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Animate CC Memory / SWAP Issue / Advice Question

New Here ,
Feb 07, 2019 Feb 07, 2019

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Hey all! I'm new to animating and am putting together a somewhat lengthy animation (9 minutes at 30fps because I thought I would be clever and should have stayed at 24 but have done too much to change it now lol). It's all one big project and I'm up to about frame 5415 (not ALL key frames, I probably have much less than half of the amount of frames I'm at). I'm having an issue where, when I work on this project for a good amount of time...say...5 to 6 hours, I get some interesting issues. For example:


My System SWAP is usually at around 30% when idle. When I start working into the 5th or 6th hour (this is relative to how much I've done), it sits at 100%. When I get to this point, I'll draw a line and said line will disappear right after it's been drawn. The SWAP only goes up when I add anything. If I just open animate, it sits. When I add anything, it goes up and then sits there. I assume this is just possibly how the program is designed but am unsure.

I have 16gb of ram, I've edited the jvm (I think?) file that allocates ram, and I've even gone into my pagefile settings and entered in custom instead of the auto amounts. Setting pagefile to custom has actually allowed me to work for longer a duration, however, once I hit that 100%, my lines start to disappear and I'm at risk of crashing (which it has twice now, less since adjusting the pagefile.)

I'm wondering if I need to break apart this animation and bring it into separate files, but to me this seem tedious and not at all something that should really NEED to be done to make a program work. Then again, I'm new, so maybe I'm doing something more ambitious and there are some guidelines that I'm not aware of.

So there's my gripe, I hope I was clear enough and would appreciate any input on this problem I'm having. If I've left out any important information, I'll do my best to provide what is needed to figure out this particular issue, as I've scoured the google as much as I can and haven't found anything on my problem.

Thanks in advanced!




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Advocate ,
Feb 09, 2019 Feb 09, 2019

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Hi Dibjib

Not that I could properly input on you problem, though I have a few questions ...

Dibjib  wrote

... a somewhat lengthy animation (9 minutes at 30fps ... I'm up to about frame 5415 (not ALL key frames, I probably have much less than half of the amount of frames I'm at).


can you clarify this: 9 minutes at 30fps, I calculate: 9 (min) * 60 (sec) * 30 (fps) = 16,200 frames, what do you mean with I'm up to 5415?


I've edited the jvm (I think?) file that allocates ram

jvm - that sounds to me like Java Virtual Machine. What are you talking about here?


I've even gone into my pagefile settings

So you are on Windows? Which Windows version?


I'm new, so maybe I'm doing something more ambitious and there are some guidelines that I'm not aware of.

What is the stage size of your animation?


Can you supply 2 or 3 screenshots of your animation?


What is the current file size of your FLA file?





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New Here ,
Feb 09, 2019 Feb 09, 2019

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So when I say 9 minutes at 30fps, I have an audio track I'm animating to at 30fps.


That's probably right, JVM, I used this guide here to see if it would help but I didn't see much change:

Animate CC out of memory?

It basically says to edit the JVM to allocate more ram.


Windows 10, all updated and everything.


Stage size? Are you meaning the resolution I assume? It's only 1280 x 720.


Sure, not much to look at though. It's a VERY simplistic animation. Honestly 1 screenshot would probably cover it since it doesn't deviate much aside from lip syncing, different body types and eyes. There are some sections with a bit more complex animations but they only last about 100 frames, and that's my longest complex animation.



48.5MB, I assume the size is as such due to the audio file, could be wrong though; it's a .wav format.

Thank you for your response!




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Advocate ,
Feb 10, 2019 Feb 10, 2019

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Hi Dibjib

So, Windows 10 you say? I'm probably not the person who can help you, because I'm using MacOS.

Just out of interest, you say you edited the JVM, where on Windows did you find this ominous jvm.ini? Up to 2007 I was using Windows myself before I converted. So I still remember this and that. Can you tell me the path to this C:\ .?.?. jvm.ini, please. i searched all across MacOS but can't find the same. Mysterious!!

Considering the specs of your animation/file I reckon there shouldn't be such problems. One issue: do you check your system (Swap Usage and all that) actually all the time? You know that these analytics tools and processes can themself drain a system?

Then, what I forgot to ask so far, which version of Animate CC are you using? Is it the latest v19.1 Build 349? This is speculation but there are issues with this version. Just saying.

And, are you targetting AS3 or HTML5 Canvas?

I know, questions again ...





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New Here ,
Feb 10, 2019 Feb 10, 2019

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Haha, not a problem. The more questions asked the closer to possibly finding a solution!

The path to the JVM is: Adobe\Adobe Animate CC 2019\Common\First Run\ActionScript 3.0

This leads to a jvm.ini , which could be the wrong one but when searching the entire Adobe Animate CC 2019 directory, this one is the only one it can find. It seems correct as I AM using ActionScript 3.0.

I don't check my system swap constantly. Quite the opposite really; only when I notice something weird. In this case, Adobe Animate is the only program I've seen do this. Photoshop is unaffected by this problem. In fact, I recently attempted to push Animate over and try to get an error code. Something I didn't expect when I hit 100% swap and 90% ram was that when I drew anything else after hitting those numbers, everything, including the circle shape tool would disappear after being drawn. It looked like the program would see it, so the keyframe would change as if something was in it, but the line or circle it's self would basically erase it's self.

I am using v19.1 B.349 , so maybe that's the culprit, however, doing a bit more research on this, I found a very handy video by Jazza on youtube (from quite some time ago when it was still flash) but he expresses issues with having larger animations (10 minutes for example, like mine). His solution was to animate in parts, so animate 40 or so seconds, then create a new file and continue from where he left off but remove the first part he'd finished in file 1.

This seemed promising to me, however, even by doing that and even deleting some assets that we're no longer needed in my second file, the problem persists. So now this isn't just a single file problem, it's even new files!




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