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How can I build a dot-to-dot game in Captivate 5?

New Here ,
Oct 07, 2011 Oct 07, 2011

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Hello everyone,

I want to build a dot-to- dot game in Captivate 5. I can build very basic games in Flash (drag and drop style) already but I want to build a game which students will be able to click on the numbers in sequence (seen in the image below) ideally within Captivate itself. Information will appear when a student clicks on a number, stay there and then allow the student to click on the next number in the sequence and have the image and text develop further. The end image that a student will end up with is a fully linked outline and a list of bullet points/information next to the image they can learn from.  I've considered using the Rollover Image tool for this but find that the information dissapears when you move off the rollover box. I really wanted to see if anyone has any other ideas of going about it they think might work better? Thanks!





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Community Expert , Oct 07, 2011 Oct 07, 2011


Only clicking? And after each click a 'line' and a text caption has to show up? But the sequence is imposed by the numbers; right?

The easiest way 'Rod will be astonished that I'm not using Advanced actions) would be to have everything spread over different slides:

  • first slide has the only all the numbers (and the silhouette?), that are set to display for the rest of the project; and a click box over the first number, that will navigate (On Success) to the second slide
  • second slide has the fi


Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2011 Oct 07, 2011

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If you wanted to try drag and drop for this, you could use the Interactive Drag and Drop widget: http://www.infosemantics.com.au/dragdrop/interactive

You would be able to use one drag and drop widget for each of the numbers.  When the user drops the number on the correct spot, you will see a success caption that you can configure to show the information you wanted to convey.

If you want to just click on a spot and have information appear, you could just use the success captions of click boxes placed over the numbers, but you'll need to use Advanced Actions to prevent the slide from progressing.

Another alternative is to try the Event Handler widget: http://www.infosemantics.com.au/eventhandler

This has built in pausing controls plus the ability to reset the success/fail criteria after each click so that your user can click as often as they like. 




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New Here ,
Oct 10, 2011 Oct 10, 2011

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Thanks RodWard, I'll keep what you've suggested in mind and when I'm a bit futher along with understanding advanced actions and widgets I can try what you have suggested with future games. Many thanks!




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Community Expert ,
Oct 07, 2011 Oct 07, 2011

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Only clicking? And after each click a 'line' and a text caption has to show up? But the sequence is imposed by the numbers; right?

The easiest way 'Rod will be astonished that I'm not using Advanced actions) would be to have everything spread over different slides:

  • first slide has the only all the numbers (and the silhouette?), that are set to display for the rest of the project; and a click box over the first number, that will navigate (On Success) to the second slide
  • second slide has the first Text Caption (TC1) and the first line (Line1), set to display for the rest of the project, and a click box over number 2 that will navigate to slide 3
  • slide 3 has the second Text Caption (TC2) and the second line....


Hope you get it? I can make it more complicated when playing with Advanced actions of course, which should be necessary if the sequence was not imposed.





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New Here ,
Oct 10, 2011 Oct 10, 2011

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Thanks Lilybiri, I think I will be using your suggestion for now it's a bit easier for me to create as I'm not quite there yet with Widgets and advanced actions! Many thanks!




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