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Captivate project moves ahead when I click anywhere on slide despite next btn being hidden. Help!

Adobe Employee ,
Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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Hi Team

I have created a simple eLearning course with next and back buttons, which are images as button, that I imported from my storyboard power point. On some slides the learner is suppose to go through all the interaction on the slide and upon the last interaction the next button appears. However, on preview when I click anywhere else on the slide, the project still moves forward skiping all the interaction.

  1. How do I stop this?
  2. What should my setting be On enter, On exit on the slide? And
  3. When the next button is selected then what should be the setting on the Next button's Action tab? 

So far I have tried using a click box but I don't find that to be a sturdy solution. Please help.






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Community Expert ,
Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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Just to clarify something that you said: "I have created a simple eLearning course with next and back buttons, which are images as button, that I imported from my storyboard power point. "


Could you please clarify:

  • Did you make these images from PowerPoint into buttons by using the Save as Image feature in PowerPoint before then bringing them into Captivate as a graphic to use as an Image Button?
  • Or did you import the entire PPT deck into Captivate expecting that the button actions you set up inside PowerPoint would translate over and work the same in Captivate?
  • If these buttons are actually image buttons that were added in Captivate, then did you set the On Last Attempt actions of the buttons to No Action so that clicking outside the button would not result in any action?





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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Hi Rod

Thankyou for reaching out. So to your questions:

1. You are right, I made the images in power point and impoted the image and checked the use as button option to use it as a button and Action is go to next slide. 

2. Nope, its what you said in Q1

3. Amm, I just checked and I had the 'Infinite Attempts' checked. So I unchecked it and the Last Attempts is on Continue.

Is that the issue? What is the correct setting? Please could you explain how these settings work ?


Many Thanks for your time 🙂





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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Also, no of attempts is on 1





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Community Expert ,
Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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If it is a button, then setting it to Infinite Attempts would be the right way to go because you want the same thing to happen each and every time the button is clicked.  When you use Infinite Attempts that means there is no On Last Attempt action.  The alternate way is to set the On Last Attempt action to No Action so that nothing would happen, but you would only use this option if you wanted to limite the number of times the button was available to be clicked.  I think from your description you should use Infinite Attempts.


However, if clicking elsewhere on the slide is also resulting in the timeline continuing, that might be due to having some other interactive object picking up the click action and responding by continuing the timeline.  So you need to check all other objects on the slide to see if that could be the issue.





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Aug 18, 2021 Aug 18, 2021

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I will give it a try as well, but not sure to understand what you really want.

It would be a lot easier if you inserted a screenshot of the timeline of such a slide.  It will give more information. 

From your description in the original question you want to achieve what is called 'Forced View' before the Next button appears. However you don't describe HOW you do achieve that at this moment.

You are talking about images  - probable bitmap format - used as buttons. But what needs to happen when such a button is clicked? As Rod already pointed out, a button has at least one event  - the Success event  - which is meant to have something happening. Infinite attempts will avoid the use of the Last Attempt event since it doesn't exist in that case.


By default a 'button' whatever its type will have a pausing point, waiting for the Learner clicking the button.  By default it is at 1.5secs. 


I can give you several links to blog posts describing how to create a Forced view slide, but wait for you r answers to my questions. Meanwhile, here is a link to a blog post which may clarify what I mean by pausing points and pauses:







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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 19, 2021 Aug 19, 2021

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Hi Both, thanks for your suggestions.

I am still trying to figure out Captivate. I feel like its too much of a code heavy and code specific soution that I dont understand. Kindly allow me some time to apply Rod's suggestion and preview my project. If I get stuck I will reach out on this tread. But thankyou for your time and solutions. I appreciate it!





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Aug 19, 2021 Aug 19, 2021

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Captivate is designed for people that DO NOT want to write code to achieve interactive e-learning.  So, there really isn't any necessity to write code in Captivate unless you wanted to dig into it's ability to add JavaScript.  That opens up all kinds of possibilities but it's not what Adobe usually emphasizes in their Captivate marketing materials.


But if you want to build interactive e-learning then you do definitely need to get your head around a few key concepts such as how the Timeline works, how Events trigger Actions, and the kind of actions that are available to you as a developer.


If you have only just started with Captivate and were previously more familiar with PowerPoint then it is understandable that you might be finding it quite different.  There IS definitely a learning curve.







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Community Expert ,
Aug 19, 2021 Aug 19, 2021

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Normally you do not need to code at all for the majority of interactions you want to achieve in Captivate. Some may try to persuade you that need JavaScript but I am personally not at all persuaded by that view.

May I use a comparison? If you plan to run a marathon next year, you will start planning a training schedule, and also buy the necessary equipment. Why do you expect to start using a feature-heavy application like Captivate without any planning?


I just popped in to ask you to post a screenshot of the timeline, and to clarify your goal. It may be possible to achieve it even in a simpler way than what Rod described. The Timeline is for sure a feature which can be used to avoid any use of advanced/shared actions and variables in some use cases. That was the reason I posted a link to one of the blogs about the Timeline. It is NOT the first blog post...  If you did show the Timeline panel for the slide, it could be explained using YOUR timeline panel. 


If you never opened the Timeline panel, look at the bottom of your screen. You should see the title 'Timeline' of that panel. Double-click that Title to open the panel.





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 19, 2021 Aug 19, 2021

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Hi Both,

I am not sure what the issue is here.

I am only apreciating your help and aksing that I be given more time to apply your suggestion.


I feel like I am being attacked here! And there is certainly no need to wite in CAPS! I find that quiet rude! Also, I am entitle to my opinion on the tool. I have extensively worked on other WBT Authoring tools in the market and have been abel to achieve courses with much less hassel. I am not a coder so even using an Advance action is code to me. Please understand that I am not being disrespectfull. I am only thanking you and asking for more time. 

I Apologise if it seems that I was rude. Thanks again.





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