Four yes, no type of questions in one slide
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What I like to do is to put four true-or-false (yes-or-no) type of questions in one slide if possible.
I achieved this using yes, no widget (I cannot remember where I got it)
But in this widget, I can just choose yes or no without any feedback.
But someone frome the top asked me to add feedback on each question.
Can we achieve this kind of functionality using advance action?
If possible, I would like to make each question appear one at a time.
For example, the first question appear. After users select either yes or no, then
appropriate feedback appear with arrow buttow. If youers click on the arrow button,
the second yes-or-no question will appear etc. I attached a picture to illustrate my point.
What is the best practice to achieve this kind of activity? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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A while ago I blogged about that kind of multiple Y/N questions with advanced actions:
It is probably not totally what you want, but could give you an idea. Have more articles on the same subject.
You didn't mention which version of Captivate you are using, nor if you have to report to a LMS. Because that makes a great difference.
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Thank you so much for your answer Lilybiri and Anjaneai.
I am using Captivate 5.5 and we don't need to report these quizzes.
I will definitely check your blog again. Great idea, Anjaneai.
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Lieve is right, whether you are deploying it for LMS or not is vital.
Also if you like you can insert 8 transparent buttons for i.e. 2 for each section, under button properties if you like you can set Reporting to -- Include in Quiz, a button would by default have Hint, Success Failure caption, enable the one you like, also you can initiate an action to make rest appear once you click arrow.
This might be a little longer route to achive it, but should work.