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Hi everyone,
excuse my english, I am french 🙂
I got a job where i was asked to deliver a simple e-learning, based on a Menu and 10 videos ( 10 in FR and 10 in EN ).
I usually only do animations with after effects but i was interested to rise to this challenge. I bought Captivate and did the work thanks to some help from here and tutorial on Youtube.
But before sending it to the client, I would feel more secure to let check what I have done by a profi like you are here.
So my question is : would someone be interested in this ?
What I would like is that you correct anything you find wrong and tell me what my mistakes was, that I can improve for the future. It would be of course a paid job.
I hope this is the right place for such request.
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Il est possible de poster des questions dans la langue de Voltaire, c'est rafraîchissant d'utiliser une langue qui n'est pas l'Anglais. En étant Flamande, votre langue maternelle est ma deuxième langue tandis que l'Anglais n'est que ma troisième. 🙂
Je vais vous contacter en utilisant un message privé.
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Génial, merci Lilybiri.