Swift iOS ANE Framework
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Has anybody played with making an iOS ANE using swift?
When using Swift, you can't make a Static Library (.a file). You have to make a framework instead. So in the extension.xml, instead of pointing to a .a file, I'm going to point to the .framework instead.
I'm about to finish up packaging up the ANE to see if this works or not. If anybody have experience in this, share you experience. Thanks.
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That's outstanding to hear!
I have a question, if I write 8 custom functions in my Swift Class, each function takes parameters input from AS3 side, now in order to do this, do I have to write 8 corresponding functions in the OC bridge (so that AS3 calls OC, OC calls Swift), or do I just need to write only one function in the OC bridge, that function takes 3 parameters: swiftClassName (which is a String), swiftFunctionName (which is a String) and swiftFunctionParameters (which is an Array), so that AS3 calls OC, then the OC function calls Swift and deliver the parameters?
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Updated repo with latest code.
Now allows calls to FRE functions from Swift
The project contains a translation of FlashRuntimeExtensions to Swift. It is comprised of 2 parts.
- A static library which exposes methods to AIR and a thin ObjectiveC API layer to the Swift code.
- A dynamic Swift Framework which contains the main logic of the ANE.
To allow FRE functions to be called from within Swift, a protocol acting as a bridge back to Objective C was used.
Example - Converting a FREObject into a String
var swiftString: String = ""
var len: UInt32 = 0
let status: FREResult = FREGetObjectAsUTF8(object: object, length: &len, value: &swiftString)
var airString: FREObject? = nil
let status: FREResult = FRENewObjectFromUTF8(length: UInt32(string.utf8.count), value: ret, object: &freObject)
Example - Converting a FREObject into a String the easy way, using ANEHelper.swift
let swiftString: String = aneHelper.getString(object: object)
let airString: FREObject? = aneHelper.getFREObject(string: swiftString)
trace(value: swiftString)
GitHub - tuarua/SwiftIOSANE: Example Air Native Extension written in Swift 3 for iOS 10
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Thanks for documenting all your work and providing the project setups on github.
Following your techniques, I was also able to integrate a third-party Swift framework into an ANE project and get it to work on iOS, tvOS and macOS.
Quite a bit of fidgeting, and as you mention with your tools, requires resigning .ipa before using on iOS and tvOS devices.
Given that more and more third party frameworks are switching to Swift instead of Objective-C, it is becoming limiting to assume we are going to be able to build all our ANEs with static libs.
I second the idea that Adobe should devote some resources to making Swift framework integration into ANE development the new norm for iOS/tvOS/macOS platforms.
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Hi jadams602,
Thanks for the thanks!
I'm really glad to hear someone is using the Swift port of FRE for building real ANEs and it is not sitting as a POC.
Also the fact that it works for tvOS is welcome news. I often wondered.
The code has changed a fair bit from when I first started, as I learned from doing a C# wrapper also.
I think I am done with any major structural changes.
The next thing I am working on is adding helpers for the concept of a "Native Stage". One major drawback of adding a native control, say a webview, is that you then lose the ability place flash objects above the native element. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to add graphics or buttons directly from the actionscript side!!
I can't officially say that Adobe are working on Swift integration for ANEs but am eager to see what it may bring. It may turn out all my work becomes obsolete. haha. Shall see.
Whatever comes, yes the resigning integration is important, given some devs are reluctant to have to worry about bash scripts and such.
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I think the best solution is to have the IDE do the tedious stuff like resigning for us. FlashBuilder CC? lol
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Actually, having re-read your post you may be saying that you integrated a Swift framework into an existing Obj C based ANE rather than using FreSwift?
Either way good you were able to follow the same techniques.
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You don't have to write 8 matching functions in ObjC. You could use a single ObjC function which acts as a 'switch'. You could then call the Swift methods using SelectorString.
However, it's not considered good practice. For eg, Each Swift method would have to take and return parameters.
