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I've been searching this issue and have found only scattered bits of information on this topic.
Can anyone offer a definitive word on whether flash projector files will continue to work after 2020?
If a user refrains from upgrading their OS, will the projectors continue to function, or, as one contributor suggested, is there a kill-switch that will stop them dead in their tracks as of 1/1/21?
We've been working on migrating our applications since word first came out that the end was near, but there are some things that we're finding very difficult to accomplish without Flash, specifically intricate interactive video applications. My fear is that the flash projectors will simply cease to function as of the new year, and I need to know what to tell our users.
1 Correct answer
Only Flash Player Browser Plugin is going EOL by end of 2020. Projector output from Animate will continue to work post 2020.
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I can't imagine why you'd think they would stop working. What possible reason would Adobe have, beyond pure illogical malice, to implement a date-dependent killswitch in their projector executables? It wouldn't even be a very effective exercise in pointless spite, since all it would take to circumvent it would be to publish your project in an earlier version of Flash from before this theoretical killswitch was added. Also, I don't understand what you think upgrading your OS has to do with anything. Are you suggesting that Microsoft and Apple might be conspiring to add code to their operating systems specifically to detect and terminate Flash projectors, for no particular reason?
As for why you're unable to find any definitive word from Adobe on this subject, I would imagine it's because they prefer to let people know what they ARE doing, not what they're NOT doing. After all, the list of things they aren't doing is potentially infinite. They aren't, for example, going to convert all their apps to Bitcoin miners in 2021, but you don't see them putting out press releases to that effect.
That all being said, you really should be publishing any Flash-based applications as AIR apps, not projectors.
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Thanks for your reply.
<<I can't imagine why you'd think they would stop working.>>
After combing through scores of posts on this subject, the overriding opinion I see is that projectors will cease to function after 2020, just like the flash browser plugin. I've read varying statements as to how this will happen; some say there's a built-in self-destruct feature that will render it useless on a certain date, others suggest it will work until the user goes to upgrade their operating system, when they'll find the dreaded gray question mark indicating the file is not compatible with the OS.
But none of these theories came from Adobe representatives themselves. We just get the same stock answer "Migrate to html5/css or other options before 2020". It just baffles me that Adobe seems to care absolutely nothing about the individuals who spent twenty years dedicating their lives to the craft of Actionscript. It was such a robust method of creating incredibly cool creative projects, and to throw that baby out with the bath water is astounding to me.
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Please let us know which forums you've read these scores of posts on so we can all know to never refer to them for technical advice.
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Stackoverflow is one of them.
And well, the option to publish as projector is abolutely gone now.
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This is Animate 21.0.2
Member of the Flanimate Power Tools team - extensions for character animation
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Nobody in that linked discussion says that Flash projector will stop working.
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Only Flash Player Browser Plugin is going EOL by end of 2020. Projector output from Animate will continue to work post 2020.
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That is fantastic news, Mohanaraj! Thank you for chiming in with that important bit of information, much appreciated.
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Thanks for this reply.
I'm currently trying to find a solution to maintain a flash app that was originally running locally through the plugin but I'm experiencing issues.
When I create a Projector (Mac OSX Big Sur), it seems to work but all the swf contents I try load doesn't shows up, it's with only ...
The application is some kind of slide viewer (like powerpoint)
It first loads an XML description of Swf sequence
then it loads the first swf and display an interface that enables to browse into differents sequences of swf.
But none of my swfs are showing up (despite it seems to be loaded correctly)
Everything works fine when playing from animate.
Is there something I should do ?
Should I try to compile the whole app into a desktop Air ?
I'm sure you have something to help me (My clients are getting nervous with this Flash EOL story...)
Thanks for helping.