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Since today i am getting this error from
Adobe Animate SDK 24
Changed nothing,
I have internet connection. I never had problem to compile an air for Desktop.
I urgently need a new update for customers
Please help
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Currently nothing is working for me.
If I manually sign using SDK 26 using ADT, the OSX application will not install because the installer can't download AIR 26 onto the target machine
If I try using ADT on SDK 25 its unable to create the installer at all, because of the time stamping issue.
If I try using symantic time stamp server with SDK25 but I get an error when installing
"The application cannot be installed due to a certificate problem. The certificate does not match the installed application certificate, does not support application upgrades, or is invalid. Please contact the application author."
Adobe. Please help, I can't publish unless this is fixed.
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Another thing that DIDNT work...
Created self signed key by pressing the button inside Animate 2017
Downloaded and installed AIR 26 Beta for OSX (from Adobe Labs)
Published and AIRI in Animate 2017.2 using SDK 26 Beta
Created installer package using ADT using the self signed key
DMG with installer was created, however it still produces the error message
"The application cannot be installed due to a certificate problem. The certificate does not match the installed application certificate, does not support application upgrades, or is invalid. Please contact the application author."
There does not appear to be a way to package an installer using Animate 2017 at the moment
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Does anyone know if its possible to submit AIR Apps to the Apple App Store ?
I can build a self contained App, which runs fine, but the Apple Application Loader does not need seem to accept the App file created by Animate CC 😞
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Yes, experiencing the same in OSX: using the steps that I successfully use on the PC (substituting .dmg for .exe) creates the dmg file just fine, but the installer fails since it can't download the correct Air version. Kind of at an impasse on the OSX side of things.
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I guess this may be fixed when AIR 26 is finally released.
As an interim measure, because I had a release deadline, I had to publish the App using the option to include the AIR framework as part of the App (self contained).
The I had to use an external installer maker "Packages", and then use Apple's tools to sign the installer package using my Apple Mac developer certificate for 3rd party (non App Store) Apps.
This actually resulted in a better experience for the end user as the Packages installer looks much more professional than the default App installer provided by Adobe.
But of course if there are any security enhancements released as part of AIR, my users will not be able to have them without me publishing a whole new App.
I have not tried to publish to the AppStore because I use StageWebView which uses undocumented API calls, banned by Apple in the App Store
StageWebView can be used in "Native" mode, however it changes the operation of StageWebView and my app fails to load the content when I try Native mode (yet another headache yet to fix)
It seems like Adobe really don't care about AIR etc and Flash has been re-branded to Animate, as Adobe now consider it simply a tool for making animations
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I also have the same issue. I urgently need to publish an update to a Windows Installer for a client. I've just tried AIR and the problem still persists.
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On Windows I managed to get someone to publish it using CS6, and although we still get the timestamp error when we publish; on CS6 the installer seems to work fine.
But on CC2017, the installer fails.
(Both using AIR 25 SDK)
(I'm just using the self certification on Windows, but its never been a problem in the past)
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I have just installed the update for Adobe Animate that became available a few hours ago (now using 2017.5, build Using AIR SDK, it now seems to work fine, no issues or messages with the timestamp server.
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Oooooo.. and they added a text entry box to set you own timestamp server!!
Thanks guys, good idea and implementation.
Confirmed : Installing latest Animate 2017.5 fixes this issue!! 🙂
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Hi Amrita Gangwani,
"Code signing with apple certificate .p12 for adobe air desktop mac os application"
Please help me how it possible to create apple certificate .p12 for OS application code sign using Adobe Air SDK. Actually i want distribute app for the App Store for example if i have used local p12 certificate I'm getting code sign not object all time and secondly when try to upload app on the app store sandbox error.So actually i want to know a way how i can create OS X .p12 certificate for Adobe Air desktop.
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What type of OSX application file did you publish ? (Application with runtime embedded) ?
Also, when you say you created a P12 file, how did you create this.
What type of certificate did you request from the Apple Developer portal ?
There are multiple types of certificate, but I presume you requested the correct type for deployment to the App Store ?
