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"Bundle is invalid" in iTunes Connect using latest AIR SDK 20

Explorer ,
Dec 11, 2015 Dec 11, 2015

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Compiling with the latest AIR SDK ( I get a "This build is invalid" error in iTunes Connect. Any idea?

Air beta




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 11, 2015 Dec 11, 2015

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Can you please share your project app-xml file at bagri@adobe.com and the other environment details like whether you are using Win or Mac AIR SDK.

There are some limitations for your bundle id field which you can check here:

Adobe AIR * AIR application descriptor elements

Is this was working fine with previous AIR builds?





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 11, 2015 Dec 11, 2015

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Hi, Can you follow the instructions mentioned in http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashruntimes/shared/air20_flashplayer20_releasenotes.pdf

[iOS] Bundle errors appearing on uploading app on Appstore (4079233)

Workaround: User needs to add following tag under InfoAdditions to allow the submission of application in Apple App store.

<key>UIRequiresFullScreen</key> <true/>

Also, can you please confirm the Invalid Signature issue appears again if signed with the Distribution certificate as suggested by Apple.





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Explorer ,
Dec 11, 2015 Dec 11, 2015

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Sorry I made a spelling error in the headline. The error is "BUILD is invalid". Not bundle... sorry.




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 11, 2015 Dec 11, 2015

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Do you see BUILD is invalid error while packaging the application?

Can you upload a sample application in the dropbox such that we can see.





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Explorer ,
Dec 11, 2015 Dec 11, 2015

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No, the "Build is invalid" is being displayed in iTunes Connect AFTER uploaded the IPA with ApplicationLoader. Packaging works finde and ApplicationLoader itself doesn't show any error. Just iTunesConnect does not seem to like the IPA.

See (in german):

Screenshot 2015-12-11 11.45.10.png




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 12, 2015 Dec 12, 2015

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I too am seeing Invalid build rejection errors from iTunes with no change other than switching SDKs.  The issue is in the way that the .ipa is getting signed by AIR.

Invalid Signature - The binary with bundle identifier 'DELETED' at path [DELETED.app] contains an invalid signature. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target.

In my case, I'm 100% certain that the builds were being signed properly using AIR  Something in 206 caused a erroneous change to the build process.

This has nothing to do with the UIRequiresFullScreen key (which was added to our app.xml when we migrated to AIR




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Participant ,
Dec 19, 2015 Dec 19, 2015

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Still getting this error after using the latest beta from 16 Dec




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 14, 2015 Dec 14, 2015

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Hi Harry248‌, @schussler,

Thanks for reporting this issue. We have reproduced this at our end and team is looking into this.

We will update you as soon as we have the fix.


Adobe AIR




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New Here ,
Dec 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2015

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Thanks for publishing the workaround, I was lurking this thread while worried. Anyway, I was able to follow these instructions and upload a build:

[iOS ] "This build is invalid" error in iTunesConnect while uploading app

  • This issue has been fixed on Mac. To package the app correctly, so that it gets uploaded to iTunesConnect without any errors, the developer needs to perform following
  • Add certificate in the Keychain Access of the Mac and provide necessary permission to it while adt accesses the certificate.
  • If doing a remote login (ssh) for packaging the app, an extra command is required. Security unlock <home>/Library/Keychains/login.keychain for successful packaging.

"provide necessary permission" is a bit ambiguous, but basically open the private key and Get Info, then add the app permissions.




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Contributor ,
Jan 05, 2016 Jan 05, 2016

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This workaround is listed in the fixed issues section of the release notes, but I can't get it to work. I continue to get an invalid signature on the resultant ipa.

In Keychain Access, I've set the Access Control to "Allow all applications to access this item" for all private key children of pertinent certificates. The certificates in question pass validation. I then perform another adt packaging. Performing a spctl check on the ipa reports "rejected source=no usable signature"




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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 05, 2016 Jan 05, 2016

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Hi, stolennickname‌,

I request you to perform following steps. We will look into the issue.

1. Kindly remove the certificate (used for iOS app packaging )from your keychain access.

2. Add it back to keychain (by double clicking it and providing the password )

3. DO NOT provide the permission  "Allow all applications to access this item". Let it be "confirm Before Allowing Access".

4. Package your IPA with the certificate added in the keychain above.

5. You should get a keychain access permission dialog (Please confirm if you get this?? )

6. If yes, Please clicks "Allow Once"

7. IPA should get packaged.

8. Now, unzip the IPA and perform the following check to the .app file inside unzipped Payload folder

    codesign --verify -vvvv payload/<YourAPP>.app

9. Please let us know what is the output of the above command when run on your IPA. It will be great if you can let this know to us.

10. Also, Kindly share the IPA to me    chhetri      (at)           adobe             (dot)    com . OR a dropdown link.


Adobe AIR.




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Contributor ,
Jan 06, 2016 Jan 06, 2016

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Thank you Roshan for your detailed steps. I am no longer experiencing the problem after removing the certificate, then adding it back.

I did not follow every step verbatim. For your information, here's what I did:

1. Completely remove the certificate using Keychain Access.

2. Added the certificate back to the keychain simply by opening Xcode > Preferences, then refreshing my account. The missing certificate gets added back to the keychain.

3. Examining the newly added certificate in Keychain Access > Access Control shows that the item is set to "Allow all applications to access this item" as it was before. I set this to the "Confirm before allowing access" setting.

