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So my program keeps unexpectedly quitting amid any work that I try to do in Animate. It was when I started to use a gradient fill in a separate animate doc and worsened over time. I thought my computer needed an update when it crashed the first time but then it did it again so I updated all the CCsuite apps to 2024 versions, which did do something enough to allow me to begin auto-save. Only bothered to download Animate at this point. After that, the whole app kept crashing repeatedly and constantly. Moving to a new doc to see if it was just 1 file the process repeated, now when using any tool except for the brush tool.
I have
All of course after restarting my computer and saving my work. As well as checking auto-recovery will be on, every 5-10 minutes.
When it all stops it will eventually open the error report window and ask to reopen, which it will open faster than it usually takes booting up any version before 2024. I will reopen it where it may ask me to use recovery fileX , it won't always save recovery now either. I eventually started saving my work every new brushstroke or so in order to get some progress going.
what may I be missing? Is the file too large or corrupted somehow? Would moving a document from its original saved place make an error; or maybe having a file name using an odd character?
It says I don't have permission to show the video though here are pics , these are the several recovery files, each file a crash and redo.
Thank you for any help any and all ideas are recommended.
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Hey, not sure how helpful I can be, but... I have a class of 28 computers and I teach Animation primarily using Adobe Animate. All was fine in the world until the newest V.24 update. I pushed the update through to all of my devices and suddenly my students computers just started to crash! We work on 2019 iMac Desktops. I struggled with my district's technology team until December 15 (I pushed the dreaded update through on October 12). We struggled for 2 months to find a solution and to zero avail! Nothing worked. We even brought in a brand new Mac Mini processor to try the program on (to see if it was just an issue with the older devices) and the same issues persisted. I finally got permission to reinstall the older v.23 version. No issues since taking V.24 off and going back to the older version. My classes run smoothly again and students are not losing their work! I am waiting patiently to see if a patch will push through, or to see what the next Version will do. I am hoping someone on here has some insight.
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Hey there, thanks for your respond. I actually fear the exact same thing. I recently updated adobe animate to the latest version and now it just keep crashing. Since I'm going to teach 80 students simultantelsy, who all are going to use adobe animate, I'm dreading they will have problems with the app. Is your advice is to simply install the previous version of 2023? and if so, is it possible to do that via the create cloud desktop app? thanks in advance.
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the common reason for animate crashes are preference file corruption. second is a problematic user account.
to install previous versions. 1. you can install the latest and 1 version prior versions using the cc desktop app. you must have a subscription because previous versions are not available with trials. other versions are revealed after clicking file preferences>apps>tick show older apps (at panel bottom).
2. for versions cc 2019 and older, use*.3. for versions newer than cc 2019 but older than one previous version, contact adobe support for links**.
* most (but not all) adobe download links are available from
follow the directions (esp, step 1)
save the install file. it may not remain online.
thank jim @
** this support is currently not available. ie, there's a significant gap (between 2019 and last year) in the available previous versions.
opposition to this decision (to limit available previous versions) has been conveyed to adobe officials who are therefore aware of the problems caused by this policy. however, unless/until changes are made, nothing can be done to legally access these files.
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Thank you for your comment! however, I think there is no problem at all with the file, neither with my account. Everything was working perfectly fine for the past like 10 years, up until I updated to version 2024. I might just uninstall, and then install again the previous version. Although, I must say this is really not a great solution. I hope Adobe is working on fixing this issue ASAP.
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Hello! so since I last commented in January, here is what I have done (I run a 28 computer Mac Lab and have 120 students through my room each day):
1. My district tried running V.24 on brandnew M2 mac minis --> V.24 animate STILL crashed.
2. We uninstalled V.24 and reinstalled V.23 and NO CRASHING has occured since. Do I wish I could update my animate programs? yes! but I do not dare try. I scour these forums and consistently see individuals complaining about V.24 crashing/having issues, regardless of the processing system/computer/ect. When Adobe does push through a new update, from now on my plan is:
1. I will test all future updates for all adobe programs on my school issued computer (NOT MY STUDENT or TEACHING COMPUTERS). If there are no issues, I will then push updates on other devices.
