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Today I am trying to submit a new version of an app to iTunes with the application loader but keeps coming up with the following error. The app was submitting fine last Friday. Any help or fixes will be much appreciated.
Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/cc/4b5fjzqn0_n34cll1wzkbk49jhjcnt/T/404743731.itmsp - Error Messages:
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Segment Alignment. This app does not have proper segment alignment and should be rebuilt with the latest version of Xcode. Please contact Developer Technical Support if you need further assistance."
It seems there have been changes in way Apple expects the apps to created. We investigated this deeper, and found that the output of our linker (in our toolchain) is no longer being accepted by Apple.
We are working on this to upgrade our toolchain, including the linker. For the time being, we would suggest you to try using the ‘linker’ available on the system. We have done tests with a couple of apps and it seems to be fixing the problem. Please give it a try and see if it can unblock you. Ple
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Thx Pahup
But I was talking about the ios app submission issue.
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yes, that should be available soon in Oct, I can't share the exact dates.
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Ok. Got it to work by replacing the ld64 thing in the sdk .289 folder. Uploaded to iTunesConnect and submitted for review.
Thanks for posting those files.
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little fat girl, I just fell in love with you! You are my savior !
I downloaded latest AIR SDK beta from this page Download Adobe AIR 15 Beta - Adobe Labs and replaced ld64 file from archive uploaded by Pahub. And it so simply solved all problems. It's been so many days, and has been tried so many ways...and only this one...
Thank you again!
P.S. Apple also have updated their Application Loader (ver.3)
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Thanks for the new updated SDK, Pahup!
I have one problem, though:
If it now sets MinimumOSVersion to 6.1 now my app won't be available to iPad 1 users, who can't upgrade to iOS 6, and I know for a fact that I have lots of iPad 1 users. Is there any problem if I set the version back to 4.3 in the <InfoAdditions>...</InfoAdditions> section like this?
<key>MinimumOSVersion</key><string>4.3</string> |
The workaround that Pahup suggested using before the patched SDK was published (creating a symbolic link with ln –s /usr/bin/ld ld64) worked for me but now my published app does a weird thing when launching. It doesn't show the splash screen properly. The splash actually appears while zooming into the app but then it suddenly disappears and a black screen can be seen for 2 to 3 seconds. Then my app finally starts. That black screen looks ugly! (looks as if my app had crashed or something, until the app finally starts). Why is that happening?
Anyway, I was hoping to fix that black screen problem by using the new patched SDK, but now I have the problem of the "MinimumOSVersion". Why was that changed in this SDK?
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Hello, Pahup,
I downloaded the fix for windows you posted on page 3 of this thread. However I have some problem using it, hopefully you or others here can help me out.
I use FlashDevelop to develop my app. I extracted the fix and copied all files and directories into my existing flex/air merged sdk directory and overwrote everything, then I pointed FD to use the new SDK. FD recognized the new SDK is AIR version 15.0. Then I modified the following line in my application.xml file, from,
<application xmlns="">
<application xmlns="">
When I tried to test the project, it says,
invalid application descriptor: Unknown namespace:
I guess this maybe a problem with FD and how to tell FD that I have version 15.0 of the AIR SDK now. I posted my question about that on FD forum here. But if you or anyone knows what I am missing, could you please advise? Thank you.
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Just to report my experience with the fix (windows version) Pahup posted on page 3 of this thread. I am using some ANEs and I got the following error message when trying to package the app. I haven't figured out which particular ANE is causing the problem yet. But all the ANEs are kind of important for me so I am out of luck at this moment...
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"___divmodsi4", referenced from:
__ZN12BlockedCodec12CalcGridSizeEiiPi in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a(ZlibCod
__ZN12BlockedCodec11SetupBlocksEii in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a(ZlibCodec.
"___udivmodsi4", referenced from:
__ZN11FlashString9AppendIntEli in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a(flashstring.o)
__ZN7avmplus6String12hashCodeUIntEj in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a(StringObj
_sqlite3BitvecSet in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a(sqlite3_all.o)
_sqlite3BitvecTest in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a(sqlite3_all.o)
_sqlite3BitvecClear in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a(sqlite3_all.o)
__ZL10II_samplesP10mad_bitptrPK10quantclassPl in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a
__ZL14scale_rationalmmm in libRuntimeHMAOT.arm-air.a(madtimer.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
Compilation failed while executing : ld64
In fact, even if I take out all the ANEs, the package will be successful, but the resulting .ipa file can't be installed on my test device. It says install failed. With previous sdk (air version 14) and everything else the same, installation is no problem. Not sure if this has anything to do with the flashdevelop difficulty I reported earlier. Hopefully the final solution will work in my situation also. (please, please ...)
Hi, Pahup,
You said when posting the fix on page 3,
Please note, this SDK also sets the MinimumOSVersion to 6.1 in the info.plist of the resulting IPA.
Does that mean the device installing the resulting app must have minimum iOS version 6.1? That would explain my problem installing the packaged .ipa file because my test device has iOS 6.0. But this would be a big limitation. We can't make app for people with iOS 6.0 and below anymore? Is there anyway to not have this limitation?
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Hi Pahup! I've updated the SDK and I've uploaded my app to iTunesConnect! It works! Great! Windows 8.1 Olga
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I would like to add my experience. Using Air, the app crashes on startup after the splash screen (no error popup, just quits). I suspect (and remember from the past) problems with fully included swc files and getDefintionByName() calls returning null, but I didnt dig into it. Thanks for the hint with -useLegacyAOT yes. Adding this to Air, I receive following error during packaging:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unable to find named traits:
at com.adobe.air.ipa.GOAOTCompiler.convertAbcToLlvmBitcodeImpl(
at com.adobe.air.ipa.BitcodeGenerator.main(
Compilation failed while executing : ADT
Using Air for Flex with Flex SDK, the app shows the same crashing behavior after the splash screen. Adding -useLegacyAOT yes to Flex with Air, I am finally able to compile a working build.
