Cannot Get Stop and Start Buttons to Work
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Historical Timeline Project
Cannot Get Stop and Start Buttons to Work
I am attempting to satisfy a few requirements for this project. I need to create functional buttons, import videos, and integrate music. However, no matter what I do, I cannot get any buttons to work. I've created multiple copies of this file in an attempt to get this timeline to be functional. I have attached the timeline to this post.
Thanks in advance.
Initial Tutorial
This tutorial helps summarize what I was attempting to achieve. My understanding of Adobe Animate is not very expansive.
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The file would not upload so I have attached it here.
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Thanks for the file.
You're telling the Popout instance to be played on click but this instance only has only one frame.
I believe that what you want is to play the main timeline instead. So your code in the first frame should be like this:
var _this = this;
_this.Trigger.on('click', function()
Please let us know if this approach works.