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I made a flash Demo, and now the client want that it will convert to a movie format. , like Mp4 or Similar format/
A formt that can be seen well and eazly in PPT Presntation.
How can I do that?
can I use EXE or SWF?
1 Correct answer
From the original .fla file, you can export a video. Choose Export... Video from the FIle menu. How successful this will be will depend on the content of your original file. There are third party apps that can convert an .swf to a video file. Again the success or failure of the finished file will depend on the .swf that you start with. You can also use a screen recording app to record the playback of your .swf.
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From the original .fla file, you can export a video. Choose Export... Video from the FIle menu. How successful this will be will depend on the content of your original file. There are third party apps that can convert an .swf to a video file. Again the success or failure of the finished file will depend on the .swf that you start with. You can also use a screen recording app to record the playback of your .swf.
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Thanks!!! (:
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If you don't have the FLA, or a recent version of Flash Pro or Animate that can do perfect video export, there is this tool:
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Thanks!!! (:
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Thank you for that link! Swivel is a real capacible tool and it works - been searching such a long time for that swf problem!
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I understand that the answer was given almost three years ago, but just on February 2020 I needed to convert swf.exe to a regular video file. I collected a lot of info and finally did it. It was my way:
1. swf.exe to swf
2. swf to mp4 (just video)
3. To get audio from swf
I used Option 2: Audacity’s WASAPI Loopback. Yes, I recorded audio from video.
4. To combine video and audio I followed this
and used portable version of this
Enjoy! I hope it would be useful.
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Seems like you could have saved all those steps by just running some screen cam software while the projector was playing.
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hey Mr V, the 1st link does not work. can you update that !
Also guys all my training exe (project ) stop working this year. are there anyways around this?