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In the current project I am working on, I need a button on a menu screen to change color after clicking a button on another screen. I already have a standard action set up to "disable" that button, but the color stays the same.
Disabling a button only results in keeping the Normal state, not in changes in color.
Since you are navigating immediately to the Next slide, you can use the second approach, no need for user variables, nor for a conditional action with several decisions. You have to create the custom state (use State View) with the color you like, name it 'Done'. I recommend a shared action like this for the button (do not change the sequence, you first have to change the state):
Change State of Btn_one to D
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How do you want to do it? With the InBuilt states? In that case you should create a custom state, besides the default 3 Inbuilt states (Normal, Rollover, Down). It is not possible to change the state of an object from another slide, so you'll have to do it with the On Enter action of this slide. A possible work flow would be to create a user variable (Boolean) with a default value of 0, change it to 1 (Assign action) with the action triggered by that button on the other slide. For the On Enter action on this slide, you'll need a conditional action, probably with multiple decisions if you want this to happen for each of those buttons:
IF v_one is equal to 1
Change state of Bt_one to Done using the name "Done" for the custom state which will replace the Normal state
There may be other possibilities, but I don't see the whole setup. If that button is meant to jump to another slide, you could change its state immediately before jumping. It would have the advantage of being a standard action, which could be a shared action. However: do not forget to check the option to Retain state when returning to this slide.
You can see some custom states in this blog post:
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Thanks...I was hoping for an easy solution..When the user clicks on "System Purpose," they are taken to the next slide, and so on until arriving at the last screen in the section, that has the "Next" button as pictured. After clicking on "Next," the user is taken back to the menu slide, and can make another selection. It was very simple to disable the "System Purpose" button, I was hoping it would be as simple to just change the color.
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would it be easier to change the color of the "System Purpose" button after clicking on it as opposed to the Next button on the other silde?
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Disabling a button only results in keeping the Normal state, not in changes in color.
Since you are navigating immediately to the Next slide, you can use the second approach, no need for user variables, nor for a conditional action with several decisions. You have to create the custom state (use State View) with the color you like, name it 'Done'. I recommend a shared action like this for the button (do not change the sequence, you first have to change the state):
Change State of Btn_one to Done
Go to Next slide
The italicized words will be your parameters, sorry but even if you label all the 4th states to the same name Done (which is allowed), you'll have to enter that parameter. If you want to disable the button, you can add that command as well.
Do not forget to check 'Retain state'!
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Thank you ! I am working on this now, and i believe it will work great. However, I don't see the "retain state" box to check.
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Disregard...I had a Captivate Update waiting. After updating Captivate, the "Retain State on Slide Revisit" box is visible.
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Fine, glad you could fix it!