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I'm using feathers SDK 3.3.1 (embedded font libs included).
All is well with AIR 27 - when I overlay Air 28 (AdobeAIRSDK) - the embedded fonts are no longer showing up.
Hi Dews,
Please user latest AIR SDK 28 from and let us know if it works for you.
Adobe AIR Team
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Android is working as expected - this issue is just affecting iOS on the device.
Note the code below that fails to render any text when the fontFamily is an embedded font.
var label :Label = new Label();
label.textRendererFactory = function():ITextRenderer
var renderer :TextFieldTextRenderer = new TextFieldTextRenderer();
renderer.embedFonts = true;
return renderer;
label.fontStyles = new starling.text.TextFormat( fontfamily, fontSize );
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more details: android - ok, desktop flash - ok, rolling the same project back to AIR 27 - ok. Starling's default verdana is ok too.
IOS + AIR28beta + any embeded font = fail
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Thanks for raising this issue but we are not able to reproduce this issue. Could you please share your Sample project so the we can investigate it.
Adobe AIR Team
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The sample project would consist of just a few lines of code.. Here are the steps to reproduce:
1. Use the Feathers installer to pull 3.3.1: - (be sure to include the embedded font libs)
2. Create a new Flex Project and point it to the Feathers SDK just downloaded.
3. Add an embedded font to your project - eg:
[Embed(source="assets/fonts/gothambold.ttf", fontFamily="gothambold", mimeType="application/x-font", embedAsCFF="false")] public static const GothamBold :Class;
4. Use code:
var label :Label = new Label();
label.textRendererFactory = function():ITextRenderer
var renderer :TextFieldTextRenderer = new TextFieldTextRenderer();
renderer.embedFonts = true;
return renderer;
label.fontStyles = new starling.text.TextFormat( "gothambold", 15 );
label.text = "Some test text";
5. Run this on an iOS device and you'll see the text using the embedded font
6. Now overlay AIR 28 onto the SDK - run it again - and this time you won't see any text on the device.
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Thanks for sharing the information. We are investigating this issue.
Adobe AIR Team
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Hi Dews,
Please user latest AIR SDK 28 from and let us know if it works for you.
Adobe AIR Team
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Nice, latest SDK 28 font issue resolved.