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This thread is for discussion of the 64-bit development build of AIR for OSX. This feature is currently not available on and is distributed privately for those developers that are interested in providing feedback. If you would like to help us test this upcoming feature (release date not announced), please drop a line to
Because this is on the bleeding edge, we're going to do something slightly different for bug reporting. For the time being, please post any bugs related to this feature (or these development builds) to this thread or via email ( We're going to keep the bugs off of for the time being. We'll make sure to update everyone when this changes (which will probably be when this goes to the official beta on labs.) If your project/work needs to remain private, please feel free to send me the bug report and attachments in email and I'll make sure they get to the right internal people only.
Thanks and we're excited to hear what you have to say.
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For those using ANE's, the new descriptor for a Mac 64 bit ANE is "MacOS-x86-64".
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Hi Chris,
when i add MacOS-x86-64 in extension xml
then write command in terminal
./adt -package -target ane MacUUID.ane extension.xml -swc MacUUID.swc -platform MacOS-x86 library.swf MacUUID.framework
terminal return me this message
Unexpected implementation for platform: MacOS-x86
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i solve issue Unexpected implementation for platform: MacOS-x86 by change my terminal command to
./adt -package -target ane MacUUID.ane extension.xml -swc MacUUID.swc -platform MacOS-x86-64 library.swf MacUUID.framework
but when i use MacUUID.ane in my air mac app i found this issue
ArgumentError: Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name getDeviceUID.
at flash.external::ExtensionContext/_call()
at flash.external::ExtensionContext/call()
at com.AppleDevices::MacUUID/getDeviceUID()[/Users/Apple/Documents/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/MacUUID/src/com/AppleDevices/]
at AB3DLabs()[/Users/Apple/Documents/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/Collected/src/]
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HI mustafae24731360,
Can you please mail your project( to debug the issue at our end .
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I have tested my desktop applications and all performs well for me. Projects use Starling, Away3D, Alternative3D engines.
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Using Flash Pro CC 2014, OSX 10.10.2
If I use the AIR SDK for Desktop
Whilst Debugging my app: Debug menu > Debug Movie > In AIR Debug Launcher (Desktop) the app complies and runs with no errors.
If I publish the app with runtime embedded and launch the app, again it runs with no errors.
If I use the AIR SDK for Desktop
Whilst Debugging my app: Debug menu > Debug Movie > In AIR Debug Launcher (Desktop) the complier crashed the first 2 times I attempted the build.
So I reverted back to and published successfully. Then tried using again and this time it worked!
I have a log file in case it is of any use (unable to add it here though).
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Hi Mark,
Could you email the log file to me ( I can ask one of our devs and the Flash Pro team to take a look.
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Build ANE for iOS with air sdk 18:
Error: Apple App Store allows only universal applications. "libFPhaIOS.a" is not a universal binary. Please change build settings in Xcode project to "Standard Architecture" to create universal library/framework.
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Build ANE for OSX. Error:
Unsupported platform: '-platform MacOS-x86-64'. Must be one of [default, Android-ARM, Android-x86, iPhone-ARM, iPhone-x86, MacOS-x86, Windows-x86]
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I tried build SWC library with 1 class:
package {
public class Test {
public function Test() {
in IntelliJ IDEA 14 for OSX.
The library is not created:
Error:[FPHockeyApp]: Accept timed out
Error:[FPHockeyApp]: Exception in thread "main"
Error:[FPHockeyApp]: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: flex2/tools/VersionInfo
at com.intellij.flex.compiler.FlexCompiler.<clinit>(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 1 more
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Could you help us understand what you're working on? Does your project work using the standard AIR SDK? Your initial post looked to be targeted to iOS development. This thread is about the 64-bit developer preview for OSX, not iOS.
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I build ANE library:
<extension xmlns="">
<platform name="MacOS-x86-64">
<platform name="default">
"~/AIRSDK_18"/bin/adt \
-package -target ane "FPHockeyApp.ane" \
extension.xml -swc "$swcFileName" \
-platform default library.swf \
-platform "MacOS-x86-64" FPhaOSX.framework libCrashReporter-MacOSX-Static.a library.swf
And get an error:
Unsupported platform: '-platform MacOS-x86-64'. Must be one of [default, Android-ARM, Android-x86, iPhone-ARM, iPhone-x86, MacOS-x86, Windows-x86]
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Have you downloaded and overlaid the developer release SDK from my email link? Are you able to compile an osx 64-bit app without the ANE?
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Hi Chris,
I am new to Adobe Flash, and trying to build a Adobe Native Extension (ANE) for Mac.