4. I packaged the IPA using the previously exported external p12 certificate. Since the certificate has not changed, this should work.

5. During the packaging process, I did get a prompt to access the certificate in my keychain from codesign. I selected "Always Allow"

6. codesign --verify -vvvv payload/<YourAPP>.app reports

valid on disk

satisfies its Designated Requirement

7. Application Loader process allows ipa to evaluate, upload, and process, no errors!

For the first time, I am able to get my AIR app packaged using AIR 20 and Xcode 7.2 & iOS 9.2.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 12, 2016 Feb 12, 2016

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Hi Roshan

How come this issue is still not fixed and you're not answering these concerns?

I spent several hours yesterday re-working my signing certificates and provisioning profiles moving them back and forth, revoking and re-issuing them and getting really frustrated because apparently, according to iTunesConnect:

Invalid Signature - The binary with bundle identifier 'io.seanduffy.idep' at path [Idep.app] contains an invalid signature. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. etc etc

And then I found this thread and tried compiling with AIR 19, and it worked fine. No problem.

Why on earth did you guys release a build of the SDK which does not work?

And why have you still not fixed it despite knowing about this issue since at least earl December?

I can only think that you've been told to slowly sabotage the AIR platform (maybe my paranoia but hopefully you can forgive us AS3/AIR devs for having these concerns after the way Adobe has treated the platform).

Forgive me for taking this tone on here as I know it's probably not helpful but I just don't understand this lack of support. I mean - it's the release version of the SDK. AND IT DOESN'T WORK! Are we meant to just forget about AIR and walk away quietly?




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 12, 2016 Feb 12, 2016

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Hi clustaSean‌,

We understand your concern and we are in the process to fix the windows SDK issue.

As a workaround, please package your app in mac sdk.

Also you can be rest assured that Adobe is NOT going to sabotage the platform any time in the future and team is working on lot of exciting stuff.





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New Here ,
Feb 12, 2016 Feb 12, 2016

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I've got the same problem on Mac I can't upload app i try everything I'm stuck, help!! This is very frustrating (AIR SDK 21)




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 12, 2016 Feb 12, 2016

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[iOS ] "This build is invalid" error in iTunesConnect while uploading app

  • This issue has been fixed on Mac. To package the app correctly, so that it gets uploaded to iTunesConnect without any errors, the developer needs to perform following
  • Add certificate in the Keychain Access of the Mac and provide necessary permission to it while adt accesses the certificate.
  • If doing a remote login (ssh) for packaging the app, an extra command is required. Security unlock <home>/Library/Keychains/login.keychain for successful packaging.




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New Here ,
Feb 13, 2016 Feb 13, 2016

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-bash: Library/Keychains/login.keychain: Permission denied





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New Here ,
Feb 13, 2016 Feb 13, 2016

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- cert Distribution download

- import to Keychain

- make .p12

- Provisioning Profile for Distribution download

- publish

- Application Loader and 'bang'

Zrzut ekranu 2016-02-13 o 12.05.22.png

i'm tired

codesign --verify -vvvv payload/<MyAPP>.app reports

valid on disk

satisfies its Designated Requirement




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New Here ,
Feb 13, 2016 Feb 13, 2016

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I think its (my) problem with f* keychain.




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New Here ,
Feb 13, 2016 Feb 13, 2016

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‌It seem the problem is in certificate you are using.

Be sure it's well created. Many times I had same problem and ever was the p12

Use push notifications?

The App ID in Apple Developers is right?

The provision file is created according the distribution certif and App ID?

Double check this questions and patience... Air 21 work fine. Sure





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 13, 2016 Feb 13, 2016

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OK thanks Roshan

I was just frustrated from my experience and the amount of time wasted, and perplexed as to why this issue wasn't well documented (i.e. with a big WARNING!!! when downloading the SDK saying something like 'you now need to be a Mac owner to use this version of the SDK'

I have been developing AIR applications for several years now and do not own a Mac - it would be wise to disclaim this new system requirement somewhere to let your users know that's the real issue that iTunesConnect is telling them to re-package their binary with new code signing certificates etc (very misleading when it's actually the SDK version at fault!).

Very confusing!

Saying that - I really do appreciate the time and effort you fellas put into this - it can't be easy trying to keep it up to date with every new version and peculiarity of the different platforms AIR runs on. 




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New Here ,
Mar 18, 2016 Mar 18, 2016

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OK, now I'm speechless.

I wasn't aware that the SDK version 21 was out of beta since March 10.

And I can't believe Adobe decided to go "out of beta" with such a major known bug.

I mean, am I missing something here?

AIR SDK 20 breaks screen orientation on iOS 7 (so we can't use it) and AIR SDK 21 won't let us compile with Windows to submit to the app store (so we can't use it either since we're a Windows-only shop).

Roshan, can you chime in on this?

Please give us an ETA for this issue to be fixed...

We're crippled right now...




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Participant ,
Mar 18, 2016 Mar 18, 2016

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Yeah, that seems to be the situation.

Can you explain the AIR 20 orientation thing? I just submitted an app with AIR 20 which forces landscape mode, and that didn't seem affected. Is it a problem that happens when an app needs to be able to adjust orientation?




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New Here ,
Mar 18, 2016 Mar 18, 2016

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You might be OK with your scenario.

Our app needs to support both orientations, but not at the same time.

Some parts of our app are in landscape-only while other parts are in both orientations.

Works perfectly... except in iOS7, when compiling with AIR SDK 20.




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