2. I have trained my students to no longer push updates. Periodically a student will push the V.24 update (adobe still prompts users with "update available" notifications) and then BOOM, the computer crashes, and I have to uninstall V.24 + reinstall V.23.
Hope that helps~
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Thank a lot ! I also fear from a huge catastrophy with the students, therefore I'm trying to maximise precautions. So yes, I'll give it a try.
I have two follow-up questions, if you don't mind:
1. Which exact version of 23 are you using? I saw there is 0/1/2/3/4/5. Is there any specific one you recommend?
2. In regards to files which were created on v.24, will I still be able to put them on v.23? did you try this by any chance? The reason I ask is because (A.) I was already working on some projects, and it will be a shame to start all over again, in case v.23 won't be able to read them. And (B.) I'm concerned that some students may still use animate v.24 regardless, and then I wouldn't be able to read their files. My situation is different, as I don't have a computer lab. The students come with their own laptops, which can varry in type and versions.
Thanks again!
(What a headache you cause us, Adobe! Please fix it :((( )
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No Problem. It was a huge fiasco with my students... I noticed the issue and first reported it to my District technology team early september 2023. They tried all sorts of options (as I mentioned above, even going as far as exploring the latest mac minis) and after they finally determined that it was most likely a faulty update, they then allowed me to reinstall V.23.03
Prior to us reinstalling V.23.03, my students were losing their files (crashes with no backups) DAILY. I was lucky that non of my parents complained about this issue in my classes! My students were very understanding. As to your second questions, I do not believe it matters. I was teaching on V.24 for awhile (and dealing with the crashing issue) while my students were on 23.03 and I would frequently open my files on their computers so as to finish a project (and avoid losing my work). I've had no issue moving files between versions. My advice is to use the older (less faulty) version until adobe gets whatever their issue with V.24 ironed out. I also advise to test the next Version prior to suggesting student updates.
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you may also try monitoring adobe V.24 with activity monitor... I'd notice 700 or more idle threads and crashes ROUTINELY, but the moment I ran V.23 -- no more than 200 idle threads with no crashes (normal functioning)
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sorry -- but a third thought (since you mentioned that your students have their own devices). I would be mindful that some of the newer updates may struggle to run on older devices/operating systems, and the amount of GPU also can effect program efficacy. running an older animate version may very well be the best option you have for students that do not meet system requirements anyway.
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Thanks for your vaulable inputs! I also think that perhaps it's safer they will install the previous versio, just in case. And yes, actually since I updated the softwares (not only Animate, but also PS, AE, and some more), the GPU usage is not so optimal. I'm running a Macbook pro up-to-date. Not the newest, but still, before the 24 updates I didn't really have any problems. And then again, you also said that you ran it on a brand new M2 Mac, yet it still crashed. Eventually Animate shouldn't be a heavy software, so usually the requirements (as far as I know) are not supposed to be too high. It must be a software problem.
Sorry to hear you had to go through all that hassle! but at least it's nice that your students were understanding about it. And you might have spared some headaches for my students. So thanks for that 🙂
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My advice to our users is to always install new versions separately, not on top of the existing ones. You can have multiple Animate installations of major releases to test and compare features, i.e AA21, AA22, AA23, and AA24 can co-exist without any issues or interference.
Once you are sure the new version is stable and performs well enough you can uninstall the old one, but it is always good to have at least two.
Also: It is quite easy to stop the CC App notifications about updates and prevent it from starting with the computer. In this way the temptation to always have 'the latest and greatest' will disappear.
As everyone who has been following the developments of Animate in the last 6-7-8 years knows, they hardly have any QA and since the name change it has settled into a stage of perpetual beta, so just treat it with the necessary caution as beta software and you will be safe.
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Hey, thanks so much! The OP never responded if they fixed their problem, or if any of this conversation helped, but it sure helped me! v24 was crashing so often that I was hitting Save every other keystroke! I didn't even know going back a version was an option! But I have now, and v23 is back to working like a charm! I wonder if Adobe knows about this? Of course, I sent them an awful lot of crash reports in the past few days...
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Having the same problem in my classroom! So frustrating !!
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save frequently with increasing version number appended to the file name.
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My devices currently have Ventura 13.6.1
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