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I am creating simple animation in HTML5 Canvas. I have placed a simple classic tween animation and placed a STOP script after 50 frames. there is a button at the end to replay the animation. I have placed a movie clip over button to keep it playing until replay button is clicked. It works perfectly fine.
As soon as I add CAMERA LAYER and publish it again, Movie clip at the end stops working. Once I remove the Camera layer, it starts working again.
What would be the issue?
report the problem here,
though the issue should be simplified:
create a multiframe movieclip and put on the main timeline at any frame other than frame 0.
add a this.stop() to the main timeline after the movieclip is instantiated
movieclip continues to play even after main timeline stops play, as expected.
add a camera layer
movieclip returns to frame 0 and stops when main timeline stops.
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what does this " I have placed a movie clip over button to keep it playing until replay button is clicked." mean?
does it mean you added a movieclip to the over state of your replay button?
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no no ... I placed a hand movieclip above the layer of the button on the main scene, which indicates to click on the button. but that movie clip stays static and does not play when I add camera layer. Once I remove camera layer, it works perfectly fine.
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there's still ambiguity in your explanation of what you did, and i don't see a problem when testing what i think you did. however, it's very unclear what you actually did.
eg, what you now mean by
1. I have placed a simple classic tween animation and placed a STOP script after 50 frames
where is that placed? is that tween and stop on the main timeline?
2. I have placed a movie clip over button to keep it playing until replay button is clicked.
i know understand there's a movieclip overlying the replay button. but what do you mean by "to keep it playing"? what's "it"?
you're trying to describe what you did, so it can be duplicated by someone else (eg me). one way to do this is:
start a new fla
recreate the steps needed to duplicate the problem
explain those steps carefully so they can be duplicated.
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Let me explain step by step.
(i). I opened a new Animate HTML5 Canvas file.
(ii). Layer_1 contains Yellow Square classic tween animation, moving from Left to Right and rotating.
(iii). Layer_2 contains Red Oval Simple basic Button.
(iv). Layer_3 contains Green Polygon which is a movieclip which is placed over button. Inside movieclip, it is a 3 keyframe animation in which on the middle keyframe, polygon is smaller in size.
(v). Action_Layer. At the end is STOP COMMAND. And on the 59th FRAME, it GO TO AND PLAY (Frame 5).
This animations works fine which i publish it on HTML/JS. When the animation reaches the end, it stops there but movieclip (Green Polygon) keeps playing. and when I click on the button it replays from Frame 5.
Problem begins here,
When I simply Add a Camera Layer without even making any changes on that layer or even when creating a zoom-in effect. Once i publish it with same default settings, and when the Animation reaches at the end it stops there, and the MOVIECLIP (Green Polygon) just play once and then stop playing in repitition.
Problem is, When adding camera in animation, movieclips stop working at the end. and once I remove the Camera layer, it starts working again, as it is supposed to do.
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the explanation is good (though it doesn't make sense to have anything beyond frame 59 if there's no way to get beyond frame 59).
then you have a "problem" section and a "problem begins here" section and those don't make sense. explain those more carefully.
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In this file, I hope you understand and you can see that in Layer_3, I have placed a Green Polygon Movieclip in which Polygon is supposed to keep animating repeatedly, even thou animation stops at the end on the main scene using action script "STOP". but movieclips keeps playing.
Problem is that when I add "Camera Layer" on the timeline, that movieclip "Does not Play Repeatedly". It just play once and becomes static. But when I delete camera layer from timeline, that movieclip starts playing repeated again at the end as it should be.
I don't unederstand the issue as why camera layer is affecting movieclip and stops it from playing repeatedly.
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any movieclip in layer_3 will play for 2 or 3 frames and then disappear because of the gotoAndPlay(5) on frame 59.
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Sorry .. I didn't mention it completely ... That gotoAndPlay is linked with button (Red Oval Button) using this command:
this.button_1.addEventListener("click", fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame.bind(this));
function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame()
So the animation stops at the end and movieclip is suppose to keep playing repeatedly, unless I click on the button and then it will go to Frame 5 and play again..
There is the issue that without camaera layer, movieclip keeps playing and If I add camera layer, movieclip does not play repeatedly, it just stops at the end and everything is static.
I think there is some issue with Adobe Animate, some glitch. because difference between both files is just Camera Layer.
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I have attached 2 videos to make it easy for you.
In both files, difference is just the camera layer. Everything else is same
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report the problem here,
though the issue should be simplified:
create a multiframe movieclip and put on the main timeline at any frame other than frame 0.
add a this.stop() to the main timeline after the movieclip is instantiated
movieclip continues to play even after main timeline stops play, as expected.
add a camera layer
movieclip returns to frame 0 and stops when main timeline stops.
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Reported. Thanks.
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you're welcome.