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I have created an original animated GIF using the latest version of Photoshop.
I exported the file from Photoshop using:
File -> Export -> Save for Web (legacy)
I can preview the animated GIF in a browser, and it animates correctly.
My problem is that when I import this in to Captivate (also the latest version), Captivate gives me a message that says "This file is not an animted GIF", which is of course incorrect.
So I have a source file created by an Adobe product that is not be accepted by another Adobe product - (Captivate)
Is this a problem w/ Captivate? Or is it a problem with my exporting technqiue?
If the P'shop technique I am using to export the animated GIF is not the right one, what is the correct technique?
I am using Windows 10 on a very well-provisioned setup - i5/6 cores, 32 gigs RAM, two video cards.
Below is the animated GIF:
1 Correct answer
Which technique did you use in PS? I know that not everything is possible to have the animated GIF being accepted in Captivate. Each frame in PS needs a duration, masking is not working very well.
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Which technique did you use in PS? I know that not everything is possible to have the animated GIF being accepted in Captivate. Each frame in PS needs a duration, masking is not working very well.
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Lilybiri - Interesting that you mentioned about the "zero time" restriction.
The default in P'shop is "0.0". I changed this to '0.05' and now Captivate is accepting the file.
That is an odd problem ... considering both product are Adobe.
Thank you!
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Have discovered that restriction many versions ago. Nothing has changed, however not all techniques I could use for SWF output are functtional in HTML5.