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Have anyone seen an extension supporting the new Google Cloud Messaging system for Android?
All those I have found are still based on the old C2DM system that doesn't allow new projects.
Thanks in advance!
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No one has got this to work? Seems like an important feature!
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Hi KarlCfs,
I have the same trouble.
Normally old ANE is working with the new Google Cloud Messaging system.
I use freshplanet ANE :
The author tell me, his ANE work with the new cloud.
Just change the value in registerForPushNotification(). Instead of the email adress, put your new projectId.
For the moment i dont receiver token from Google Cloud.
I don't know if something change in the xml descriptor.
If I resolve, I post it here.
Best regards
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Hi thibil38,
Did you finally receive something back from GCM using freshplanet ANE?
I try to make it work but I don't receive anything from GCM (token, error...).
I just would like to know if the problem is from the ANE or from my XML descriptor (ID or package name problem maybe...).
Thanks a lot,
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Hey guys if you are interested:
Here is a FREE Adobe Air extension for GCM messaging. It is fully working (implemented in Google Play marketed app) and there is an example provided in the package.
It also fetches the payload not only on "resume" but also when the app starts (after being closed by user or Android OS) You can download it here:
I made it after i couldn't find anything viable on the web.
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distrqt have upgrade their ANE to support GCM :
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A simple Implementation of GCM.
Please refer -
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we have also created an android GCM extension which supports custom notification sounds and custom icons... check it out here:
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Hi emstris
Do you have any documentation about how to setup your extension to use with Urban Airship?
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Hi, have you ever found a solution to implement GCM with adobe air and Urban Airship? I'm going crazy for this. Thank you.