If signing inside Flash CC doesnt seem to work, you could use Apple's own code signing command line utilities, which is what I do to sign a complete installer package for distribution outside the App Store
I can't currently deploy via the App Store because the StageWebView component uses undocument API's when not operating in "native" mode. So I will have to re-code some of my App and hopefully make it work in native mode, before I could submit.
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I would resubmit compiled with AIR 26. The StageWebView for iOS has been updated. That may fix your issue.
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Thats excellent news.
I'll read the release notes and see if they have fixed the the problem
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Hi @rogerc96594825, Thanks for the reply
>>> What type of OSX application file did you publish ? (Application with runtime embedded) ?
Yes, .app Application with runtime embedded
>>> Also, when you say you created a P12 file, how did you create this.
I'm doing following steps to create a P12 apple certificate and export mac OS X desktop .app.
Keychain Access > Certifcate Assents > Request a certifcate from a certificate Authority >
Save to Disk, Let me specify key pair information, User Email Address, Common Name, CA Email Address > Key Size: 2048 bits, Algorith RSA.
After creating the .cer file i did import into the Keychain screenshot is attached and then finally export .p12 certificate.
screenshot attached Keychain-certificate.png
but when i try to use with my project files getting error.
Could not sign the AIR file.
Unable to build a valid certificate chain for the signer.
Actually, i want export .app with apple certificate code sign and finally app should upload on App Store
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I would try generating a self signed cert (using the New button next to certificate selection in the Publish screen)
Check that works, as I think you require a valid timestamp for this to be OK
Then try signing it with codesign (on the command line)
codesign(1) Mac OS X Manual Page
I use productsign, as I create an installer package, but I presume codesign is what you need for a application rather than an installer
osx - Whats the difference between codesign and productsign? - Stack Overflow
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Doesn't work even with bash script.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#$ -N $2
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
cp $DIR/Info.plist $DIR/"$1".app/Contents
cp $DIR/Icon.icns $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Resources
rm $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/WebKit.dylib
rm -rf $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/AdobeCP15.plugin
rm -rf $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/Flash\ Player.plugin
rm -rf $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/adobecp.plugin
chmod -R 777 $DIR/"$1".app/
#codesign -f -v -s "$2" $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/AdobeCP15.plugin
#codesign -f -v -s "$2" $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/Flash\ Player.plugin
#codesign -f -v -s "$2" $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0/Resources/adobecp.plugin
codesign -f -v -s "$2" $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework/Versions/1.0
codesign -f -v -s "$2" $DIR/"$1".app/Contents/Frameworks/Adobe\ AIR.framework
codesign -f -v -s "$2" --entitlements $DIR/entitlements.plist $DIR/"$1".app
codesign --display --entitlements - $DIR/"$1".app
productbuild --component $DIR/"$1".app /Applications $DIR/"$1".pkg --sign "$3"
codesign -v --verify $DIR/"$1".app
exit 0
o add <key>LSApplicationCategoryType</key>
in your Info.plist file, like we did.
You will also have to generate an icns file. Replace files inside myicon.iconset folder and run iconutil -c icns -o Icon.icns myicon.iconset
to create your icon.
Now you can run the script: sh "Pumpkin" "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Carving Technologies LLC (4397PR2B6Q) "Developer ID Installer: Carving Technologies LLC (4397PR2B6Q)"
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I've no idea what most of that script is supposed to be doing
Why don't you just create a self signed App, then resign it using the codesign tool.
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create a self signed based app, we can't upload on App Store, although after self code signing we also unable to re sign app code singing there is on google various app code sing commands available but doesnt work...
Adobe Animate CC team should it fix or make a official page how to post desktop app for the Mac App Store .
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What do you mean, "Unable to resign"
Do you mean that once an App is signed it can't be re-signed, or that you could not get the signing command to accept the paramaters or certificate names etc you passed it.
I found the product sign (for installers) was quite picky about the name of the cert in the keychain
And you you have both public and private certs in your keychain
If you don't have both, you should delete the cert in the keychain and make a new one.