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I am switching to Rise. Sorry, Adobe! I will come back when Cp 12 is ready

Explorer ,
Jul 26, 2023 Jul 26, 2023

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Hello Group!


Since the first week of July, I've spent around 40-50 hours navigating around Cp 12, trying to figure it out, as I prepare to launch a course in the autumn. 


At first I blamed myself for not understnading the interface--and I asked so many questions on this forum! I want to thank you all and let you know how grateful I am for your intellectual generosity in answering so many of my questions. Lilybiri Lieve, Stagprime, and many others. I appreciate your kindness and willingness to help. 


I also have had lovely experiences with the Captivate team, including a very kind Gaurav, who spent an hour on a video call with me watching the bugs on the screen of my practice module, taking notes, and sending in bug tickets. But as kind as that was of him, it is also one more hour of my time that I spent trying to fix Adobe, rather than writng and building my course. I cannot afford to do this.


I love the idea of Cp 12 and I think when it is ready it will be a great tool for people like me who are not trained coftware mavens and course developers such as Lilybiri and Stagprime, but rather who have great instructional content and just need a mechanism to share it.


But for now, I am afraid that Cp12 is just not useable. The responsiveness just doesn't work. Almost all of the interactions have flaws and bugs. Things render differently on my screen when I toggle from desktop to  tablet to phone.


I am not saying this to insult Adobe, but I am hoping that you are listening. I really think you can have a great product for people like me, but it needs to work and right now it just doesn't. I have a huge client who wants to buy my course, and I cannot spend the time troubleshooting Adobe's bugs and I cannot take a chance thatit will not work.


I just signed up for a Rise trial, and I got further in 45 minutes of playing arounf with Rise, than I did in ~45 hours on Captivate. With Rise, I will actually be able to create my course. With Cp 12, I cannot.


So I am doing my Rise trial for 30 days, and will almost certainly then sign up for a year with them. I know they are expensive, but at least it seems to work.


I will consider coming back to Adobe after that expesive year over at Rise, if you've got your product working. And I dearly hope you do!


Thank you again to those of you who gave your time so generously to this brand-new user. Your kindness was very appreciated.


And Lilybiri - keep your spirits up. You are clearly the backbone of this group, and Adobe should pay you for your time.


Take care, all!












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Explorer ,
Jul 26, 2023 Jul 26, 2023

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p.s. With my apologies for the typos--I cannot go back and edit--there is no edit feature on my screen for some reason.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 27, 2023 Jul 27, 2023

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Lisa, I respect personally your decision. Know that you were the user that made me break my promise not to help with the new Captivate. Adobe finally succeeded in breaking my spirits, it took them 15 years of trying. 


Just some questions due to my experience as engineer, professor, manager of college departments, a trainer, coach in construction companies, adult trainer, musician and music teacher:

  • Would you like to live in a building which the architect had to build himself from foundation until roof? 
  • Would you walk over a bridge which has been constructed by someone who learner to do so using some YouTube videos?
  • Would you go to a concert (classical music) where the musician didn't spend years of training to master her/his instrument, although she/he had a natural musical talent?

So often the logical ways in other domains are not at all respected in the domain of creating eLearning courses. Isn't Learning the most important activity for any individual? 

This is not meant as criticism on your talents/skills but on what happens in Learning and eLearning. Just for your reflection. You need to know that my first priority has never been the tool, but LEARNING and providing the best assets to help any individual to reach their personal learning goals. Don't label me just as a software freak, wished you could listen to my former students, from children (Flute playing) to adults who could get a new job thanks to what they learned from me. 

It has never happened that I have been so personal in an answer, but I broke too many laws for you already. I have a lot of lacking skills, marketing in the first place, but even more being born as a female with  talents in a male dominant world, having tried to use those talents (often freely) to help others. Hiding my talents partially has often been the only way to get a job. 


My apologies for this 'tirade'. You are a woman with great skills, but I wanted to offer you some reflection ideas.




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Explorer ,
Jul 27, 2023 Jul 27, 2023

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Lily Lieve, thank you for taking the time to write such a sweet message.

