How do I edit the Quiz title and logo?
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I'm creating a quiz, but I can't seem to edit aspects of it, namely the gray bubble text and the logo. I've looked in the themes section, tried clicking directly on the text/gray bubble. I aslo went the themes section, I didn't see a setting for it.
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This doesn't look like a normal Theme in Captivate, whether you are using the most recent version 12 or one of the previous versions. This is clearly a custom theme. Before trying to give you a better answer I need to know the exact version you are using: full version number can be found under Help, About Captivate.
What is the name of the theme you are using? If this is NOT version 12, did you check the quizzing master slides?
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; can you post ascreenshot of the Quizzin MCQ master slide wOK, that is a buggy version, but your problem is linked to the Theme you are using.
Please post a screenshot of the quizzing master slide for MCQ, including its Timeline?