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Joao asked and I showed the error
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Thanks for the file.
Even though there are a couple of issues, it worked for me.
But, anyway, you can fix at least the issues below.
It should be this.gotoAndStop(1);. In the HTML5 Canvas document, the first frame is 0, then 1, 2, and so on.
There's no myQuestion text field in the second frame of the main timeline. This text field is inside of another symbol. So you should either remove line 4 - as you also have the same instruction inside of the forementioned symbol - or give a name to this symbol in which you have the text field and change the reference. For example: this.sealAnim.myQuestion.text = "Hello";. // sealAnim would be the name of the Movie Clip that contains the seal animation.
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I removed it from the Frame 2 because it didn't work, so that's why I created it in seal layer. There it works. I want it on the main scene as i feel that in future I will have a problem with the button to go to the main scene from seal layer. I allow you to add text to the main scene to test.
Also I have a problem with animation in html - . Could you test it?
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Should I put this.gotoAndPlay(1) as animation on Frame2?