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Enhance Speech seems to be down today. It has not been working for several hours. Nothing I upload is processing successfully. I have tried with about 8 different files in 4 different browers, and I have received the same error in almost every instance:
"The audio file is in a format we can't understand. Ensure the file is not corrupted or convert it to a standard wav or mp3 format to try again."
I have also received the more basic "Failed to process file for enhancement" notification twice now.
I have tried with both WAV files and MP3s. All of them have been mono. The WAVs were 16 bit 44.1 kHz. The MP3 was 320 kbps. There is nothing wrong with any of them. They all play fine in multiple audio players (VLC, WMP, iTunes) and import into Pro Tools with no issue.
If anyone else here notices the problem has been fixed, can you please reply to me? Thank you!
(Note: I am in Texas, USA. I am really hoping the problem is fixed soon, because this is a very bad start to my work week as a podcast producer! I have been a paying customer of the full Creative Cloud suite for many, many years. Enhance Speech has been a lifesaver since it came out, so today has been very tough with it not working. I would happily pay a bit more to Adobe every month to just have reliable access to Enhance Speech! ...and I'd pay even more for a version that would run locally without being connected to the internet!)