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I am trying to get the textfiled of the datagrid to be big enough to fit long names, i have tried lots of different things, from applying a cellrenderer and making the textfiled wider which worked in away because you can see all the text. and the column itself has a minwidth. But the box behind does not change. How do i get access to it to make it wider?
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what's the problem when you increase the width of your dg?
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it does not increase the size of the column, just adding a big yellow space at the side, i want the white boxes, what i assumed to be the column to be the width i tell it, but it does not change. the grid is 500 wide and the name col has a min width of 400, with a cell rendered class telling it the textfield should be 400 wide too.
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did you adjust your datagridcolumn width?
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several times, eventually setting it to have a minimum width of 400, but it made no difference to the appearnce
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you would use something like:
var dgc:DataGridColumn = yourdg.getColumnAt(0);
dgc.width = 400;
i see you've worked out a solution so you may not be interested. but, for others, that's how it should be done.
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i am creating the columns dynamically so i thought that would be enought like
var titleCol:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
titleCol.width = 400;
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that won't work and should generate error messages. the datagridcolumn constructor requires a string is passed or a dataField property is assigned to the column before assigning the column to the datagrid.
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i have found away around or perhaps the only way, by using skins to recreate the white box, seems to work fine juts need to sort the layering