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I really need help with this issue, I downloaded both the Substance 3D Viewer and Photoshop (beta), and whenever I try to open a 3d file, nothing seems to appear, it's just a blank screen with the grid lines but nothing shows there, I tried rendering an image to see if the software is able to read the object but isn't able to make it appear at the viewing stage for some reason and the render showed the object which proves my theory. Note: I've tried dragging a file into the screen and opening it from the main menu, but nothing seems to work. // App Version: 0.20.0
On the other hand when I open Photoshop (beta) and import a file as a smart object, it shows up as an empty layer,. Note: I've tried both draggin a file into the screen as well opening a file from the main menu, but nothing seems to work.
The file types that I have attempted to open inside of the platform can be found below;
USDC --- The Green Headphones model provided by Substance 3D Viewer for testing
I have uninstalled both softares and reinstalled them but that didn't fix the problem.
Finally please note that I have attached the log files for both softwares and some screenshots for reference.
Talal F.
Hi @Talal30652523lktc - Jeanette from Adobe here. I took a deeper look at your logs and I don't see any errors from the app itself saying it's running into a specific issue. As Ares said, since your device is from 2016 it's out of our support policy range (our rendering team generally sets a 7 year policy for GPU support).
When you render with the "Render Image" option it uses the CPU, while the viewport and canvas experience is defaults to use the GPU all the time to keep it as speedy as pos
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What is your GPU? AMD or Nvidia?
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NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
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Here is System requirements for Viewer. System requirements | Substance 3D Viewer
May be the reason is that your GPU is older than 7 years. That is Adobe system requirements politics.
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Hi, thanks for your response, is there any way to confirm that this could be the issue, I'd hate to invest in a new Graphics Card only to find out this was a bug in the software and had nothing to do with my Graphics Card.
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The best way is to contact Adobe 3D Viewer feam. I vote for your message and hope you will get feedback soon.
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Hi @Talal30652523lktc - Jeanette from Adobe here. I took a deeper look at your logs and I don't see any errors from the app itself saying it's running into a specific issue. As Ares said, since your device is from 2016 it's out of our support policy range (our rendering team generally sets a 7 year policy for GPU support).
When you render with the "Render Image" option it uses the CPU, while the viewport and canvas experience is defaults to use the GPU all the time to keep it as speedy as possible. That's why you're seeing a final render work, but nothing in the interactive and Photoshop paths.
In the future we hope to expose some controls to let you choose to use your CPU all the time, in the case you want to keep your GPU free for another app or like this case your GPU isn't compatible in some way.
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Is there a solution to the problem in the meantime? Because I have the same problem with slightly better equipment. But also with a graphics card from the 10xx series, in my case 1080ti. Tomorrow I will also try it out with a 20xx series graphics card.
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Same Issue here with GTX 1080. Imported objects are not visiblie in the viewport. Render export works.
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As mention above @JMathews that the reason can be older GPU. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 was released in 2016