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Ok, in short HELP! I am new to Animate CC but remember using Flash in the 90s, so that gives you an idea of my level 🙂 So, I've decided to start my education by doing a really complicated presentation on the HTML5 canvas. It involves layers with masks that slide over each other to change pages using buttons - In the attached (stop F7, 'forward_btn' play F8, stop F23,'forward_btn' play F39 etc). Thing is, I am using the actionscript wizard and that may be part of the problem! The forward buttons work perfectly but can't get any of the back buttons (eg. stop F23,'backward_btn' play F1) to work at all.
Below is the script I'm using from frame 104, which I got to by clicking a forward button on the intro batch on the timeline:
var _this = this;
_this.btnQ1_backward.on('click', function(){
I have checked all my instance names etc which are fine. Could it be that animate simply can't go back on a timeline? Or does the frame I want the button to go to need to have certain characteristics for it to work (ie. need to be a keyframe)?
There are no scenes, all layers are within one timeline. Just want the head to move forward and backward on that timeline depending on which buttons are clicked (ie. like creating an interactive prototype in XD).
I have attached the timeline - perhaps its a rookie error that is obvious there.
Apologies for my clumsy explanation, Googling tutorials is just not giving me this particular instance.
I just hope I have not done all the work only to find I can only move forward :-0
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Hi Ashley,
Thanks for reporting this with detailed description.
Could you also please share a sample fla file with which we can reproduce this issue ? This will help us investigate further.
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Let me see if I understand properly. You are using HTML5.
If you are talking about playing in reverse on the timeline, it does not exist.
If you are talking about playing some movieclips that have a timeline showing forward and reverse this can be done on click event.
If you want these to work I would place all my code on frame one.
Each button or movie clip can be refered with _this.
If you want I can create some sample to show how this could be done.
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Thanks both for your replies... Through sheer force of will and a bit of paying attention to the "output" screen, I realised it was staring me in the face the whole time!.. and it was a rookie error on my part. What I was doing was refering to frame numbers to direct my actions, not realising that when I exported it, the code got shifted one number across and so all my frame numbers were out by one. Just by fluke, all the forward buttons were landing in a tween, making them work but all back buttons were landing outside their designated area. I have learnt a valuable lesson to always use frame labels in future.