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Hi All,
I have been working on a screen simulation and until yesterday everything played back smoothly in the preview and also published. Yesterday I made a couple of minor edits (replaced the audio on one slide (from Audacity), added a couple text captions, changed the font for several captions) and I started noticing skipping in the audio and video on a few slides (this happens in both preview and published). I have the filed saved in My Documents (not a network drive). I have two versions (one with no skipping from 2 days ago (A) and one from yesterday with the skipping (B)), and have be playing with both trying to find the root cause.
On version A I tried to recreate the changes I made to B, pausing to watch after every change to find the cause. It ended up being text captions I added to the bottom of half of the slides (simple text and says "Questions? Contact ...."). Without this text the project plays fine. Because verion B is more updated I figured if I just removed this text it would also get rid of the skipping. However, this did not work. Has anyone else had any problems with audio and video skipping (almost like a scratched CD) throughout projects? This project is not large (35 slides) and not overly advanced (software simulation) in Captivate 5 on Windows 7. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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I have had this issue. I tried to update to the newest version of Captivate allowed by my organization, but so far the skipping continues. I have gotten around it by making certain slides much longer than needed (with about two extra seconds at the end of the slide) in order to make up for the skipping. It typically is happening in the first few slides. I'm still working to get to a a root cause.