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Http Service #2032 error on adobe air

New Here ,
Aug 23, 2013 Aug 23, 2013

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We have an application that uses HttService to connect to the php script

It always works fine on my mac and on many other computers

but sometimes clients on win7 or win8 complain about #2032 error.

I have logs frome the last time client had the problem:


  bubbles = false

  cancelable = true

  currentTarget = (::HTTPOperation)#1

    argumentNames = (null)

    arguments = (Object)#2

    concurrency = "multiple"

    contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

    headers = (Object)#3

    lastResult = (null)

    makeObjectsBindable = true

    method = "POST"

    name = (null)

    operationManager = (null)

    properties = (null)

    request = (Object)#4

    requestTimeout = -1

    resultElementType = (null)

    resultFormat = "object"

    resultType = (null)

    rootURL = "app:/CurationSoft.swf"

    serializationFilter = (null)

    service = (null)

    showBusyCursor = false

    url = "http://curationsoft.com/admin/licensecheck.php"

    useProxy = false

    xmlDecode = (null)

    xmlEncode = (null)

  eventPhase = 2

  fault = (mx.rpc::Fault)#5

    content = ""

    errorID = 0

    faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"

    faultDetail = "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]. URL: http://curationsoft.com/admin/licensecheck.php"

    faultString = "HTTP request error"

    message = "faultCode:Server.Error.Request faultString:'HTTP request error' faultDetail:'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]. URL: http://curationsoft.com/admin/licensecheck.php'"

    name = "Error"

    rootCause = (flash.events::IOErrorEvent)#6

      bubbles = false

      cancelable = false

      currentTarget = (flash.net::URLLoader)#7

        bytesLoaded = 0

        bytesTotal = 0

        data = ""

        dataFormat = "text"

      errorID = 2032

      eventPhase = 2

      target = (flash.net::URLLoader)#7

      text = "Error #2032"

      type = "ioError"

  headers = (null)

  message = (mx.messaging.messages::ErrorMessage)#8

    body = ""

    clientId = "DirectHTTPChannel0"

    correlationId = "C32429EF-ECF4-7A2E-31BD-AB45B6D993F5"

    destination = ""

    extendedData = (null)

    faultCode = "Server.Error.Request"

    faultDetail = "Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032" errorID=2032]. URL: http://curationsoft.com/admin/licensecheck.php"

    faultString = "HTTP request error"

    headers = (Object)#9

      DSStatusCode = 0

    messageId = "EB900331-B705-49FD-D82D-AB45B6F8EBF6"

    rootCause = (flash.events::IOErrorEvent)#6

    timestamp = 0

    timeToLive = 0

  messageId = "EB900331-B705-49FD-D82D-AB45B6F8EBF6"

  statusCode = 0

  target = (::HTTPOperation)#1

  token = (mx.rpc::AsyncToken)#10

    message = (mx.messaging.messages::HTTPRequestMessage)#11

      body = (Object)#12

        p = "cs2013"

        u = "marketconnexusLLC"

      clientId = (null)

      contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

      destination = "DefaultHTTP"

      headers = (Object)#13

        DSEndpoint = "direct_http_channel"

      httpHeaders = (Object)#3

      messageId = "C32429EF-ECF4-7A2E-31BD-AB45B6D993F5"

      method = "POST"

      recordHeaders = false

      timestamp = 0

      timeToLive = 0

      url = "http://curationsoft.com/admin/licensecheck.php"

    responders = (null)

    result = (null)

  type = "fault"

it's not related to the service availability even not related to any pc antivirus software or firewall

we tried to turn them all off.

When problem exist we tried to ping required service and it's accesible...

Can someone suggest some solution? or way to go?

Performance issues






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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 23, 2013 Aug 23, 2013

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Looks like 2032 is a Stream error.  Have you tried running the app with a proxy debugging app like Charles (http://www.charlesproxy.com/) to see what the traffic looks like when the error occurs?  You might also want to look at this blog post to see if the recommendations there help.






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New Here ,
Aug 24, 2013 Aug 24, 2013

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Hi, Chris.

Thank you for the quick response.

Just got email from client :

"I hooked the computer up directly to the DSL, and saw no problem."

so i guess it was some weird problem with network configuration.

anyway im going to log in remotely on client's pc and check what's wrong with Charles ( thank you for the advice!)

i will update this thread after that!





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New Here ,
Sep 19, 2013 Sep 19, 2013

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Hello Chris. Im here again.

With the same problem.

Look, we have an application which worked fine on client pc, then suddenly it stopped working.

I just started Charles Proxy in client's pc and cant see any output from the application. It seems that application cant work with network anymore for some reasons.

btw i see all needed network connection in my application which is working fine on windows 8 ( my own win8 pc ).

so i guess application stopped working because it cannot connect to network ( cant process any requests ), in simple words app blocked to use network functions ( url request, httpservice etc... ) but with no alerts, with no messages...

how is it possible? firewall is turned off. no antivirus software!

is it AIR runtime problem?  i couldnt find any similar bugs and also i cant reproduce the problem on my system.

can you help me and advice what can i do here?





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 20, 2013 Sep 20, 2013

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Did the failures coincide with a runtime update (assuming you aren't using captive runtime)?  Is this reproducible on other machines?  If so, could you please open a new bug report on this over at https://bugbase.adobe.com?  When adding the bug, please include some sample code or a sample application so we can quickly test this out internally.  If you'd like to keep this private, feel free to email the attachment to me directly (ccampbel@adobe.com). 

Once added, please post back with the URL so that others effected can add their comments and votes and I'll ask someone to investigate internally.





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New Here ,
Sep 20, 2013 Sep 20, 2013

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Thank you for the answer.

I tested it within Flash Builder IDE ( not final build ). I think it will be reproducible on all other machines because my client has win 7 pc and release build doesnt work for him.

I have added bug in bugbase and also wrote email to you.

Hope you can help me.

Thank you.





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Contributor ,
Oct 05, 2015 Oct 05, 2015

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Hi sadensmol‌ I wonder if you every managed to fix this.

We're having the same issue. On Mac computer the AIR App works well (https dosen't throw any IOError) and only on Windows we get users having issues with IOError ID: 2032.

Thanks for any pointers you may have.





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New Here ,
Oct 07, 2015 Oct 07, 2015

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We definitely fixed this problem, but I really can't remember how.

If you're using Flex please ensure that you use the latest official Adobe's ( Flex 4.6 ). Apache Flex has a lot of problems even latest versions.

if your problem is related to files management please check you're using urls instead of paths (some problems with permissions on windows platform ) and correct urls symbols ( / and \ for osx and windows )...

No ideas more.. .:)





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