Image Source path in Adobe Adobe Animate CC
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I go to publish setting in the image assets for the image path: ../folderpath/folderpath/ after I get done it says this error message.
Which I understand it doesn't like the "../". But then I have to go into the canvas.js file that Adobe Animate generates and manually change it using Adobe Dreamweaver.
The orginal:
{src:"folderpath/folderpath/image name.png", id:"image name"}
change to this
{src:"../folderpath/folderpath/image name.png", id:"image name"}
Do I have to manually change it every time?
Hopefully this makes sense!
Thank You,
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I just tested this, setting the image publish path to "../images/", and it worked correctly, no error message.
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How did you get it to work? It is hard to see but I did put ../image/ in the export image assets. Am I putting it in the wrong place?
Thank you,
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Oh, you're using 2019. Don't, it's a buggy mess. Works fine in 2018, or when opening an FLA in 2019 that was created in 2018.
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I updated Adobe Animate a couple months back and it was working just fine then I started doing some work again and everything got messed up.
Can I go back to Adobe animate 2018?