Please know how much I appreciate you! You don’t even have to list your talents—I can tell from any one of your messages that you are brilliant, well-rounded, and ultra-versatile.
You are absolutely right, and your thought exercise of a building where the engineer has personally built the foundation and installed the windows is a good one!
I will (lovingly!) counter with my own comparison: What if the engineer knows all about engineering, physics, construction, material longevity, and aesthetics, but needs to learn AutoCAD, to express what she already knows, but what if AutoCAD is full of bugs and doesn’t do what it says it does? I feel a bit more like that. I know these comparisons are imperfect—but my point is, Adobe has built something which someone like me should be able to pick up and use, and I cannot.
(I have a curriculum which I have taught privately for 10+ years, first in person and then online, to individuals and small groups. So I do have a very good concept of what to convey and how to convey it. Have also studied pedagogy and psychology of learning, so I don’t doubt my teaching skills. So here is a tool, Captivate, which is supposed to help me get my concepts onto the screen, and it cannot. This is where I feel like that architect who knows their craft and science, but the one tool that is supposed to help them, is failing them!)
Working in Rise for less than an hour already, I was able to begin to bring to the screen nearly my exact vision of how my course should look. That is what Captivate should also do. And I am so sad that it doesn’t! (I do wish that Rise had more choices for aesthetic variation—but it is not a show-stopper. For now, I just need to build my course!)
I am sharing this partly so that if Adobe reads this, they will understand how their new Cp is failing. 
There is a time and place to hire people to do things for you, I absolutely agree. I am hiring an animator where necessary, hiring someone to consult with on colours and aesthetics, and on whether I get the accessibility issues right, hiring someone to edit my script—I know that there are certain things that will be done better if I have someone else do it or help with it.
In future courses I will consider hiring someone to do the set-up entirely (whether they use Rise, Storyline, or some version of Captivate), in order to free up my time. But for now, a huge part of my script-preparation is informed by what the software can do, so I do actually benefit from being acquainted with the software. Also I would need to be able to communicate to an instructional designer what it is that I want to accomplish, and IMO there is no better way than to show them a course that I have built and say, “Like this! And make it better, too! :-)” It will be an iterative process, and I can always hire someone later to improve my V.1 or to do my V.2 — but for now, I just need to make this thing! 🙂
Lieve, I am so sad and worried for people like you who have invested so much of yourselves in Captivate. You and others have built and centered careers around it. And now it is gasping for air. I understand that this is frightening and stressful and also a real kick to your heart, in your case especially, because you have given yourself so freely. Please know that your gifts have been really treasured by many humans. And please take great care of yourself! You are too important to allow yourself to burn out.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 27, 2023 Jul 27, 2023

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Lisa, I have taught AutoCad (amongst over 30 other software applications), you don't learn it in 45 hours and it has also bugs. I used to be an expert in MS Project and logged bugs 25 years ago which still are not solved.

In collaboration with another engineer we created an easy to use application for cost price calculation in Lotus 1-2-3 in the previous century. It has been used by many small construction companies and then... IBM let Lotus 1-2-3 die while it had features in 2000 which Excel stil doesn't have. Personally I blame marketing and same is now happening with Captivate.

I know developers who are so bored with having to use Rise because it too limiting, and the new version of Captivate seems to be going the same path.  Based on what I learned about you so far, I am afraid what will happen in the future. 

Once the engineer learned AutoCad he'll want to switch to Revit and look for an application to allow VR walks in his projects. Question: will he do this just by dabbling without any training? I have been the stupid woman who took over all topics for teaching which my male colleagues didn't like (was the only female of course). My research career (8years) led to a calculation method for Watertowers to avoid instability. But when I was hired in college, the only topic I was not allowed to teach was of course... Stability.


Somone just posted that they got the user manual for CP12, please have a look. I know what to expect, for the same reason I started to supplement the official user manual by starting to blog. 

Don't worry about me, it is not the first bump in my career, probably the last one because I give up finally. A Flemish proverb says 'who is growing higher than the other blades needs to be mowed immediately'. But mowing hurts.




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Advisor ,
Jul 27, 2023 Jul 27, 2023

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Great thread - both of you!




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Engaged ,
Jul 27, 2023 Jul 27, 2023

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Hi Lisa !

I followed your fight to "correct" the new Captivate and understood your resignation... and frustration !

In 40-50 hours, it would have been possible to create a nice project with the Classic Captivate !...

Mostly with the help of Lilybiri or Stagprime ! if needed !

Before going to Rise, have a last look a the galeries of the free projects, all done with Captivate Classic, and the imagination of their authors... And if Classic Captivate was the right tool for you ?...

Take care !





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Community Expert ,
Jul 28, 2023 Jul 28, 2023

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Thanks for your support, but Lisa - logically -  is persuaded that the EOL for the Classic version will be there in the future and doesn't want to lose time learning a very professional authoring tool (which I hoped ever to become on the same level as PS/AI) when it will be thrown away for a Rise-type tool (some compare the new Captivate with Paint vs Photoshop...).




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Explorer ,
Aug 02, 2023 Aug 02, 2023

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@Dirlo thank you for the kind thought - but yes, Lilybiri is correct. Classic is clearly a great tool, but I don't want to invest my time learning something that has an already-announced EOL date. 


I really do want Cp 12 to work, and I will check back in a year, when my Rise subscription is over. If Cp is useable then, I will most likely come back. 


Thank you again to this amazing support community! I wish everyone wonderful luck.




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