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Dear Community, I am writing on behalf of my son because I have no idea about adobe animate myself. I would appreciate any information, and tips that could help him. These are his problems/questions:
After solving a problem with making vector assets (it was converted to a bitmap straight away by default), here are the problems I've encountered:
-Everything gets converted into a drawing object, which downside is that instead of perfectly fitting, the coloured regions sometimes have blank spaces around them
-When I add a new handle or move one that exists, sometimes random drawing objects (which previously were coloured regions) from the asset disappear for no reason
-Transparency is acting weird in the new assets, sometimes the alpha channel is multiplied by two when creating the asset, and then it doesn't change anymore when the asset is already created
-You can't edit the stuff in the asset once it's already created- this can get irritating
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first, animate creates vectors with the drawing tools.
none of those are automatically converted to anything. they can be converted to bitmaps (and animate can convert bitmaps to vectors), but that's lesson 50 and you're having a problem with lesson 2 - using the drawing tools.
so, let's hear about your first steps with the animate drawing tools.
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thanks but I think you misundesrtand me. My level is zero but my son (even he's a child) is pretty advance. One of example of his work:
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Maaaan! You kid made this animation. He has some Adobe Animate game. Does he create everything in Animate or is he bringing outside graphics in? Are they images or vectors?
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yeap, it fully his own work. It's a full game (not only animation), really cool one BTW.
He was really happy when I told him that someone asked for it and he can share a lot of details about background/planes/missles etc. but in very short, this is how he did it:
Graphics were made partly in adobe illustrator, partly in adobe animate (animate would be even better if they fixed all their issues with the Wrap Asset tool), and then exported to png. They were rendered on the screen using HTML5canvas (that is just a great thing, it's much more efficient than other engines I've tried, like np. pygame- it had trouble rendering bigger images).
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A couple of things that could lead to the issues your son sees:
The View menu has a Preview Mode submenu. If that is set to Fast it could make some of the graphic look less good. Try one of the better quality options.
MoveiClips can be set to be cached as bitmap. Look in the Properties panel for Blend settings, and see if the Render menu is set to Original.
For some issues it might be worth creating a small FLA that shows the issue, then we can see the same thing you are seeing.
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thanks for all info. we will try. And the idea about creating FLA for sure can be helpful to understand his problems.
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Maybe some beginner tutorials might help.
Bitmaps don't usually come into play unless you convert parts to a bitmap.