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I have successfully created buttons to increase the volume level in my captivate project. Using advanced actions, I add or subtract 10 from the value of the system variable cpCmndVolume. However, I find that this only adjusts the audio assigned to the slide and not the audio track of a video embedded on the slide. I would have thought this variable controls all audio.
How can I control the overall volume level of a project during playback?
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I have successfully used the "Interactions > Learning Interactions > Volume Control" interaction to control both the slide and video audio. I show this to my clients and students when we do video training in Captivate.
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A video element is separate from an audio element.
You can increase the volume of the video by executing this JavaScript in your Advanced Action you are using to increase volume.
var vids = document.getElementsByTagName("video");
if ( vids[0] ! == null && vids[0] !== undefined)
vids[0].volume = 0.2;
if ( vids[1] ! == null && vids[1] !== undefined)
vids[0].volume = 0.2;
Video volume max is 1.0, video silence is 0.
I've found that if you have multiple videos in the projects that there can actually be two video elements when you access them. The script above sets the volume for both depending on which is the video that I actually playing.