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Hi everyone,
I'm creating dynamic banners in Animate at the moment and I want to use dynamic text fields. The problem is that the textfields are changing in size (more or less text inserted via Excel) and they are always positioned through the stage value. So when the upper text is longer the lower text is beneath it and so on.
Is there a possibilty to set a dynamic position to the fields like "always keep 5px distance to the other element" or something like that?
Help is very much appreciated!
Thank you!!
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You would have to use JavaScript for it. Regular text fields in Animate are canvas objects so that they don't follow the box model flow.
And please give us more details so we can help you better.
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Hi, k.
Yeah, my answer is for dynamic text fields.
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sorry for the late answer. I was preparing the file so you can have a look at it maybe? What I want to do is a programmatic/dynamic banner with textfields that can be changed through the excel file. So far its working but the problems are:
1. It doesnt show all the fonts when I upload it. Sometimes only one or two..
(I added the script in the html file:
@Blissful_help0D4E-face {
font-family: Wiener Melange;
src: url('WienerMelange_ExBd.woff2');
x3 because I need the whole family, so reglar, bold and extrabold.)
Problem 2 - and the main problem:
I want always the same spacing (15px) below the textfields even when the text, that is inserted via excel, is longer than the original one. Box model flow sounds right 🙂 Can I change that somehow or add code in the html or javascript so it does it right? I want the Banner to work as a template so I dont have to specificly programm the code everytime. If I always have to add some code, but the code stays the same, that would be ok.
This are my variables:
var bild,bezahlt_dyn,text1_dyn,text2_dyn,text3_dyn,text4_dyn,text5_dyn,text6_dyn,www_dyn,stadtwien,logo,textbox_dyn_farbe,textbox_dyn_textfarbe,textbox_dyn_text,cta_dyn_farbe,cta_dyn_textfarbe,cta_dyn_text,ebene1,hg,hg_dyn_innen,clickTAG;
dhtml.adMessage ={
cid: dhtml.getVar('cid', 0),
tid: dhtml.getVar('tid', 0),
pageSize: 1,
}).getItems([dhtml.getVar('gid', 0)], function (error, items) {
if (!error && items && items[0]);
bild = items[0]['Bild'];
bezahlt_dyn = items[0]['Bezahlt'];
text1_dyn = items[0]['Text01'];
text2_dyn = items[0]['Text02'];
text3_dyn = items[0]['Text03'];
text4_dyn = items[0]['Text04'];
text5_dyn = items[0]['Text05'];
text6_dyn = items[0]['Text06'];
wwww_dyn = items[0]['WWW'];
stadtwien = items[0]['StadtWien'];
logo = items[0]['Logo'];
textbox_dyn_farbe = items[0]['Textbox_Farbe'];
textbox_dyn_textfarbe = items[0]['Textbox_Textfarbe'];
textbox_dyn_text = items[0]['Textbox_Text'];
cta_dyn_farbe = items[0]['CTA_Farbe'];
cta_dyn_textfarbe = items[0]['CTA_Textfarbe'];
cta_dyn_text = items[0]['CTA_Text'];
ebene1 = items[0]['Ebene1'];
hg_dyn_innen = items[0]['Hintergrund_Innen'];
hg = items[0]['Hintergrund'];
clickTAG = items[0]['clickTAG'];
Thank you SO MUCH for your help!!
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Sorry I think it didnt upload the Animate File. You should be able to download it with the link below.
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