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I receive this error message when i try to install Adobe Air and an Air Application. What does this mean? How do i fix it?
There has been an error running
C:\PROGRA~2\NATION~1\tempAir\CNGViewer.air:Program Ended with an error exit code
The application will exit now.
Windows 7
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I realise this is almost 4 years later but I have looked for a solution to the exact same problem with installing The Complete National Geographic on a Windows 10 and didn't find an answer. After much trial and error I discovered if I changed my clock back to 2010 it would install. Once the installation completed I could change the clock back to today's date and the software works.
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I had the same problem with OS X and setting the clock to 2010 did the trick. Thanks john_za.
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The issue seems to be related to the certificate of the application you are trying to install. You can refer to Adobe AIR applications installation issue page to either get the application signed using a new certificate or you can refer to the workaround mentioned on the page to install the application rather than setting the date to a previous date.
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Hi there, I would also like to install the "Complete National Geographic on CD/DVD-ROM Product (7 DVD)" on Windows 10 but the installation process aborts for some "Adobe Air" reason, can someone help me with this issue please, I would be so grateful!
The National Geographic website tells us to install Adobe Air, which I did and to also set the date of the computer back a couple of years so I set mine to 2015 when I tried to install this DVD.
From National Geographic website:
I've attached a screenshot that shows the exact error message I'm getting...
You are suggesting it has to do with a "signed" application or certificate for Air but the link provided is no longer valid 😞 How can I fix that?
Thank you for your time and support,
Regards, Mathieu
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Thank you so much! I've bought the exact same national geographic CDs, and I've got the same error as well! was desperate until I found your answer! You're truly a lifesaver! Again, millions of thanks!
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Thank you John_za. You're still helping people with this! I recently came across an old six dvd set of CNG gathering dust in the basement and had the same installation problem. Your fix worked like a charm. This will give us something to browse through during the pandemic. Thanks again.
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I can confirm this works for instaling The Complete National Geographic 7 DVD-ROM set on a computer running Windows 10 in April 2020.
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I also came across this page while trying to install The Complete National Geographic on my HP Laptop running on Windows 10 as of August 2020. I had installed Adobe Air as the National Geographic support suggested ( Reading here, I thought I'd set the year to 2009 just to be safe (earlier than 2010) but it didn't work! Oy! So I tried setting it to 2010 and it worked! No installer error, now I can look at old Nat Geogs until school is back in session in a few weeks haha. thank you @ceezee1!
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I just bought the National Geographic DVD for the back issues at their website. I have tried to install the National Geographic DVD installation on at least four different computers and I cannot get it to install. I have installed the Adobe air with no issues. I am so amazed that they are selling such an outdated set of DVDs/software. This is very frustrating. Any ideas on what to do? I went to the website with the link that you posted and they even say that they do not support this DVD/CD set anymore. How in the world would they be selling something they don't support?
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The install works fine for me with the date set to 2015, even on my newly purchased Aero laptop (Windows 10 of course). The only problem is the inability to reinstall updates. I have access up to Dec 2012, however I have not found a way to access any of the year 2013. I am assuming that the registry needs to have an addition to be able to read 2013 mags, however this is a dangerous area to play with. Does anybody know of a fix for this?
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Hi there, I would also like to install the "Complete National Geographic on CD/DVD-ROM Product (7 DVD)" on Windows 10 but the installation process aborts for some "Adobe Air" reason, can someone help me with this issue please, I would be so grateful!
The National Geographic website tells us to install Adobe Air, which I did and to also set the date of the computer back a couple of years so I set mine to 2015 when I tried to install this DVD.
From National Geographic website:
I've attached a screenshot that shows the exact error message I'm getting...
Someone is suggesting it has to do with a "signed" certificate for Air... does this make sense? How can I fix that?
Thank you all for your time and support,
Regards, Mathieu