commandline is: -update "c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe"
[2010-11-12:15:14:23] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-12:15:14:23] Installed app (BBCiPlayerDesktop.61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD723A6DA9D.1) located at c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-11-12:15:14:33] Relaunching with elevation
[2010-11-12:15:14:33] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\air3429.tmp\adobe air installer.exe -ei
[2010-11-12:15:15:23] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-12:15:15:23] Commandline is: -stdio \\.\pipe\AIR_4600_0 -ei
[2010-11-12:15:15:23] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-12:15:15:23] Starting silent runtime update. Updating runtime from version to version
[2010-11-12:15:15:23] Reinstalling c:\users\sony\appdata\local\temp\air3429.tmp\setup.msi
[2010-11-12:15:16:01] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-12:15:16:01] Elevated install completed
[2010-11-12:15:16:13] Elevated install failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-12:15:16:13] Exiting due to error: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-12:15:16:21] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\program files (x86)\bbc iplayer desktop\bbc iplayer desktop.exe
[2010-11-12:15:16:21] Runtime Installer end with exit code 7
[2010-11-12:15:16:51] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-12:15:16:52] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-12:15:16:52] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-12:15:16:52] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-12:15:16:52] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-12:15:16:52] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-12:15:16:52] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-12:15:16:52] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-12:15:16:52] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-12:15:16:53] Runtime update not available
[2010-11-12:15:16:53] Unpackaging cancelled
[2010-11-12:15:16:53] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-12:15:16:53] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-13:05:38:36] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-13:05:38:37] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-13:05:38:37] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-13:05:38:37] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-13:05:38:38] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-13:05:38:38] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-13:05:38:38] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-13:05:38:39] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-13:05:38:39] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-13:05:38:40] Runtime update not available
[2010-11-13:05:38:40] Unpackaging cancelled
[2010-11-13:05:38:40] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-13:05:38:40] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-14:14:25:53] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-14:14:25:55] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-14:14:25:55] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-14:14:25:55] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-14:14:25:56] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-14:14:25:56] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-14:14:25:56] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-14:14:25:56] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-14:14:25:56] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-14:14:26:09] Runtime update not available
[2010-11-14:14:26:09] Unpackaging cancelled
[2010-11-14:14:26:09] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #3001" errorID=3001]
[2010-11-14:14:26:09] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-15:08:20:04] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-15:08:20:05] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-15:08:20:05] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-15:08:20:05] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-15:08:20:05] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-15:08:20:05] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-15:08:20:05] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-15:08:20:05] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-15:08:20:05] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-15:08:21:02] Runtime background update check failed: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]
[2010-11-15:08:21:02] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0
[2010-11-15:14:26:45] Launching subprocess with commandline c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\Adobe AIR Updater -updatecheck
[2010-11-15:14:26:47] Runtime Installer begin with version on Windows 7 x86
[2010-11-15:14:26:47] Commandline is: -updatecheck
[2010-11-15:14:26:47] Installed runtime ( located at c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR
[2010-11-15:14:26:48] Performing pingback request
[2010-11-15:14:26:48] Starting runtime background update check
[2010-11-15:14:26:48] Clearing unused background update directory
[2010-11-15:14:26:48] Begin Background update download from http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/
[2010-11-15:14:26:48] Unpackaging http://airdownload.adobe.com/air/3/background/windows/x86/patch/ to C:\Users\sony\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\AIR\Updater\Background
[2010-11-15:14:27:17] Runtime background update check failed: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="not an AIR file" errorID=0]
[2010-11-15:14:27:17] Runtime Installer end with exit code 0




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