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Captivate 12.4- Question pools and random questions

Adobe Employee ,
Sep 18, 2024 Sep 18, 2024

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With question pools in Captivate 12.4, you can create a set of questions from which your quizzes will randomly pull. You can organize pools by difficulty, topic, or goal and then use them to add variety to your quizzes. Random questions ensure learners are tested on different topics or skills, and since everyone gets a unique set of questions, it helps prevent answer sharing.


Here's how you add random questions and create question pools:


  1. Add a random question slidethen create a question pool.
  2. Once you've created the question pool, start adding the questions to the pool.
  3. In addition to adding question slides to a pool, you can import questions from a CSV or add slides from the Asset panel.
  4. Once your pool is ready with questions, move some questions between other pools or to the main project.
  5. You're all set. Publish the project.


View Add question pools and random question slides for more information.


Captivate 12.4 contains several features and enhancements to allow you to create quality eLearning projects. View the What's new and changed in Captivate 12.4 for more information.








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