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I'm facing an issue that I thought I could resolve regarding date and time checking. I am currently aiming for an application in which a certain code expires after the period defined by me through the source code.
check.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, check_code);
var date_end:Date = new Date(2023, 10, 6, 10); // year, month, day, hour
var date_now:Date = new Date(); //
var differenceInMilliseconds:Number = date_end.time - date_now.time;
const MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND:int = 1000;
const SECOND_PER_MINUTES:int = 60;
const MINUTES_PER_HOUR:int = 60;
const HOURS_PER_DAY:int = 24;
var differenceInSeconds:Number = differenceInMilliseconds / MILLISECOND_PER_SECOND;
var differenceInMinutes:Number = differenceInSeconds / SECOND_PER_MINUTES;
var differenceInHouse:Number = differenceInMinutes / MINUTES_PER_HOUR;
var differenceInDays:Number = differenceInHouse / HOURS_PER_DAY;
function check_code (e:MouseEvent)
if(insert_code.text == "newCode")
if (date_now > date_end) return error_msg.text = "Error: Invalid code";
trace("Reject code!");
error_msg.text = "Error: Código inválido";
The problem is the possibility of circumventing the system, as if you change the date and time of the device used to a date earlier than the one configured, it recognizes that the code is within validity. Could you help me resolve this situation, please?
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Perhaps, you need not be overly concerned about it. It appears improbable to me that someone would opt to alter their system's date, as doing so could lead to numerous issues with the majority of standard software installed on a modern computer.
In my view, obtaining a reliably accurate date seems impossible without relying on an external server.