Animate crashes when opening Actions (F9)
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When I want to open Actions (F9) Animate will crash. I don't get an error message from the application.
I uninstalled Aminate, deleted the Animate and Animate Common folders in AppData/Roaming/Adobe and the Animate 2024 folder in AppData/Local/Adobe but the problem is still there.
Can someone help me with this?
Some extra info:
Adobe Aminate 24.0 Build 305
Windows 11 Version 22H2
HP Zbook 15 G6
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uninstall the preferences:
uninstall animate including preferences per
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Unfortunately that didn't work.
I also uninstalled 2024 (incl. preferences) and installed a previous version (2023.0.3) here the same issue.
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you could try cleaning after installing everything adobe (but that's unlikely to work) or you could reformat (and that would work).
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I can't believe this issue still persists?!
Fix your software for which we pay enormous amouts of money!!!
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you're not addressing adobe here, and this is not a wide-spread adobe problem. ie, most of us do not ever see this issue.
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Ah, I thought was moderated by the owner of the domain.
I guess we will wait for another iteration of the expanding universe, maybe then bugs can be fixed without "reinstall everything" reply.
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if you find something useful to say, you can comment to adobe:
to report bugs or ideas or wishes to adobe: for applicable apps, use
for createive cloud assets:
for others, use
if neither show a place to report the issue, just leave it here. that's the best you can do.
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Same hapening to me. This is a problem, non of the methods helped so far. Locked out of software
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assuming you succesfully removed your preferences before reinstalling, check your computer specs -
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Thanks for the reply kglad
We reinstaled and instaled animate on multiple company pc and laptops. I asume it just cant be spec depended since this error is consisten acros every windows machine since 2 days all of a sudden. We realy need adobe intervention.
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do you have a teams or enterprise subscription?
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Think its enterprise. Every other app from cc works.
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contact your admin.
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Hello kglad,
I teach a programming class (highschool) using Adobe Animate. I have read this thread and was kinda relieved to see your last statement.
Is there anything I can give to my admin to rectify this situation? Is it a security setting? Our school board has the enterprise edition.
Anything would help, as I need to start my lessons ASAP.
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they should reinstall with default preferences.
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I am also experiencing this issue as well as issues playing the totorials. I am wondoering if it could be related to Group Policies blocking the running of Scripts. Would that affect these 2 features. I am the Admin for my School District and we run the Enterprise Adobe CC. No issues have been reported for any other product.
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i don't know. who packaging the apps, but they would be in a better position to know.
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I am packaging the Apps, but I also have the same issue when i install the Adobe CC App and install Animate on it's own. Are there any Logs that might shed some light on this issue. I hit F9 and the application closes immediately. By the lack of similar complaints and the changes in version not making any difference I am fairly confident that this is unique to my environment, but I need some data to assist in tracking down a solution to this issue.
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i doubt anyone would help, but
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In mine cas is was SentinelOneAgent that blocked something in animate and causes it to crash.
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The case was so rare, we did bruteforce everyposible thing we know about pc's. From simple reinstaling the soft to hosting it on new windows instal, both virtual machine and new hardware pc, including apple and ms. Only thing in common was the sentinel that is included in policy. After disabling it everything worked.
Tho disabling sentinel was an adventure worth its own story as we dont have full admin control over it.
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We have Sentinel One as well but I have 1 device that’s working so it’s confusing the issue. But I will definitely ask our security team to open a device up for me to evaluate. Can I ask were you able to add an exception to Sentinel One or did you have to find another solution?

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