I hope the report helps to further debug the new compiler.
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Sir Rookie: I had to use a Mac to do the steps change the min os version. If yours is 6.0, it should be fine anyway. The command line stuff I was referring to was from the link I sent;
/usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: MyName Surname (XXXXXXXX)" "--resource-rules=./Payload/" --entitlements "Entitlements.plist" "./Payload/"
Anton: The reason I has to re-sign/re-pack was that no matter what I set the version to in my application.xml, it always got set to 4.3. No idea why, this is something I need to investigate another day
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Not sure if it helps in your case, but we were able to fix this issue by changing password for *.p12 file from Qwerty123$$ to 12345678
Simple solution, but unfortunately lots of research.
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I'm using Application loader 2.9.1 to submit application built by adobe flash player CS 6 with AIR SDK 15
First i submit .ipa but got error: Unable to extract archive.
So i searching and find way:
-extract .ipa
-inside payload > .zip the folder
Then i send .zip file and got Error: Error ITMS-9000: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '' does not contain a bundle executable
Anyone know how to solve this issue?
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- Question: Error ITMS-9000: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '' does not contain a bundle executable
- Answer: Don't unzip your IPA. Adobe AIR SDK generates signed IPA's that must be submitted directly without unzipping
- Question: ERROR ITMS-9000: "invalid Sement Alignment. This app does not have proper segment and should be rebuilt with the latest version of xcode."
- Answer: Please read this topic from it first message, not just post your issue. This problem have workaround for Mac users. Adobe investigating this and doing own job for Windows users also
- Question: Who know Windows workaround?
- Answer: You can't find work around for PC users at this moment. Or develop own linker or just wait for Adobe AIR team fix. They are working on this.
- Question: My App require iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus icons, but I use Flash Professional CS6 and it can't generate it
- Answer: I understand your pain. My apologize, but CS6 is outdated. You can compile your IPA using command line for free. Or Try to use Flash CC 2014
- Question: When invalid Sement Alignment issue may be fixed?
- Answer: When it will be ready
- Question: How I can change MinimumOSVersion? It's required by invalid Sement Alignment error?
- Answer: This is not the MinimumOSVersion error. Please wait, Adobe AIR team working on this. If you need to update your minimum OS versions anyway - minimum-ios-version-for-adobe-air-app here is how to do this
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i have try to upload .ipa at first time but got this message:
Unable to Upload package
The package could not be unpacked because of the following error: Unable to extract archive. Please make sure /.../.../XX.ipa is a valid zip or ipa archive
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Are you sure that you have IPA compiled with:
1) latest Adobe AIR SDK
2) Distribution: AppStore (not AdHoc) provisioning profile and Distribution certificate linked to that provisioning profile
3) ID of your app from your provisioning profile must be the same
4) Build for AppStore and not for AdHoc, Interpriter and etc.
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I just revoked the certificates, rebuilt the certificates, Distribution provisioning for AppStore, and .p12 file.
IPA compiled with latest Adobe AIR SDK with same App ID but still got error:
Error ITMS-9000: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '' does not contain a bundle executable."
Anyone please help me!
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Go to ERROR ITMS-9000: Invalid Bundle. and find latest Pahup message. Using that links was uploaded 11 apps during 1 day. It's work.
If you have ANE's that use minimum versions less than 6.1 - you must reassemble it with 6.1 or remove minimumos tag from ANE
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Just wanted to clarify and give you all a heads-up that we're seeing few internal issues related to 4.3>6.1 changes in info.plist, and hence we may not release this change in final build, we're still investigating.
Adobe AIR
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I hope you can find a solution that doesn't involve dropping compatibility with iPad 1s (iOS 4/5), since AIR 15 compiled apps still work in iPad 1.
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Thanks to the Air team and Pahup for the hardwork and update - great to be kept updated even if with the tiniest of info - shows you're there and alive, still!
Anyway, could I ask...will the release of Air support iOS 4.3+ or will it be limited to iOS 6.1+?
Also, final question - can you put the latest patch fix SDK on the main download in labs? Am sure it'd save a lot of hassle and posts on this thread of people who don't read the whole thread and notice your links!
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DaveCates wrote:
Anyway, could I ask...will the release of Air support iOS 4.3+ or will it be limited to iOS 6.1+?
I've tried with the latest AIR SDK beta available at the Adobe Labs site, and I've seen IPAs compiled with it get a MinimumOSVersion value of 4.3 again, not 6.1, like the previous version that Pahup posted in this thread.
So it seems they've finally decided not to change the MinimumOSVersion value. That's great, so apps can still be compatible with the original iPad from 2010.
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Appreciate your info.
I have try to compiled with that SDK but the error keep exist even after updated the new Application Loader 3.0 just now.
I saw the background activity the error is after Verifying assets with the iTunes store running..
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Thanks for everythings.
I've solved this issue. The error caused by a folder with same name with my application inside the .app.
Compiled with AIR
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HI I have done my app using flash cs6 , could you please tell me how to i send to itunes?
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HI, I try to upload mi ipa from flash CC and air 13
and i have this error
ERROR ITMS-9000: "invalid Sement Alignment. This app does not have proper segment and should be rebuilt with the latest version of xcode."
any ideas for real solutions?
best regards.