I tried building native code with Xcode 6.1.1, but getting linker errors for Adobe Air.framework (Version 17.0.0144). Basically, the adobe framework is ignored by compiler (LLVM 6.0) with giving following warning, hence the linker errors:
ignoring file Adobe AIR.framework/Adobe AIR, file was built for i386 which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64)
So, as specified in this tutorial, I built my native code in Xcode, with non-ARC environment, with following settings:
Base SDK: Latest OS X 10.10
Minimum Deployment Target: 10.7
Architectures: Standard (32/64 bit intel)
Valid Architectures: i386 x86_64
Compiler: LLVM 6.0
Compatibility version: 1
Current Library version: 1
Wrapper Extension: framework
It built successfully.
Then I created .ane file using following command.
adt -package -target ane x.ane descriptor.xml -swc x-bridge.swc -platform MacOS-x86 library.swf x.framework
(I got "unsupported architecture" error when tried with 'MacOS-x86-64' platform).
In flash builder, I added x.ane, and tried calling function in it.
But, it is not working.
I did debugging, function is getting called from ActionScript code. But, I cannot see the logs (Applications>Utilities>Console, here you can see all the system logs), which I have added to the native code.
A few things which may provide some input:
1. As we do normally for a library, I have ensured that in Xcode, in the “build phases” section, headers are public. and “Skip install” is set to Yes.
2. Weird thing is size of the ANE is about 19 kb, where are the x.framework is about 33 kb.
3. I am working currently with OS X 10.9.5.
4. Flash Builder version 4.7
So, my question is:
1. Is there any way to compile native code for 64-bit architecture for mac? If native code could be built for 64 bit arch, then will the ADT Command work with 'MacOS-x86-64' option?
2. If "No" for Question 1, can 32 bit ANE work on latest OS X, 10.9 and 10.10? If yes, and the settings that I used to build native code are ok, can there be any problem with .ane file? Do I need to mention anything more in the adt command?
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Did this issue ever get resolved ??
I'm trying to build my ANE for 64 bit, but it appears that even the latest Air SDK for Mac is compiled as i386.
The only way I can get it to compile is to specify 32 bit, but I'm pretty sure if I did this, my app would not get accepted to the Mac App store by Apple 😞
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So, what is the status now?
I cannot build for mac 64bit, but able to build mac 32bit ANE. The problem is I cannot use it in Flash Builder 64bit, or there is any other solution to use 32bit ANE in mac 64bit? Or Flash Builder 32bit will solve this issue?
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The current status is we have a private 64-bit Mac SDK available for devs that are interested in trying it out. This will most likely be pushed to the beta channel in an upcoming release. However, we're trying to get a feel for how many developers have currently deployed applications that use BOTH the shared runtime and 32-bit ANE's. We don't want to break existing content so we're trying to give folks a heads up that they need to create universal ANE's (32 and 64bit) so that their applications will work now, and in the future.
Fwiw, I've asked around and I've yet to find an app that is using 32-bit ANE's AND the shared runtime. Apps that I've seen are all using the captive runtime (which is fine, no worry about us breaking those with a runtime update).
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Thanks for your update, Chris! I'm currently developed bluetooth ANE for Mac. Possible to send me the private 64-bit Mac SDK to try out? Thanks~~
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I have a same problem; ArgumentError: Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name xxxxx
looks, it is recognized as MacOS-x86-64.
but I caught an exception;
and when I export release-build, then I can't find MacOS-x86-64 folder in "Contents/Resources/META-INF/AIR/extensions/**/META-INF/ANE/*".
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good news! when can we do some tests with a WIN 64 bits compiler? Thanks and greetings !
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Here all AIR for Windows and Mac with captive runtime.
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First of all, thanks Chris for the private SDK.
I have tested the private SDK to build mac 64bit ANE, I used “Adobe AIR.framework” in this SDK, and compiled my static library in Xcode with x86_64 only (cannot universal (x86_64, i386) because “Adobe AIR.framework” only support x86_64. It compiled successfully.
Then I tried to build ANE with adt, I have error message:-
Error: Apple App Store allows only universal applications. “libABC.a” is not a universal binary. Please change build settings in Xcode project to "Standard Architecture" to create universal library/framework.
But the problem is I cannot build static library in Xcode in universal architectures, because the "Adobe AIR.framework" only support x86_64. Anyone facing same error here, any solution? Thanks!
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Thanks for the heads up! I've asked our QA team to take a look ASAP.
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Thanks Chris