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Bone tool AS Help

New Here ,
Oct 11, 2013 Oct 11, 2013

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Okay, so I'm trying to use the bone tool for it's IK so I can make a rope for my game. But for some reason it just refuses to work.... like almost at all. Here's a snippet of my code, I really just followed the Adobe sites tutorial here: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ActionScript/3.0_ProgrammingAS3/WS76E4A0A2-F3D9-43c8-BA07-A2B6D6DE5266.h...

public function init(e:Event):void


            var tree:IKArmature = IKManager.getArmatureByName("Armature_18");

            var bone:IKBone = tree.getBoneByName("ikBoneName74");

            var endEffector:IKJoint = bone.tailJoint;

            var pos:Point = endEffector.position;


            ik = new IKMover(endEffector, pos);

            ik.limitByDistance = true;

            ik.distanceLimit = 10000000;

            ik.limitByIteration = true;

            ik.iterationLimit = 100;


            this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, ropeUpdate);




        public function ropeUpdate(e:Event)


          // I have it spawn and attach to the player

            var mat:Matrix = this.transform.matrix;

            var pt = new Point(0, 0);

            pt = mat.transformPoint(pt);




But instead of moving to whatever point I've set for it, it just sits in its default position and wiggles around a little bit when I move. I'm close enough for it to reach the point and it doesn't seem to be trying to reach a different point. So I'm really confused and I need help. Here are some screen shots of what it's doing:

FFTG help 1.pngFFTG help 2.pngFFTG help 3.png

The only time I think it might even be TRYING to reach the point is when I'm already almost on top of it but then it just moves upward when I do for no reason. It even does this when I'm even farther away from the point than when I was on the ground. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong and I'd greatly appreciate some help.







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