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Hi all,
The Adobe Animate update for MAX (21.0) is now live! New features include:
For more info, see this article.
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Hi @agneti - This has been fixed in the latest update Please update your copy of Animate to the latest using Creative Cloud desktop application to avial the fix.
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Thank you, for let me know it, Mohan 🙂
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I just reinstalled the upate again and it STILL crashes. Please help.
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I deactivated ALL (~8 families) of my custom fonts (via FontExplorer Pro) and was able to launch Animate successfully on macOS 10.15.7, although Animate still complains about wanting to install the Osaka font (what's up with that, seriously) on launch?! I then re-activated my fonts one-by-one and it would appear that a full version of Futura (Adobe) and Plantin Pro (Monotype) were the ones causing problems. Neither of these font families are reporting any errors or corruption, and create absolutely no problems in any other application.
While you're fixing this Animate font problem, perhaps you could FINALLY remove that silly Osaka font nag?
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I have been having tons of issues with scaling tweens. They test okay. But when I publish and upload. The images are all mess up. If I change the animation in the tween to a fade in. It works perfectly. I can tell when it isw going to crash my publish. When I drag the playhead through the scaled part of the timeline, I see marks on the image as it scales. This is happenning way too often for it to be user error! If I change the tween to a fade int it works perfectly! I can't use fadein on some of my tweens. Please help!
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@terryj41605550 : Could you please share sample files with screenshots or submit this issue at bug report (Animate > Help menu > Submit Bug/ Feature Request) with file links to help us look into this behaviour?
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Sure this is driving me nuts. The animations are very simple animations. I did try clearing may cache this last time it happened and that seem to work. But I just created a fade in animation of an image and it will not test even. When testing I get a blank black page. I am going to check to see if the image itself is somehow corrupt. I'll let you know.
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I uninstalled and reinstalled Animate. Now is working fine. Except, shouldn't I be able to click the html file after publishing my fla and it launch from the local files. It works on the web. But does not run locally.
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@terryj41605550 : Animate creates a localhost server on test movie to test output in browser for HTML5 canvas documents. Javascript files and spritesheets do not load properly on directly opening html files in browser due to modern browser security restrictions. Please try to host your published output files to server (e.g. localhost) and then check.
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Tried all this but still no joy:
The Adobe Animate Splash screen appears for a second and then application quits.
OS Catalina 10.15.7 - MacBook Pro (16-inch 2019) - Adobe Animate 2021
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Have you tried uninstalling Adobe Animate and reinstalling? mcdvoice mybkexperience
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Also patiently awaiting an update for Animate 2021 to work on macOS Catalina Version 10.15.7
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Updated to Big Sur 11.0.1 still won't load Animate 2021.
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I had this problem as well. Im my case the issue was with a standard system font Garamond Italic. Not a custom font.
My workaround:
1. Use FontBook to view the fonts on your system.
2. Disable Garamond Italic. No need to delete or disable any other syle of Garamond.
After this Animate 2021 launched properly and works very well.
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I would love to download it. but it doesn't work on my Macbook Pro 2019. It crashes immediatly.