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Qual o comando que eu dou para uma interpolação de Bitmap que faço ela alpha 0 para alpha 100 mostrar e parar nesse frame.
Só que há animações mais longas e estas tem que continuar, seleciono para reproduzir só uma vez e não funciona. Veja a imagem. Será que o Animate está com Bug??? Ou eu estou fazendo alguma coisa errado???
Descobri que na imagem Tela1.jpg se na configuração para exportação em clicar em "Linha do tempo em loop", mesmo mudando a quantidade DE REPRODUÇÃO da interpolação para 1 vez a "Linha do tempo em loop" estando clicado, todas as interpolações do index ficam em loop, e se deixar desclicada a opção "Linha do tempo em loop" na configuração da exportação todas as interpolações reproduzem apenas uma vez, mesmo internamente eu configurar como loop.
your screenshot doesn't show a bug. it shows you have a canvas project with a graphic symbol and you're setting how that graphic symbol's timeline should behave, not how the timeline that contains the graphic symbol should behave (ie, play once).
do you see more than one loop of that graphic symbol? my guess is that symbol only has one frame so it doesn't loop, at all.
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remove the tween in the span where you don't want it.
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Não funcionou.
Veja a moça tem que entrar uma vez só e o texto ATACADO VAREJO no topo tem que correr direto. Quero que o nome da loja aparece uma única vez e desse jeito vai ficar desaparecendo e aparecendo.
Na configuração de exportação se deixar clicado "Linha do tempo em loop" Quando o filme chegar ao final nos 240 quadros ele retorna ao 1º quadro e faz todas as interpolações, mesmo você selecionando que a interpolação fosse executada apenas 1 vez
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whatever you circled in that last screenshot will disappear after 1 second. is that what you want?
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I circled the layer because as you said, if I deleted the tween it would not repeat the animation. SEE THE WEBSITE I PUT ON THE AIR. What I want is the interpolation of the girl to be done just once. If I fail to activate the "Timeline in Loop" box in the export configuration, the ATACADO VAREJO text line stops at the end of the timeline. And if I click on the "Loop Timeline" box, the girl keeps entering. Even if you (as shown in Screen1.jpg) selected the animation properties for interpolation, it would repeat 1 time and the animation in the text above would loop.
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if the problem is a looping girl, what layer is the girl in, and is there any animation on the girl's timeline?
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Yes it is, and it is the website opening animation in
This tween don't is looping, this animation is One time and stop. I will make other animations that have to be executed once, One Time
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put this.stop() on the last frame of the girl's timeline.
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this.stop() This programming makes the text animation ATACADO VAREJO stop as well
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then put the text animation on a different timeline (eg, its own).
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So Animate has a bug, because even though I do the classic interpolation on another symbol and pull it to the seine to have a key frame with just the animation, the girl doesn't stop repeating her entry and the text above stops if I put the this.stop() on the girl. Even setting playback to just once.
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i doubt this is an animate bug. much more likely it's user error.
and you can't control layers with code. they don't even exist in published files.
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Good morning, I had to make a film clip and then put it in the main scene. In the past, you controlled the layers. And it's an Animate bug, because as I show in the "Screen" screenshot, Animate doesn't respond correctly when you select Loop, Play Once, or Play Single Frame for the chart.
Another issue is that Animate has a bug in Testing the page, the buttons work in Testing but when I publish the buttons don't work
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your screenshot doesn't show a bug. it shows you have a canvas project with a graphic symbol and you're setting how that graphic symbol's timeline should behave, not how the timeline that contains the graphic symbol should behave (ie, play once).
do you see more than one loop of that graphic symbol? my guess is that symbol only has one frame so it doesn't loop, at all.
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And the issue of the button behaving correctly in the "Movie Test" in the browser and when I export the buttons don't work. Why is this happening???
I'm sorry, but as I created several websites with Flash, I created some habits that now don't work in Animate and then I get lost, see
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if you have a button, you probably have code and therefore probably have a coding error.
what's the developer console show?
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If the programming is wrong, as you said, why does it work when I press ctrl+Enter???
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oh, i misread your post.
how are you testing when not using the in app movie test?
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No, I'm sorry, see the buttons when I click on test in the control menu, the buttons work when I publish the page, the buttons don't work. I am placing an image as an attachment of the Click on Test Movie and the button working in the browser and when Published through the File menu Publication Configuration and selecting publish the button does not work. If there is a programming error, why does it work in the test and not in the publication???
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after you publish, do you upload the files to a server to test?
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Ok on the server the buttons worked Thank you
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that's why i asked how you tested. testing locally triggers a browser sandbox error.