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ZIM tutorials for Adobe Animate

Explorer ,
Oct 29, 2022 Oct 29, 2022

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Here is a video tutorial series on how to use ZIM within Adobe Animate:


ZIM is a JavaScript Canvas Framework built with CreateJS which is what Animate exports to in Web mode.  ZIM SHIM at https://zimjs.com/animate will let you code with ZIM right in Animate.  ZIM provides many conveniences, components and controls that you can use in your app! To find out available features see https://zimjs.com/about.html or explore the ZIM site in general https://zimjs.com to see expamples, the learn section, etc.  Let us know if you have any questions - we hope ZIM is helpful for you!  Cheers.

Dr Abstract (Dan Zen) long-time Flash/Animate user

How to






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Community Expert ,
Oct 29, 2022 Oct 29, 2022

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Looks great





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Explorer ,
Oct 30, 2022 Oct 30, 2022

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Thank you Daniel!  We just posted another - why don't we describe the ones that we have so far here and perhaps can keep the thread going as we post more.

01.  We introduce the ZIM JavaScript Canvas Framework to code creativity - powered by CreateJS.  We show how to download the ZIM SHIM ZIP and change the Animate template to the zimshim.html file in the ZIP.  We optionally saved a profile.  This will allow us to use ZIM code inside of Animate.

02.  Here we zimify() an Animate MovieClip along with its dimensions.  This will add the various ZIM methods like drag(), center(), animate() and many more and treat the MovieClip just like the many ZIM DisplayObjects - which are extended from CreateJS which were built based on Flash/Animate with great love to work in the HTML 5 Canvas.

03. ZIM has convenient ways to position DisplayObjects made with code.  Of course you can position in the Animate IDE but if you make objects with code - which can be handy, for instance to use the ZIM shapes and components or tile objects, etc. then you will use center(), centerReg(), loc() and pos() - we also talk about scaling, rotating, skewing, setting alpha, etc. with ZIM short chainable methods.

04. Here we show ZIM animate() which has many powerful features along the lines of GSAP as well as exciting original features such as animating and dragging along user-editable paths, sequences, etc. We also introduce the ZIM DUO technique which allows you to use parameters like normal in order, or to pass a single configuration object with properties that match the parameter names. This was invented for ZIM DUO (version two of ZIM).

05. Tile() is quite handy to tile objects - we see how to interact efficiently with these objects and introduce ZIM VEE values for dynamic parameters invented in version 5 of ZIM. This allows us to for instance, tile with random colors or sizes or tile in a series. We will see more uses coming up!

06. In this tutorial we introduce components like Button, Slider, Dial, Indicator, etc. there are about 40 components that you can use in your Animate project. We also show ZIM STYLE for the canvas - wow! This allows you to set styles much like CSS. We also finish off some info on Tile where we uniquely tile the components. This is what you will need to do to tile MovieClips as they do not clone.

07. Here we take a tour of what Dr Abstract has made with Flash/Animate as Inventor Dan Zen! So a little different, no code - but we show you the types of things we have been making for years and how they relate to the code we have today.

08. A very useful tutorial where we show you how to let the user upload a picture from their computer or mobile device - make some changes or additions and then save the file to their computer or device. So easy! So much can be done like meme makers, etc. Note: we tidied up the code in the comments so our TextInput field is complete.

09. A YouTube viewer asked how to use ZIM Pic() and Aud() in Animate so we show how to bring in pictures and sounds using ZIM should you desire.





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Community Expert ,
Oct 30, 2022 Oct 30, 2022

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Great! will take a look





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