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One more question, when people using your solution (which is now availbe on your GitHub), is it possible for them to only write the Swift codes, and don't have to write the OC codes at all? If so, that will be outstanding!
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beggars can't be choosers
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jadams602​ and I have been testing AIR 27 Beta with regards to the signing of AIR apps which include Swift Dynamic frameworks.
There is now no need for workaround tools or resigning scripts to run on an iOS device.
An issue with using Simulator may need to be resolved, but AIR 26 can be used for this.
Adobe notes:
1. You need to keep external Frameworks inside <Root_IPA_PATH>/Frameworks folder to be signed by ADT. Otherwise external framework files will be ingnored for signing.
2. Frameworks folder contains External Framework library as well as Swift dylib dependencies if any.
3. Reference Packaging command for Sample IPA with external framework:
- Using command line:
bin/adt -package -target ipa-app-store -provisioning-profile <Path_To_ProvisiongProfile> -storetype pkcs12 -keystore <Path_To_Certificate> -storepass <Password> new.ipa SwiftSampleiOS-app.xml SwiftSampleiOS.swf Frameworks -extdir .
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For anyone interested.
I put together a short video tutorial showing the steps to create a Hello World ANE using Swift
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Hello el111​
Thanks for such a great FRE swift framework that you put on GitHub. Now, when adobe has released AIR 28, which supports swift and signing dynamic frameworks, is it helpful to write an ANE without using your FRE framework?
I have seen all three of your videos on ANEs using swift. I used your framework and started an ANE. I am using storyboards.
I am stuck at how can I perform a segue operation to launch a storyboard from SwiftController class. I will appreciate if you could
give me your valuable suggestions or guidance towards right direction.
Warm regards.
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FreSwift makes things a lot easier. It is much more complicated to write a Swift based ANE without it.
With FreSwift:
var myString = String(argv[0])
Without FreSwift:
var myString = ""
var len: UInt32 = 0
var valuePtr: UnsafePointer<UInt8>?
let status: FREResult = FREGetObjectAsUTF8(argv[0], &len, &valuePtr)
if FRE_OK == status {
myString = (NSString(bytes: valuePtr!, length: Int(len), encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as String?)!
You need to package the storyboard with your AIR app.
1) Add a new Target of type Cocoa Touch Framework called "Storyboards"
2) Add new Storyboard (Copy Bundle Resources)
3) Build the framework
4) copy Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/StoryBoards.framework/Main.storyboardc to example/ios_dependencies/device
And to reference the viewController in your ANE
// loads Main.storyboardc
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
// get UIViewController with id "viewController"
let vc = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "viewController")
// get AIR view controller
if let rootViewController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController {
// present vewController from storyboard
rootViewController.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
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Thanks for your valuable suggestions. I followed your guidelines and I was able to compile and test it on simulator. However, when I wanted to deploy on device, it's failing with error: ApplicationVerificationFailed. I looked for the messages in console. I found that "atc" is complaining that "Storyboards.framework" have different signature. Very strange, because in xcode, no signing information is specified. It's only animate cc (or) Intellij ide who is buiding and trying to install. I got same error with both animate cc and Intellij IDEA. I am using AIR SDK 28.
However, if I re-sign the ipa using bash script, it gets installed and runs correctly.
In your reply earlier, you did not tell to copy the "Storyboards.framework". Is it required or not. only copying Main.storyboard is sufficient?
Thanks in advance.
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Storyboards.framework is just an easy way of generating the Main.storyboardc file (note the c for "compiled")
You should not package the Storyboards.framework, just Main.storyboardc
I am sure I tested this on a real device and had no signing issues - running from IntelliJ.
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Yes, you are correct. It compiled and got installed without any errors, if I don't add Storybaords.framework in the ANE and in the IPA. But, I wonder what's the problem if we add that framework also? Installd (daemon) is complaining exactly about that framework only, that it has different signature. Can you please comment on this, help us understand better.
Thanks in advance.
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