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I am having an issue with tweening. Before this screenshot I had the bars going up just fine and then stopping where they should. Upon save>close>reopen I am now faced with this on screen and playing through .swf it is also messed up.
Is there any solution to this? The buttons also have hidden text which still works fine but is now restricted to the tiny surface area rather than the bar itself.
Thanks in advance.
1 Correct answer
the tweening is not affected by adding actionscript though the actionscript is often affected if your not careful.
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what problem are you trying to show?
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This is what it should look like once the tween has reached its destination.
However this is what it now looks like once I have closed the software and come back to it at a different date.
The second image is when I have turned the bars from a movie clip to a button on the last key frame. These small bars that are now replacing the full bar still possess the buttons function of displaying text.
Basically I don't understand why the tween messes up upon being closed? why does it rescale them like this instead of just leaving them like the first image?
I have to redo it everytime I want to open the design up
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the 2nd image has a lot of layers hidden. i can't determine if, for example, Layer_3 is hidden.
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The hidden layers are just text boxes. This is what one of the hidden layers looks like.
Do you think it is an issue to do with the bars being turned into a button perhaps? Potentially just run the clip and then have a separate static version at the end of the tween to function as buttons?
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the tweening is not affected by adding actionscript though the actionscript is often affected if your not careful.