User input text trouble
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I have tried multiple ways. It seems like it should be an easy task, but i am having no luck. I made a template of what i am looking for. any help would be great. I'm confused.
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What is the code you have tried that is not working? What aspect of that code is not working the way you want?
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Figured out what i was doing with the input text to dynamic text and got it working. Except i had to add a button to make it work. As far as the combobox's i am lost. I need help telling the combobox "myComboBox" to change the font of "textfield2" when a certain font is selected. Here is what i have so far, built in 2 layers so far.
//layer 1 AS3 "text input" (this is working fine, would rather not have to click submit though)
function copyText(e:MouseEvent):void
textfield2.text = textfield1.text;
//layer 2 AS3 "font dropdown" (combobox is working, but i don't have a clue on how to make it change font when selected.)
var fontArray:Array = ["Arial", "Calibri", "Bradley Hand ITC", "Freestyle Script", "Lucida Handwriting"]
var arial:Font = new ArialFont();
var myFormatBlack:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
myFormatBlack.font = arial.fontName;
myFormatBlack.size = 12;
myFormatBlack.color = 0x000000;
myComboBox.textField.setStyle("embedFonts", true);
myComboBox.textField.setStyle("textFormat", myFormatBlack);
myComboBox.dropdown.setRendererStyle("embedFonts", true);
myComboBox.dropdown.setRendererStyle("textFormat", myFormatBlack);
myComboBox.setStyle("embedFonts", true);
myComboBox.setStyle("textFormat", myFormatBlack);
myComboBox.prompt = "Select Font";
myComboBox.width = 100;
myComboBox.height = 25;
myComboBox.setStyle("textPadding", 1);
myComboBox.dataProvider = new DataProvider(fontArray)
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Here is some code that does what your diagram outlines, though it does not reflect the naming you just showed. intxt is your textfield1, outxt is your textfield2, font is the font face combobox, and size is the font size combobox. It doesn't not require a button, this is managed via the first few lines of code
intxt.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, writeOut);
function writeOut(evt:Event):void {
outxt.text = intxt.text;
font.prompt = "FONT FACE";
font.addItem({label:"Times New Roman"});
size.prompt = "FONT SIZE";
size.addItem({label:"18", data:18});
size.addItem({label:"32", data:32});
font.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, setFormat);
size.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, setFormat);
function setFormat(evt:Event):void {
var fontface:String = "Arial"; // these are the initial values of the output textfield
var fontsize:Number = 10;
if(font.selectedIndex > -1){
fontface = font.selectedItem.label;
if(size.selectedIndex > -1){
fontsize =;
var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
textFormat.font = fontface;
textFormat.size = fontsize;
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Here is a link to a sample file that is based on your design and the code I just provided:
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got it working pretty good. Thank you for your help.
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You're welcome