As we know Flash and SWFs have a long and rich history.
It also has a very bitter end.
The amount of hostility and miss information about Flash and SWFs online is staggering. As a professional user of Adobe Animate I have an invested interest in making clients comfortable with their content being created on Adobe Animate rather than Adobe After Effects.
I believe that one HUGE stumbling block is down to the simple fact that the files are called. .FLA and .SWF.
This creates a lot of hostility and the need to explain a lot.
It would be amazing for users and the brand in general if we could change these file names.
For example:
Adobe Animate.
Working file names .an (eg
And publishing file name .anim or something similar.
Has Adobe considered this? It would be a very small change that would make a HUGE difference.
I’d love to get thoughts on this.