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Hi there,
Going to try and make this sound simple (good luck there)
At the moment creating a number slider but come across a stumbling block...
The image above depicts a slider which scrolls through a set of numbers (13 to be exact) using the directional buttons to the sides.
Have set up a timer function on MOUSE_DOWN functions of the buttons to move the numbers across at intervals when you click and hold the buttons.
A for loop animates all the numbers (which are in movie clips) across the x axis, within that loop an if statement checks to see if one of the number clips has gone past a certain point of the x axis and then sets its x position to go back to the start - thus making the scrolling continouos and looping. As soon as you get to the number 13 you will see 1 come just after that.
So yeah in short, the looping is not working - would anyone be able to assist me in telling me what may be wrong with my logic?
Ok enough explaining - I think this may be done better with a code snippet:
(in particular the moveSampleFwd and moveSampleBkwd functions)
package com.eq.rarc { import flash.display.MovieClip; import; import; import flash.utils.Timer; import; import flash.text.*; import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import flash.display.SimpleButton; import flash.display.Sprite; public class Document extends MovieClip { public static var slideMoveBtns:Array = new Array("nextSample", "prevSample"); private var sliderNumberLabels:Array = new Array("sampleNumber1","sampleNumber2","sampleNumber3","sampleNumber4","sampleNumber5","sampleNumber6","sampleNumber7","sampleNumber8","sampleNumber9","sampleNumber10","sampleNumber11","sampleNumber12","sampleNumber13"); private var clickMove:Timer = new Timer(300, 0); private var sliderMax:Number = 334.75; private var sliderMin:Number = -25.75; public function Document() { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init, false, 0, true); } public function init(e:Event):void { createSlideNum(); initiateButtons(); } public function createSlideNum():void { for(var i = 0; i < sliderNumberLabels.length; i++) { slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].slideNum.text = i+1; } } public function initiateButtons():void { slider.nextSample.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollSamplesFwd); slider.prevSample.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrollSamplesBkwd); slider.nextSample.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling); slider.prevSample.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopScrolling); slider.nextSample.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, moveSampleRolledOverOut); slider.nextSample.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, moveSampleRolledOverOut); slider.prevSample.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, moveSampleRolledOverOut); slider.prevSample.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, moveSampleRolledOverOut); slider.prevSample.buttonMode = true; slider.nextSample.buttonMode = true; } public function scrollSamplesFwd(e:MouseEvent):void { clickMove.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveSampleFwd); clickMove.start(); } public function scrollSamplesBkwd(e:MouseEvent):void { clickMove.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveSampleBkwd); clickMove.start(); } public function stopScrolling(e:MouseEvent):void { clickMove.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveSampleFwd); clickMove.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveSampleBkwd); clickMove.stop(); } public function moveSampleFwd(e:TimerEvent):void { for(var j = 0; j < sliderNumberLabels.length; j++) { new Tween(slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+j], "x", None.easeOut, slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+j].x,slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+j].x-25.75,0.2, true); if (slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+j].x < sliderMin) { slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+j].x = sliderMax; } } } public function moveSampleBkwd(e:TimerEvent):void { for(var i = 0; i < sliderNumberLabels.length; i++) { new Tween(slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i], "x", None.easeOut, slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].x,slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].x+25.75,0.2, true); if (slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].x > sliderMax) { slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].x = sliderMin; } } } function moveSampleRolledOverOut(e:MouseEvent):void { if( == 1) {; } else {; } } } }
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Think I kinda answered myself....
I had a suspicion that my timer wasn't running fast enough to catch the x position of my numbers.
Thus I removed the 'if' statement from moveSampleFwd and moveSampleBkwd functions and just left the tween function on them.
I set up an ENTER_FRAME event on the stage instead which ran the for loop with two if statements inside as described below:
public function checkSliderNumx(e:Event):void { for(var i = 0; i < sliderNumberLabels.length; i++) { if (slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].x < sliderMin) { slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].x = sliderMax-51.5; } if (slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].x > sliderMax) { slider.sliderWindow["sampleNumber"+i].x = 0; } } }