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When I use auto lip sync, it only takes images. Is there any way for it to add not just the image of specific mouth but whole new symbol, becouse I want my mouth to move - like it's oppening and closing in each sound.
Thank you for answer
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i'm not sure what you're trying but this is what you can do,
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We don't know what "whole new image" actually means but are you asking if the auto-lip-syncing can select other parts of the mouth/face/head? Whatever you want to assign as your mouth phenoms can be anything really. Just make sure to include them with each mouth and assign them appropriately. Apologies if I still misunderstood your question.
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Sorry, Ill try to explain myself. here the auto lip sync only changes the images of mouth - open, closed e.t.c.
Like for the sound ''uh'' normali auto lip sync addes one frame of mouth. However, I want to have like three frames, where the mouth is opening smoothly using three frames. Can the auto lip sync add symbol where are multiple frames, instad of one frame?
(sorry for my english, just student from Czechia : )
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no, each viseme will display a single frame. ie, you can use a symbol on a viseme frame, but only the first frame of that symbol will display.
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Here is a good tutorial on what can do with lip sync. Should help you figure it out.
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Ahhh yes, what Kglad said but you can always go back into your mouth layer and inster keyframes and manually assign different mouths using the Frame Picker after you've run the auto-lip-sync feature.
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Auto-lip sync is more like "a first pass" kind of deal, it will never look as good as manually animating the mouths yourself. Good for quick results and longer audio projects. Same goes for any other program with a similar feature, the end result is always limited.
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Did you get it figured out?