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Animation errors after exporting

New Here ,
Jan 23, 2024 Jan 23, 2024

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I am having some wild issues when exporting my animation from Adobe animate and Media Encoder. 

When I play the video, Certain layers appear to be underneath another layer with objects that belong below it. Some effects like transparency from color effect alpha do not register. 
After a few seconds, it gets even weirder when some animation frames repeat overlapping other parts of the video as well as some objects not appearing at all when they are supposed to. 
When I go back to Adobe Animate, no issues are found, all layers are where they belong and the animation plays as intended. 
Am I having a Media Encoder issue? Has anyone had this kind of problem before?

I also think that the dialogue does not exactly match the animated vizemes like in the program, I think I heard somewhere about actually changing the FPS to 23.965 and then changing it to 24 FPS when making the final video. This was old information so I figured Adobe would have worked something into any desync issues, is this still a thing?


Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Error , Import and export , Product issue , Timeline




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Guru ,
Jan 23, 2024 Jan 23, 2024

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These all sound like issues with Advanced-Layers-based functionality of which there have been many reports over the years.

The so-called Advanced Layers were introduced in 2018 and features such as frame effects, Layer Parenting, Layer Depth, Camera and so on depend on them. Unfortunately, all these features are prone to bugs and unreliable, so ideally one should avoid using them.


A way out of your unpleasant situation could be to export a PNG sequence and audio separately and then recombine these in Premiere or another video editor. PNG sequence exporter uses a different renderer and is likely to not display the Flash Player issues with the Advanced Layer functionality.


To try yourself, go to File > Export > Export Movie... and in the Save as type choose PNG Sequence.

Review the exported sequence. If it looks well, proceed to export your audio and create a video out of the two in a video editor.




Nick - Character Designer and Animator, Flash user since 1998
Member of the Flanimate Power Tools team - extensions for character animation




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New Here ,
Jan 23, 2024 Jan 23, 2024

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Thank you for your response and advice!

I exported the project in the manner you suggested and after revising it, it seems like everything is where it should be. My only problem now is that I don't know how to properly import it to Premiere Pro, the project is now reading each individual image for 5 minutes at a time and balooning the project to over 3 hours for what should be a 6 minute video. I checked the FPS on premiere pro and made sure to have it set at 24 frames. I am kinda stumped on this one since its the first time I do this.

My previous project had all forms of advanced layer functions, tweens and such, but the project was much smaller and I had everything seperated by scenes. 

This actually caused me some issues with dialogue and timing between scenes so I decided to do it all on the same scene this time around, and this is what I have run into.

I appreciate the insight, and kindly look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks again!




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Guru ,
Jan 23, 2024 Jan 23, 2024

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At the end of my previous message I did include a link which should give you step-by-step instructions how to set your Premiere project to work with an image sequence.


Basically, before importing the images you need to check a box which will make the whole sequence import as a movie rather than separate PNGs.




Not using Scenes is the way to go. If you need to split your animation, just split it into different FLA files and edit in Premiere. Scenes are bad practice and should be avoided. 

The issues you are facing do not come from not using Scenes, but rather from the many bugs that Animate is plagued with.


Nick - Character Designer and Animator, Flash user since 1998
Member of the Flanimate Power Tools team - extensions for character animation




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